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Waiting for such an uprising is a waste of time, the politicians will have sold NZ to the Chinese long beforehand.
Plus most people here are heavily indoctrinated, even the "anti-vaxers", the "anti-mandate" protesters, the "oppositional" political parties, etc, are all essentially controlled opposition.
The average NZ civilian is entirely ignorant of reality.
But anyway, if NZ were incorporated into, and became the ¿51st? state of, the mighty U.S. of A, how in the fk is President Brandon any better than jewcinda schwabdern.
They're all in cahoots, so I don't see any point, were all already in the same rusty NWO boat.
Are we not?
Eye wasn’t talking about making yew a state butt instead just a territory like Puerto Rico.

Well we’ll still hold a spot open four yew personally even if the rest of yore island is lost.

Brandon sucks, know doubt about that, butt Trump is going two bee CiC again after 2024.
So are people in new Zealand aware that rich people from other countries are buying bunkers all over your land? My family even knows a billionaire from Texas who bought a place there and transfered a ton of gold there.

Realistically the locals in new Zealand are going to be purged or slaves for a bunch of bill gates types.
Eye wasn’t talking about making yew a state butt instead just a territory like Puerto Rico.

Well we’ll still hold a spot open four yew personally even if the rest of yore island is lost.

Brandon sucks, know doubt about that, butt Trump is going two bee CiC again after 2024.
Stayt, terytori, sher yew noe eggzaktlee watt eye mynt. Sydz eyem reelee nut enta tha hoel siryndaryn mi oarthurytee ti noe kant, speshli nut noe gubmynt heer, noor n-e-fkn-weirs ellz.
Noe ophynss mynt.
Eye apreeshee8 tha gescha, tho tha eyelyndz aynt myne thaye billong ti tha Mārreez.
Eyem ool abowt ethykle yndyvydgylyzm, phreedym, trooth, groeth.
Eye wyll phyte agenst tha karupshyn, eye wyll phyte fir uthyrs, eye wyll nevah siryndah noor submyt mi salph oarthurytee oar suvryntee ti noe uthyr, eye wyld rutha chuze deth.

Fuck that was tricky.
Stayt, terytori, sher yew noe eggzaktlee watt eye mynt. Sydz eyem reelee nut enta tha hoel siryndaryn mi oarthurytee ti noe kant, speshli nut noe gubmynt heer, noor n-e-fkn-weirs ellz.
Noe ophynss mynt.
Eye apreeshee8 tha gescha, tho tha eyelyndz aynt myne thaye billong ti tha Mārreez.
Eyem ool abowt ethykle yndyvydgylyzm, phreedym, trooth, groeth.
Eye wyll phyte agenst tha karupshyn, eye wyll phyte fir uthyrs, eye wyll nevah siryndah noor submyt mi salph oarthurytee oar suvryntee ti noe uthyr, eye wyld rutha chuze deth.

Fuck that was tricky.
@CuriousFiend my friend @PleasureMoose and myself would love to have a chat with you on our show. i have a ton of questions and have a platform for you to tell us all about that cunt running NZ and what the zealanders plan on doing with that crazed loon! SKOL AND WELCOME!
Spotlight ain't for me aye, I'm willing to answer questions here and I'm in no hurry.
You saw the Bitchute clip?
There's other vids on BC also.
Seems the shill media is starting to turn on her.
So far as I can tell, a whole lot of shit is begining to go down over here, difficult to get the full picture yet.
My mate is hard out into keeping tabs and tracking the situation, I'm hoping he'll jump in here if he has a chance.
If not, I'll still post whatever I can get from him, here.
Infact I'll go hit him up now.
SKOL and cheers.
Thanks aye, I can appreciate that.

I promise I haven't taken anything personal, I think it's my weird way of communicating that seems may have caused a misperception of myself.

Here's a little context,...I've become acclimated to using the allowed dialogue at a specialized forum, where I've been using my psychological knowledge and skills to help people around the world dealing with mental health issues.

As I'm sure everyone can understand, when communicating with individuals psychologically unbalanced, the dialogue parameters are extreeeeemely restrictive, serious as stuff.

