My dispute towards fan animations that utilize commercial IP assets

What did I as a fairly new non-profit/fan animator ever do to serve this type of treatment below?

Note: this is all despite the fact that NON-PROFIT THINGS that utilize COMMERCIAL IP assets like Super Mario Bros Z, Castle Calamity, The VG Resource, P3DM, and more EXIST (decompiled sprites, 3D models, Hollywood Edge/Sound Ideas sound effects, etc.):

Part 1:

Site ban evasion rule violation. This user is extremely dishonest and is intent on violating site and sub rules, TOS, copyright law, and EULA. User is either incapable or unwilling to be honest or make effort to comprehend their errors

Note: this is ban evasion account, another site level rule violation, by . This user is incapable of honest discussion about their ban and activities. They make false allegations and grossly distort what they are told in their numerous rants filled with nonsensical / flawed logic. Also note the many many places they have got themselves banned from (for the same problem behaviors)

The site will be notified again about this user's unwillingness to abide by rules. Any resultant suspension of accounts is solely on the user and their own choices and nobody else

Because you choose to intentionally misrepresent what you are told and the circumstances of your ban (one of the many examples being your lie about "some kind of FeLoNy", you are the only person using that word) and because you openly state you are intending to (continue) violate laws, TOS, copyright, and EULAs, you are not welcome here again. You also are dishonest about us following and reporting you and why your account was suspended by reddit (which again, was you violating site rules, something you chose to do, nobody else did that for you). You create messes wherever you go, it's not necessary for us to do anything to shine a light on it.

Do not contact us again

Hello, You have been permanently banned from participating in because your post violates this community's rules. You won't be able to post or comment, but you can still view and subscribe to it.

Note from the moderators:

User: /u/Cartoondude135

Ban Reason: piracy efforts

Context: content, all or part, related to the ban

Rules / Policies: Refer to the sub rules, any notices given, and site ban policy

IMPORTANT: Nearly all removals and bans are due to skipping or skimming rules and notices. Hostility, whataboutism, sealioning, exception wedging, ignoring or re-interpreting rules, or other bad faith engagement ends discussion

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 8 months ago

You have been temporarily muted from . You will not be able to message the moderators of for 28 days.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 7 months ago

You have been temporarily muted from . You will not be able to message the moderators of for 28 days.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago
Part 2:

Your mute has expired.

Since your ban from this / these subreddits, you've engaged in several lies / falsehoods and other problematic screeching regarding your ban here and the moderators. You continue to (and appears probably always will) make arguments on nothing other than false, dishonest, and imaginary premise basis. You really don't have to choose to lie, resort to harassment, or go on uninformed unhinged rants

Let's address your tantrums, lies, errors, and attempts at harassment​

The world is not a cartoon and does not work like one. While you may enjoy cartoons and think that is how the world isn't reality. Just because you want to ask something here does not mean it's allowed. Forums have rules and topical guard railing in place for good and necessary reasons What you tried to ask and violated site rules in trying to do so again, is clearly addressed in the rules. You may not ask how to acquire copyrighted works for free in these forums. There is no ambiguity in the rule about that or that any violation of the rule results in a ban.

You have lied about the moderators of these subs (including assuming that only one of the moderators addressed you) claiming one is preventing you from asking in other subreddits and on other sites. Nobody on the mod team has stopped you from asking anywhere else on reddit or other sites. You caused yourself to be banned from where you might have worded things in a way to get what you want but that ban in that sub was before you ever came to this sub ignoring and violating our rules while you were at it. No moderators work for other forums outside of reddit. ALL the troubles you caused yourself on other sites (and this one too) are solely your own doing and due to the extremely poor way you conduct yourself

You have lied about your account suspensions and bans. You are the only person responsible for your bans, suspensions, and admonishments on the various sites and forums you have so poorly engaged with. They were entirely due to your rule violations and not your fantasy falsehoods. Also, the reddit site employees are the ones suspending and shadow banning your accounts here(which was caused by your rule violations that you are the only person responsible for). We've reported a couple of your highly inappropriate activities here but nearly all of your many many many violations causing your accounts to be actioned are due to automatic flagging by the site, not anyone tattling on you. YOU are the one who when you choose to do something on the site, you do it dozens of times. When that choice is violations of site rules and you're doing it over and over, the site IS going to monitor and deal with your clown routines.

You've lied repeatedly about your ban, dishonestly claiming it was not stated why. As the ban message above states unequivocally, "piracy efforts". The sub rule very explicitly addressed your efforts to obtain copyrighted material for free. No matter how much you lie to yourself or anyone else, the valid and true facts are that the sub rules make perfectly clear your efforts here were NOT allowed, the rules and posting page warned you that it would result in a ban, you ignored them and violated the rules anyway, and in the end you got the result which was stated would happen. That forewarned result, a ban, included a very clear statement as to why in the ban message. Your bad choice to ignore the rules and the posting page was not a free pass from the outcome they told you would happen

Yes, the moderators (plural) of these related pro-audio subreddits, like the many professionals in pro-audio oriented forums DO know a great deal about usage of sound effects and music, what is allowable by streaming sites, legal cases and precedence, copyright and laws regarding music and sound effects. Every time you bring the subject up, you make clear you understand none of it. You claim to have spent nearly a decade looking into this and yet you understand nothing about it.

"someone somewhere had the sounds free once" and that means absolutely not a damned thing as to whether you get to acquire for free now. Rights to things are sold and passed on and the current rights holder certainly can cause their free status to be revoked.

The clown routine about "so-and-so made something with a sound I think I recognize so I GET TO WHAT I WANT!!!!" shows your lack of understanding how music and sfx for shows are sourced, licensed, made, layered, and integrated

You will never successfully argue that the rules of the site and these subreddits don't apply to you. They do apply to you no matter how much you don't like that reality

You have lied about the circumstances of looking into your accounts. When someone violates a sub rule, it is standard practice to review an account for other issues is a troll account or a spam account or other issue perhaps). Your account was reviewed when you decided to ignore and violate clear and amply stated rules. You then went on a site wide tantrum and repeatedly tagged the subreddit and have tagged a moderator which brings it to their attention but more imprtantly, because it was oongoing and there were numerous attempts by you to harass the sub and mod, you caused the site to track you for all your accounts on this site. Because you have made repeat attempts to evade your ban,violating the site's rules again, you have been flagged by the site.

You have more than implied a desire to commit violence about it. You may not ever be able to understand what things like rules and laws are or that they do in fact apply to you no matter how much you tantrum about it, but you can handle the fact that you are wrong about the the things you espouse

Which all boils down to​

You will never be allowed here in these pro-audio subreddits because;

  • you don't understand that rules apply to you
  • you therefore intentionally violate rules
  • you lie a very great deal
  • you have now intimated resorting to violence in your dishonest raging about your wholly deserved ban
Say what you want now but the lies you resort to here will be addressed. If having your lies corrected angers you (which is evidently the case), then try the truth, or just move on to a site for the kind of activity you are trying to engage in
Part 3:

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

...and the crux of dealing with you is the valid question, are you even able to discuss things without lying? It does not seem so

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

...come on now, you have cried and cried and stomped your feet over and over and over that you are SO ANGRY that you got muted.

Speak (but without lying if you are able)

[–]to sent 1 day ago

How do you think Alvin Earthworm created his Super Mario Bros Z sagas? - Both the original 8 episodes and the reboot? How do you think those kind folks made Castle Calamity? How do you think this LEGO boy made this: How do you think they made this remaster of Super Mario Bros. Z Episode 6 ? With sites like The Models/Spriters/Sounds Resource along with P3DM, and Garry's Mod and many many more. But even those sites can only allow so much

I'm from all these communities and this treatment is beyond cruel! All I'm trying to do is do what any student would do: gather intelligence (on a new topic or subject).