Like last night through til this morning, I was busy calming someone threatening to commit suicide, took a lot of calculated effort and the kid seems to be all good now.

After dealing with that for 14 hours, Im stoked as fuck to see the wildness up in this joint.

I'm no stranger to this sort of dialogue, I have been laughing my ass off throughout this thread so far.

It's even funnier, after stepping out for an hour, to come back and find the hilarious speculation goin on.

This makes perfect sense and I can relate to much of what you said, I think many others on this forum can too. I have to be serious all day at work and watch what I say, so this is my escape from all that bullshit along with a place to discuss things I like and also learn a lot. Most of us are pretty cool and like fucking with each other, and finally we got a place to say what we want and not get sent to Chile all the time.
Not sure why @BamaRidger got such a stinky pickle in his ass but I’m just trying to help a brutha out. If I was such a stinky fat bastard like @BamaRidger I’d be happy for the help keeping my wife happy. So you’re welcome bro
I'll be back asap, just gathering info at the moment.
Here's a bit of what the NZ mainstream propaganda avoids mention of.

•"After the High Court handed the regime their collective arses regarding mandates for Police and the Armed Forces it should have been a wake-up call for them to stop illegally breaking the Bill of Rights Act. I hazard a guess that many business owners who put in place their own draconian mandates will have uttered expletives about their own predicament in breaching the Bill of Rights."

•"There will be many workers mandated out of jobs or forced to suffer illegal medical procedures who will be eying up that judgment and looking for retribution against uncaring bosses and businesses."

•"But lawyer Stephen Franks makes a sensible suggestion for the Government, and indeed business owners as to how they can start to extricate themselves from the problems they now face:"

"@franks_lawy... One of NZ's best judges has handed Labour their "Get out of the Protest/Mandate gaol" card. Cooke J has declared unlawful vaccine mandates for Defence and Police. Now the government can end most of the foolish mandates, claiming it is giving in to the Courts, not the protestors."

"Stephen Franks @franks_lawyer"

"If course protestors will claim it vindicates them, correctly. And it is a full omelet in the face for the PM. But that's much less than she'll get if she does not use this heaven sent chance to climb off her Braunias highest horse, and end the greatest provocation of protest."

•"He's right of course, but I suspect the regime will double down and do one of two things. They will either appeal immediately, and drag this on for as long as possible, or they will immediately launch retrospective legislation under urgency to extricate themselves from their predicament."

•"Both actions of course are the actions of bullies and tyrants, but that's what they will do."

•"The tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, now having to run from protests wherever she goes, has stark choices, none of which have palatable solutions for her or her corrupted regime. Any and all choices, from announcing an end to mandates or appealing the decision, or rushing through ill-judged legislation, essentially hand victory to the protestors and those of us who stood strong and held the line against mandates."

•"As each day passes and it becomes more and more obvious that the vaccines have neither stopped people contracting Covid, nor prevented them from spreading the virus, the more apparent it is that the narrative is lost."

"Epoch Times:

Negative efficacy is upon us. Even the CDC in the United States admits that vaccines aren't preventing hospitalisation"

"COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates increased among people who got a COVID-19 vaccine following the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, according to newly published data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"According to the data, which is submitted to the CDC by health departments across the country, the COVID-19 case rate in fully vaccinated people rose by more than 1,000 percent between Dec. 11, 2021, and Jan. 8, 2022."

"Fully vaccinated refers to people who received two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine."

"The CDC doesn't count a person as fully vaccinated until 14 days have elapsed from his or her final shot."

"The case rate among those who also received a booster dose skyrocketed as well, rising some 2,400 percent between the same dates."

•"This evidence makes a mockery of all the politicians slavering away imploring people to get boosted. Israel has also proved this to be true. What has been obvious for some time is that the more you boost the worse it gets."

•"And remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?"

•"Well, that's not true either. A new study out of Sweden suggests otherwise (at least in lab-grown cells)."

•"The WHOLE narrative is crumbling. Ardern has often mocked people who suggested alternative paths, saying look at this country or that country as an answer to justify her concrete thinking and draconian policies that have beggared the nation."