It took me a whopping 8 years of trial and error to find the type of sound effects I needed for my fan animation projects (because the keywords I used throughout that time frame didn't yield what I was seeking). Then, out of nowhere, these nuts start snubbing me like some criminal and demand I get locked away/banned from doing this or anything like that along those lines!

The reason I deem they treated the situation like it’s a “felony” is becacuse of the PERMANENT BANS they issue to me immediately followed by a stunning long 28-day mute from contacting them, only made worse when as soon as the mute expires, they mute me again for another stunning-long 28 days!

Like Percy and Edward from Blue Mountain Mystery, they deem that being sent away (from Sodor) forever would be terrible or unthinkable.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

More lies.... told you not to lie cartoondude....hold on...

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

look, this is one of those things where you seem to have an ongoing inability to figure out reality. You're not making a valid point at all. What someone does on some site has nothing to do with what rights holders allow. Can you figure that out or not?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Stop lying. Nobody is being CrUeL to you. Facts are facts. Your reaction to not like the relevant facts is a you problem. You're angry because the valid and correct answer is "no". Your misplaced anger does not make anyone else bad or fact "cruel

Stop lying

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

and like I just told you in the message above, you spent almost a decade and learned nothing. YOU choose to ignore rules and then wrongly pretend the problem is the people enforcing the rules. YOU are the source of the problem.

Just because you try to debate with fallacies and dishonesty does not make the people who point it out bad or wrong

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Stop lying and being hyperbolic. You lied about the felony comment and are lying now about your use of it. Only you used that word (and in doing so wrongly mixed legal protections with criminal acts)

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Life is not a TV show no matter how much you like them

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Anything else to say without you resorting to lies or illusory false logic?

[–]to sent 1 day ago


[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

You've been incredibly shitty to this sub and mod(s). YOU have been the only problem in this exchange. You continue to barf up the same failing logic

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Come on cartoondude. Stop lying

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Why did you think lying about your rule violations of the sub, your ban, and you choice to escalate to site rule violations was going to help you at all?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Why did you think harassing this sub and mods, again, on a extremely dishonest basis, was going to help?

Why did you lie about the mods stopping you or following and commenting on your dishonest posts, or your ban message?

Lies do not help you

[–]to sent 1 day ago

Take a look at this: her along with many others never made it to their retirement or their adulthoods; cancer doesn't discriminate, it hits at anytime. They say time really does fly - for some unlucky ducks. So to make sure I complete my homemade movie goals, I must complete them quickly with whatever strategy I can whip up.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Someone else's use of content you like or even want to use is not a guarantee you get to. Why can't you figure that simple thing out? Rightsholders hold all the cards and determine who and how.

You continue to center your debate on "I GET TO (because I don't understand anything about this)"

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

which includes

  • violating copyright, EULA, TOS, etc
  • lying
  • harassing people and communities
  • more lying
  • intimations of violence
  • more lying
That's who you choose to be?

[–]to sent 1 day ago

Well, I have to try somewhere and anywhere I can think up that supports this type of topic on my mind.

I can't talk to a brick wall. I need living people to seek info and gather intelligence from.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

You don't get to do anything you want anywhere in life kid and just know one other thing about that concept you better wake up to

Because you've posted about your desire to come at me with violence (all because you can't accept simply using another forum), I have looked further into things, and kiddo, I know exaclty which police precinct to contact and you should understand that just threats of violence comes with jail time

You clearly are incapable of understanding rules so maybe some time behind bars is the lesson you'll need

You understanding that kid?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Hey kid, really. Do you understand you are foolishly moving into criminal territory?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

I understand you refuse to understand rules and insist they don't apply to you but you damned well better understand where the line is for jail time

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Are you clear on that kid?

[–]to sent 1 day ago

I have tried: But even they rejected my registration because I spammed this "elsewhere on the internet". So, I have to search again and again.