"Covid-19: New Zealand currently has one of the highest R values in the world. Majenim el 1917, Feb 27 2022"
-Stuff headline-

•"How will she now explain away that we now have a higher R rate then virtually any other country had despite being much more highly vaccinated than those countries, and also on a per capita basis we have had more Covid cases today than the UK had at its height of the Omicron spread, even though they were in the middle of winter while we are still enjoying summer?"

•"It is so obvious now that despite promises to the contrary Ardern has failed. She failed to keep out Delta despite her self-claimed
world-leading MIQ system. The same goes for Omicron. She failed to order enough RAT tests, after blocking private importations and then absconding with them. She has point blank refused to extend and roll out saliva testing. Now the whole testing regime is collapsing in on itself, and contact tracing has likewise collapsed. It is a long, long litany of failure."
•"The reason that RAT tests aren't freely available at pharmacies and supermarkets is two-fold, first, the regime doesn't have enough of them and so are rationing them, and secondly, the regime doesn't trust you to act in your own self-interest."

•"The regime should admit it has lost, and give up on the unlawful mandates. They won't of course, they will cling to that last vestige of power like a drowning man clinging to flotsam."

•"End the mandates now. Then we can get on with living life and start to repair this broken nation."

•"It was broken by the regime and now the regime is broken too. They created the division, the hatred and the demonising of perfectly healthy people."

•"They created the division, the hatred and the demonising of perfectly healthy people."

•"They conned the rest of the country into believing the unvaccinated were carriers of the disease and now the evidence shows that the vaccinated are increasingly catching and spreading and getting sick enough to require hospitalisation, against the obvious lies from Ardern, Bloomfield and all the other politicians who have claimed otherwise."

•"End the mandates now. It's their only realistic option. The protestors have won, as have the unvaccinated. Some people have to pay for what they did. It is necessary for atonement to take place before we can start the reconciliation process."

•"End the mandates"

Above is all simply copy pasted as it was laid out, from;

Additionally; for the record I do not buy the whole biological "virus" nonsense, nor the jab shit.
There's more than meets the eye.
This particular deception has been foisted upon humanity for many decades,...about 11 to be more precise.


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Now if you watched the two vids above, those to this BS one by NZ mainstream propaganda,....

Gives a noticable comparison between the fake narrative and a much less fake narrative.
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So are people in new Zealand aware that rich people from other countries are buying bunkers all over your land? My family even knows a billionaire from Texas who bought a place there and transfered a ton of gold there.

Realistically the locals in new Zealand are going to be purged or slaves for a bunch of bill gates types.
FYI-Apologies TTUcamper,... you're about to get more than was asked.

•Yeah nah it is commonly known for sure, though that's not to suggest that the common NZr properly acknowledges this or any similar information, beyond simply that of a fanciful novelty, or puff piece on the nightly brainwashing broadcast.

•Overall, the majority of NZ individuals really don't give a flying fuck about things or events outside of their comfortable consumeristic bubbles and their narcissistic false selves.

#Surely, this isn't unique to NZ?

•When there is no immediate—negative effect imposed upon, and impeding, the hrly/dly/wkly/mnthly, etc slave routines, there's no reason for the lazy indoctrinated mind or body to stray from the familiar warm boundaries of cozy self gratification.

•Of course, I was brought up into this repetitious slavery cycle too, so can understand that they know not, what they do.

#Surely this is also relatable to a minority of others worldwide?

#I'm hoping there may actually be a relative majority of them amongst those using this forum.

#For that reason, is why I'm writing far, far more than is necessary to adequately address TTUcamper's OPd question, entice feedback yielding significance.

#As opposed to seemingly,...naively and pointlessly explaining that which may, or may not, to some degree, already be known.

•Yes indeed, the doomsday bunkers are widely known yet predominantly relegated to communal subconscious, effectively ignored, while some few individuals have become, and are highly aware, though are unable to efficaciously do anything except feel angrier, compounding frustration.

•A common individual directly acting alone operating ill equipped, ill prepared, against a relatively high priority facility will result in expediently being overwhelmed and crushed under the institutionalized jackboot of highly trained, well equipped, military personnel.