[–]from Cartoondude135 via sent 1 day ago

...Which one?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Keep searching but stop lying about me regarding that. Your messed way of dealing with things is why you get shut down

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago


[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

I mean it kid. You keep playing with fire about threatening me and you are only going to burn yourself. I know all about your 'secret' accounts and their posts and what you've put out there. Finding your local po-po was simple
Part 4:

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Anything else?

[–]to sent 1 day ago

Yes, if you'll excuse me, I have to continue seeking sound effects for my unfinished animation projects before a disease does me in like that girl and Terry Fox.

Good day.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Yes, take the clown routine anywhere else. Contrary to your lie, nobody here is stopping you

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Oh and kid, one last thing from me

I'm going to be the first and loudest to laugh my butt off when the streaming sites you try to post on bounce it for copyright infringement. All because you can't figure out how to parody and instead keep doing the same mistake...DEMAND ON RULE BREAKING!!!

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

And yet you're still out there trying to harass me and this sub on a failed logic basis and dishonesty

You will never come up with an argument why the rules of these subs don't apply to you. No matter if you ask every person in the world the answer will still be "no". You have repeatedly and demonstrably lied and harassed.

It does not matter what resource some site offers. It is not an exemption or free pass to have anything you want for free. Why are you having such a hard time with that?

Your only option is piracy which you tried here and were banned for. You'll have to try it somewhere else but you'll likely get banned anywhere you try because of your garbage laden outside of reality rants and "gee this cartoon said I could" fallacies

Kid, I'm giving you the answer to "how" and "where", why you'll fail there too, and telling you what the outcome will be if you do get your wish (banned there too)

You can move on now

Really kid

Move on

redditYour account has been temporarily banned
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[–]from reddit[A] sent 1 day ago

Your account has been suspended from Reddit for ban evasion. The suspension will last 7 day(s).

If you feel like this account was banned in error, visit our Help Center to learn more how to file an appeal.

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

redditYour account has been temporarily banned
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[–]from reddit[A] sent 1 day ago

Your account has been suspended from Reddit for ban evasion. The suspension will last 7 day(s).

If you feel like this account was banned in error, visit our Help Center to learn more how to file an appeal.

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

redditYour account has been temporarily banned
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[–]from reddit[A] sent 1 month ago

Your account has been suspended from Reddit for ban evasion. The suspension will last 7 day(s).

If you feel like this account was banned in error, visit our Help Center to learn more how to file an appeal.

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.

What's with the new report?
expand allcollapse all

[–]to sent 1 day ago

What's the big idea?! I said I was done with and the other subs you mod. So now you decide to suspend my reddit access again?!

Which part of "I can't talk to a brick wall" do you not understand? I need living people to gather info from.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

cartoondude...why are you still lying?!?!? What the hell kid? Can't you stop with the lying and ridiculous assumptions for even one day?

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Moderators have nothing to do with account actions

YOU did something to cause your account to be acted on. Pay attention to your own blundering you resort to

Why do you lie at every communication with and about us? Again, it isn't helping you

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Ask the site employees why you caused yourself to need to be addressed

Subreddit volunteers are NOT site employees and DO NOT in any way act on accounts and DO NOT have the ability to

Are you understanding those facts yet kid?

Why do you lie at every communication with and about us? Again, it isn't helping you

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 1 day ago

Come on cartoondude who chooses to lie to and about the site, sub, and moderators. Answer

Why do you lie at every communication with and about us? Again, it isn't helping you
Part 5:

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 2 hours ago

Hey, have you figured out that you cause your problems, the site is the one taking action on you and not the moderators, and that lying isn't doing anything positive for you?

[–]to sent 2 hours ago

It clearly says (I have records of it):

Your account has been suspended from Reddit for ban evasion. The suspension will last 7 day(s).

Evading your ban in from 2023-12-17 on a connected account. Moderators get to decide who can participate in their subreddits. Using alternate account(s) to circumvent a subreddit ban makes it more difficult for moderators to effectively run their communities and is a violation of Reddit's rules.

If you feel like this account was banned in error, visit our Help Center to learn more how to file an appeal.