•On the other hand, one could instead of acting, simply attempt to talk about such things,...!BAM!,..."Conspiracy Theories",...equivalent to fantasies.

•Further attempts?,...nah fails,...the indoctrinated begin automatically perceiving, and thus identifying, the individual as the "Conspiracy Theorist".

•At this point, the individual is no longer easily accepted amongst the herd, perceived as merely a crazy person, which rapidly evolves into a communally perpetuating smear campaign,...spreading amongst localized indoctrinated.

•The only logical recourse is to break formation, seeking solitary, stealthy existence, or one could stay, persevering in the face of ever mounting social and institutional persecution, and/or eventual major psychological degradation.

•Myself,...I have tried,...and tried,...and fkn tried even harder to snap these people out of semi-awareness,...into full consciousness, just does not work.

•As far as I know it simply cannot,...unless they either escape on their own,...or they are involuntarily separated, forcefully kept isolated from the constant indoctrination reinforcing influences.

•Realistically though,...for the great majority of the indoctrinated,...there is no becoming slaves.

•From infancy,...they were enslaved,...they have always been slaves,...yes many will, and have already begun to, be purged.

•Essentially,...the slaves are specialized cattle,...they have known nothing more than being treated as cattle,...we are all considered merely as cattle.

•Am I the only one seeing this?

•I think posting this may be very risky,...however the potential benefits far exceed them.

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"[ -Truth. and. Politics.- ]"

•"[ The story of the conflict between truth and politics is an old and complicated one, and nothing would be gained by simplification or moral denunciation. Throughout history, the truth-seekers and truthtellers have been aware of the risks of their business; as long as they did not interfere with the course of the world, they were covered with ridicule, but he who forced his fellow citizens to take him seriously by trying to set them free from falsehood and illusion was in danger of his life: "If they could lay hands on [such a] man ... they would kill him," Plato says in the last sentence of the cave allegory. The Platonic conflict between truthteller and citizens cannot be explained by the Latin adage, or any of the later theories that, implicitly or explicitly, justify lying, among other transgressions, if the survival of the city is at stake. No enemy is mentioned in Plato's story; the many live peacefully in their cave among themselves, mere spectators of images, involved in no action and hence threatened by nobody. The members of this community have no reason whatever to regard truth and truthtellers as their worst enemies, and Plato offers no explanation of their perverse love of deception and falsehood. If we could confront him with one of his late colleagues in political philosophy - namely, with Hobbes, who held that only "such truth, as opposeth no man's profit, nor pleasure, is to all men welcome" (an obvious statement, which, however, he thought important enough to end his Leviathan with) - he might agree about profit and pleasure but not with the assertion that there existed any kind of truth welcome to all men. Hobbes, but not Plato, consoled himself with the existence of indifferent truth, with "subjects" about which "men care not" - e.g., with mathematical truth, "the doctrine of lines and figures" that "crosses no man's ambition, profit or lust." For, Hobbes wrote, "I doubt not, but if it had been a thing contrary to any man's right of dominion, or to the interest of men that have dominion, that the three angles of a triangle should be equal to two angles of a square; the doctrine should have been, if not disputed, yet by the burning of all books of geometry, suppressed, as far as he whom it concerned was able."2 No doubt, there is a decisive difference between Hobbes' mathematical axiom and the true standard for human conduct that Plato's philosopher is supposed to bring back from his journey into the sky of ideas, although Plato, who believed that mathematical truth opened the eyes of the mind to all truths, was not aware of it. Hobbes' example strikes us as relatively harmless; we are inclined to assume that the human mind will always be able to reproduce such axiomatic statements as "the three angles of a triangle should be equal to two angles of a square," and we conclude that "the burning of all books of geometry" would not be radically effective. The danger would be considerably greater with respect to scientific statements; had history taken a different turn, the whole modern scientific development from Galileo to Einstein might not have come to pass. And certainly the most vulnerable truth of this kind would be those highly differentiated and always unique thought trains - of which Plato's doctrine of ideas is an eminent example - whereby men, since time immemorial, have tried to think rationally beyond the limits of human knowledge. ]"