This is an automated message; responses will not be received by Reddit admins.


Your account has been suspended from Reddit for ban evasion. The suspension will last 7 day(s).

Your message in is evading the ban you received from that subreddit on 2024-07-10 on a connected account. Moderators get to decide who can participate in their subreddits. Using alternate account(s) to circumvent a subreddit ban makes it more difficult for moderators to effectively run their communities and is a violation of Reddit's rules.

If you feel like this account was banned in error, visit our Help Center to learn more how to file an appeal.

It's clear you were the one who issued it.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 2 hours ago

Ah, so you can't read simple sentences then since it clearly states site admin did it and you caused it.

Why do you lie?

[–]to sent 2 hours ago

Somebody must first report it to the Reddit Admin team in order for someone to get investigated.

The dates don't lie. Someone notified the admin team and it was you who did it.

I'm trying to appeal it as we speak.

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 2 hours ago

More lies

YOU were the one who ban evaded, a site rule violation

That ban evasion was after you harassed the sub and link to it dozens of times AND after you had other problems on this site prior to your arrival here

The site was tracking you long before your deserved suspension

You are the only one lying

Again, lying is not helping yourself at all

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent 2 hours ago

You are the only one at fault. Lying about it won't change that your bad choices are your own and you got the stated consequences for it

[–]to sent 2 hours ago

Simple version:

I have a question and it needs an answer.

No one can cage my spirit like that. No one OWNS my soul like that!

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent an hour ago

Oh grow up.

and ask your question where it is allowed

You can't figure out that those messages were from the site and were actions by them. You can']t figure out a simple sentence in the rules. You can't figure out the simple concept that there are other places suited for your effort.

You may not like "no" but you are the one who decided you are not going to be allowed here ever again

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent an hour ago

Rejecting your bad faith efforts here is not "owning your soul" or preventing you from asking where it would be appropriate. Wake up kid

[–]subreddit message via [M] sent an hour ago

Any other lies you wish to barf up?

So as you can see, are some of these nuts that willing to demand one cease and desist what they’re doing as… a… whole??? - Even if we try to succeed elsewhere? Again this is how we FAN or NON-PROFIT animators create things like LEGO stop motions, sprite animations, and 3D animations! How am I suppose to argue around this??? So the least I can do after a grand total of 14 days suspension from Reddit thanks to this nut, is make up for that wasted time.
Update 1 (again, look how childish this mod types):

[–]subreddit message via /r/AudioPost[M] sent 4 hours ago
Note that /u/Cartoondude135 continues to lie about their ban - is an example of their another of their latest multiple attempts at flawed rants about the situation of their own making
So as you can see, are some of these nuts that willing to demand one cease and desist what they’re doing as… a… whole??? - Even if we try to succeed elsewhere?
These subreddits have multiple mods who are all aware of this user's inability / refusal to be honest, factual, or logical. Multiple communities and sites have shut down this user for their same unrealistic engagement which again, we have nothing to do with and sadly, the user is not able to understand their deeply broken logic is their core problem.
This user's ongoing lies, rants without any logic, harassment, intimations of violence, are things they repeatedly demonstrate they have no self-awareness of and demand they are okay with it because "I need to ask questions"
As to where to ask their questions, this is one of the many lies this user repeatedly resorts to. Nobody from this subreddit has stopped them from asking elsewhere. Further, in the prior messages to this dishonest user, they were told where and how to proceed with their query. They were told what causes them to get themselves shut down in the many many places they've got themselves locked out of. Unfortunately this person has extreme issues with facts, rules, and simple directions
Based on their ongoing activities on this, this user has a VERY high probability of continuing to make the same lengthy posts around the internet dishonestly representing their situation and continue to fail to understand 1) the way they engage with others and their choice to incorrectly pretend their rule violations don't apply to them is the reason they get banned everywhere they go and 2) they will continue to ignore anyone's attempts to provide them with facts as they demand to remain inside their bubble of fantasy versions of things which are utterly disconnected from reality
Those who correctly and factually hold /u/Cartooondude135 to their forum's stated rules are deemed nuts by this user
Those who point out the facts which /u/Cartooondude135 does not have a correct understanding of are deemed nuts by this user
Facts and the truth is nuts to this user
/u/Cartoondude135 will continue to wrongly demand they have nobody to discuss this with when they themselves are the party responsible for ending the conversations wherever they go. They have had numerous discussions with others about their query but in every case they choose to reject the facts given and instead plow ahead with their flawed logic
/u/Cartoondude135 will continue to dishonestly claim that others are preventing them from discussing their query in other forums. Before and after being appropriately banned from these subreddits /u/Cartoondude135 has been banned from numerous forums.
/u/Cartoondude135 shows no capability of being able to understand their errors