•"[ The modern age, which believes that truth is neither given to nor disclosed to but produced by the human mind, has assigned, since Leibniz, mathematical, scientific, and philosophical truths to the common species of rational truth as distinguished from factual truth. I shall use this distinction for the sake of convenience without discussing its intrinsic legitimacy. Wanting to find out what injury political power is capable of inflicting upon truth, we look into these matters for political rather than philosophical reasons, and hence can afford to disregard the question of what truth is, and be content to take the word in the sense in which men commonly understand it. And if we now think of factual truths- of such modest verities as the role during the Russian Revolution of a man by the name of Trotsky, who appears in none of the Soviet Russian history books - we at once become aware of how much more vulnerable they are than all the kinds of rational truth taken together. Moreover, since facts and events - the invariable outcome of men living and acting together - constitute the very texture of the political realm, it is, of course, factual truth that we are most concerned with here. Dominion (to speak Hobbes' language) when it attacks rational truth oversteps, as it were, its domain, while it gives battle on its own ground when it falsifies or lies away facts. The chances of factual truth surviving the onslaught of power are very slim indeed; it is always in danger of being maneuvered out of the world not only for a time but, potentially, forever. Facts and events are infinitely more fragile things than axioms, discoveries, theories - even the most wildly speculative ones-produced by the human mind; they occur in the field of the ever-changing affairs of men, in whose flux there is nothing more permanent than the admittedly relative permanence of the human mind's structure. Once they are lost, no rational effort will ever bring them back. Perhaps the chances that Euclidean mathematics or Einstein's theory of relativity - let alone Plato's philosophy - would have been reproduced in time if their authors had been prevented from handing them down to posterity are not very good either, yet they are infinitely better than the chances that a fact of importance, forgotten or, more likely, lied away, will one day be rediscovered. ]" be continued,....

Our Pal @tjhall lives in this glorious part of America.

I would like to do a symposium there
That's quite tripppy, I didn't know Hobo's, historically, were migratory workers.
Cheers for this random knowledge.
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"[ -Truth. and. Politics.- ]"

•"[ The story of the conflict between truth and politics is an old and complicated one, and nothing would be gained by simplification or moral denunciation. Throughout history, the truth-seekers and truthtellers have been aware of the risks of their business; as long as they did not interfere with the course of the world, they were covered with ridicule, but he who forced his fellow citizens to take him seriously by trying to set them free from falsehood and illusion was in danger of his life: "If they could lay hands on [such a] man ... they would kill him," Plato says in the last sentence of the cave allegory. The Platonic conflict between truthteller and citizens cannot be explained by the Latin adage, or any of the later theories that, implicitly or explicitly, justify lying, among other transgressions, if the survival of the city is at stake. No enemy is mentioned in Plato's story; the many live peacefully in their cave among themselves, mere spectators of images, involved in no action and hence threatened by nobody. The members of this community have no reason whatever to regard truth and truthtellers as their worst enemies, and Plato offers no explanation of their perverse love of deception and falsehood. If we could confront him with one of his late colleagues in political philosophy - namely, with Hobbes, who held that only "such truth, as opposeth no man's profit, nor pleasure, is to all men welcome" (an obvious statement, which, however, he thought important enough to end his Leviathan with) - he might agree about profit and pleasure but not with the assertion that there existed any kind of truth welcome to all men. Hobbes, but not Plato, consoled himself with the existence of indifferent truth, with "subjects" about which "men care not" - e.g., with mathematical truth, "the doctrine of lines and figures" that "crosses no man's ambition, profit or lust." For, Hobbes wrote, "I doubt not, but if it had been a thing contrary to any man's right of dominion, or to the interest of men that have dominion, that the three angles of a triangle should be equal to two angles of a square; the doctrine should have been, if not disputed, yet by the burning of all books of geometry, suppressed, as far as he whom it concerned was able."2 No doubt, there is a decisive difference between Hobbes' mathematical axiom and the true standard for human conduct that Plato's philosopher is supposed to bring back from his journey into the sky of ideas, although Plato, who believed that mathematical truth opened the eyes of the mind to all truths, was not aware of it. Hobbes' example strikes us as relatively harmless; we are inclined to assume that the human mind will always be able to reproduce such axiomatic statements as "the three angles of a triangle should be equal to two angles of a square," and we conclude that "the burning of all books of geometry" would not be radically effective. The danger would be considerably greater with respect to scientific statements; had history taken a different turn, the whole modern scientific development from Galileo to Einstein might not have come to pass. And certainly the most vulnerable truth of this kind would be those highly differentiated and always unique thought trains - of which Plato's doctrine of ideas is an eminent example - whereby men, since time immemorial, have tried to think rationally beyond the limits of human knowledge. ]"