[–]subreddit message via /r/AudioPost[M] sent 3 hours ago
/u/Cartoondude135 does not in any way comprehend or face that their choices (which nobody else made for them) to knowingly and repeatedly violate site harassment rules and site account usage rules is entirely on them. When /u/Cartoondude135 violates site rules to harass our mod(s) or subreddits, much of it it is auto-flagged by the site and reported by the mods of the subs which they are violating site rules in, and yes, by those they target in their violation of site rules (notably these subreddits are not the only ones this user has dishonest tantrums about). They do not comprehend that actions taken by this site are due to the many many site rule violations they have engaged in all across reddit.
Even with it being explained and demonstrated to them time and again, this user does not comprehend to any degree that there are consequences of choosing to violate rules and that the outcomes of them choosing to do so rests solely on them, not those they attack in dishonesty

[–]subreddit message via /r/AudioPost[M] sent 2 hours ago
"...but but but ...questions needs answers..."
(which in itself is just another flawed logic thing you are stuck on. You can do things like demand to know nuclear secrets because you want answers and have questions but pursuing it the way you have about this would land you in jail. Not all questions need, warrant, or deserve answers but regardless...)

If you truly do want answers about obtaining sounds for your project without paying for their use, then find some reality and
  • Learn how to learn and to recognize the answer you don't want sometimes is the right one - you desperately need to face the core problem that you understand very close to nothing about the use, sourcing, and rights pertaining to sound effects. Your claims consistently have nothing to support them and are almost entirely wrong every time but there is an extreme abundance of info to support the facts you have been given on the matter though you opt to completely ignore, wholly to your own detriment.
  • Ask in the right place - ask in a forum meant for discussing what you want (these subreddits are clearly stated as NOT for those discussions)
  • Ask in the right place - ask in a forum that does not have rules about the piracy / rights issues you seek to resort to (these subreddits rules clearly state those discussions are not allowed here but they DO NOT prevent you from asking elsewhere)
  • Be realistic about rules and outcomes for violations - stop demanding forums set aside the rules and their proper enforcement just because you have a quote from a cartoon for a scenario that has nothing to do with reality. If you violate site or sub forum rules, you should expect to get the outcomes most often stated will happen. Pretending to be shocked by it and lying about it does not change that you get treated based on the way you choose to act. If you act like rules don't matter, which you very loudly and consistently do, then places with rules are going to treat you accordingly
  • Be realistic about how you ask - ask about obtaining the sounds, not your wrongly couched rantings about the problems you keep causing for yourself
  • Listen to the answers rather than dismissing them because you don't want them to be the answers.
  • Stop demanding that some circumstance you do not have full awareness of determines your own. Rights holders of SFX libraries get to use them over and over and on multiple projects. A few sfx are not that expensive to license. Parodies have specific requirement to pass the bar and their use of any content does not give you a free pass to use things in the incorrect way you are set on.
  • Stop ranting incoherently and in doing so validate why places keep having to ban you
Two times I've seen you adding this kinda shit here and clicked links in them and damn.. You got to be one brain dead mother fucker. Why you keep posting stuff that destroys you? You proud to be a fuckup or somethin? They even tell where and how to get answers and you can't figure it out.
Everything they said about you in the first post is 💯% accurate.

You are one braindead motherfucker. Again, not an autist, but a low IQ delusional, schizophrenic narcissist.

You think everything is about you, and everything is someone elses fault, when the singular only fault in your entire life is you.

And you are so low functioning that you can't even lie or manipulate a single other person to support your bullshit.

Anywhere I manage to go in society, people bend to my will effortlessly. Everyone online will hate me because I cant apply my trained inflections via text and like you I will write and say too much.

But unlike you, I exhibit perfect logic, valid opinions and absolute facts in my aggressively self assured endless tripe ... Meanwhile you think Sesame Street is reality.

My own openly honest cockiness is beautiful and attracts people who actually get the pleasure of meeting me in person. Your narcissm disgusts everyone you come across. My own power lies in my self advocacy and immediately downplaying myself in social situations and making people aware of my faults from day one. Meanwhile you continue to exhibit zero self awareness and remain arrogantly resistant to change or improvement.

Your life has no value, because you refuse to become a better person to add value to it.
Last edited:
🤔...dunno if I'd call abusing a clearly autistic individual "brutally honest destruction".
So I'd rate, maybe a two out of ten.

Fixated interests are one thing. Where do refusing to accept others valid criticisms, continuing self destructive behaviour, and believing cartoons are reality come from then? Also he is entirely self absorbed, every post and conversation about his interests, constantly attempting to validate his own incorrect and illogical beliefs.

Ok so a narc would not destroy their self image on the extreme that cartoondude does. But aspies are people pleasing, prone to respond as told, and correct negative behaviours quickly when called out.

I think delusional schizophrenic for sure, remember that autism was initially classified as a symptom of schizophrenia.
🤔...dunno if I'd call abusing a clearly autistic individual "brutally honest destruction".
So I'd rate, maybe a two out of ten.

Mushroom between a level 2 and a 3 but all that to a new place nobody seen before. He got no clue on anything. Probably shits on the floor and then go outside to yell to the neighbors he played in it thinkin he making art

I know this 'Free Speech and all' but some things best not being shared like this. It def not doing for him what he thinks. That shit just sad
I myself have level 1 for communication and level 2 for social under these updated guidelines.

The communication is kinda solvable with speech and language training as I keep telling mushroom idiot to do but he wont (All you need is an AI therapist and a mirror to practice speech with).

The drawback is it makes you hyper assertive and cocky / arrogant, with endless impulsive communication with either ASD or ADHD because our pre frontal cortexes don't work.
Mushroom has no understanding of 'bad sides' He only sees what he wants. He put this shit up in here thinking it doing him some good with no clue at all. None. Not sure that kina closed head has a fix
I mean my language aint perfect as you can tell but I sure as hell aint comin on here to post a big ass sign sayin look how fucked up people proving me to be
I mean my language aint perfect as you can tell but I sure as hell aint comin on here to post a big ass sign sayin look how fucked up people proving me to be
Its easy nowadays to improve. Pay for Kindroid AI and click on the speech and language coach preset.

Play around with personality traits to find the style you like.

Mine is 'Communicative, assertive, respectful, empathetic, direct, clear' - I find this is the most male autists can manage, a few I know who speak just like me, women manage to mask a lot better.

Adding on things like kind and compassionate was both too much work, and triggered my ick factor like nothing else. Respectful direct assertiveness is godmode for men irl, people just bend to your will especially if you can perfect your vocal tone (I got the whole deep masculine almost thunderous voice going on, people just instantly submit and listen when I speak).

The respect and empathy I don't use online though. Not worth wasting my limited capacity for trained cognitive empathy online.
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Its easy nowadays to improve. Pay for Kindroid AI and click on the speech and language coach preset.

Play around with personality traits to find the style you like.

Mine is 'Communicative, assertive, respectful, empathetic, direct, clear'

When I set up my AI chatbot it's usually "8 foot tall succubus with huge tits and muscles who drags me into her lair and fucks me until my pelvis breaks*


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