•"[ The modern age, which believes that truth is neither given to nor disclosed to but produced by the human mind, has assigned, since Leibniz, mathematical, scientific, and philosophical truths to the common species of rational truth as distinguished from factual truth. I shall use this distinction for the sake of convenience without discussing its intrinsic legitimacy. Wanting to find out what injury political power is capable of inflicting upon truth, we look into these matters for political rather than philosophical reasons, and hence can afford to disregard the question of what truth is, and be content to take the word in the sense in which men commonly understand it. And if we now think of factual truths- of such modest verities as the role during the Russian Revolution of a man by the name of Trotsky, who appears in none of the Soviet Russian history books - we at once become aware of how much more vulnerable they are than all the kinds of rational truth taken together. Moreover, since facts and events - the invariable outcome of men living and acting together - constitute the very texture of the political realm, it is, of course, factual truth that we are most concerned with here. Dominion (to speak Hobbes' language) when it attacks rational truth oversteps, as it were, its domain, while it gives battle on its own ground when it falsifies or lies away facts. The chances of factual truth surviving the onslaught of power are very slim indeed; it is always in danger of being maneuvered out of the world not only for a time but, potentially, forever. Facts and events are infinitely more fragile things than axioms, discoveries, theories - even the most wildly speculative ones-produced by the human mind; they occur in the field of the ever-changing affairs of men, in whose flux there is nothing more permanent than the admittedly relative permanence of the human mind's structure. Once they are lost, no rational effort will ever bring them back. Perhaps the chances that Euclidean mathematics or Einstein's theory of relativity - let alone Plato's philosophy - would have been reproduced in time if their authors had been prevented from handing them down to posterity are not very good either, yet they are infinitely better than the chances that a fact of importance, forgotten or, more likely, lied away, will one day be rediscovered. ]" be continued,....

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We are cool but you gotta put your shit out in 3 sentences and a clip.
Learn to be a bard. You are telling the tale. No fucking one here is ever going to read a book preface. Understand?
I'm sure we are lined up but tldr
We are cool but you gotta put your shit out in 3 sentences and a clip.
Learn to be a bard. You are telling the tale. No fucking one here is ever going to read a book preface. Understand?
I'm sure we are lined up but tldr
Oooh, that's is so sweet and bard like of you,...but,...
🤣 lined up for what, are you,... objEctIfyiNg me?
How dare you 😂
Tbh though, I'm surprised that you actually seem rather upset by something so lame, when you could've simply ignored it.
Are you for real,...suggesting that I conform to Rebarcocks subjective tale of what is acceptable reality?,...coz if so, lol,...that's cute.
D'ya understand that if I, or any other, post whatever the fuck random shit I, or they, fuckin feel like posting, there's no mother fucker forcing Rebarcock to read it, that's solely the responsibility of Rebarcock to choose.
So if ya can't handle reading more than three fuckin sentences, that's your own dumb ass malfunction, let me clarify,...I,...certainly,,...not,...
Whinge all you like, doesn't change fuck all.
So are people in new Zealand aware that rich people from other countries are buying bunkers all over your land? My family even knows a billionaire from Texas who bought a place there and transfered a ton of gold there.

Realistically the locals in new Zealand are going to be purged or slaves for a bunch of bill gates types.
In case anyones interested,'s some pics I've chucked together of one of the clusters of claimed potential bunker locations in NZ-(should be easy to find on G-Earth)IMG_20220303_003802.pngIMG_20220303_000217.jpgIMG_20220303_003935.png

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