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Ukraine Conflict


Dec 10, 2020
I heard that the average age of front line troops for Ukraine is 40yo. They aren't this old because the young people aren't fighting... Most of the younger soldiers are dead or severely wounded. Ukraine is going to be a failed state when they finally realize they lost.
Jul 1, 2023
I heard that the average age of front line troops for Ukraine is 40yo. They aren't this old because the young people aren't fighting... Most of the younger soldiers are dead or severely wounded. Ukraine is going to be a failed state when they finally realize they lost.
Every dead Ukrainian is one less person to have babies that Russia can kidnap and brainwash. Worst case scenario every dead Ukrainian is one less person Russia could later conscript if they somehow won the war.

There is no losing in this situation if you’re an American. The more dead Ukrainians & Russians there are the better off we are in the long run!

This is why it’s crucial that conflict last many more years!


Jan 9, 2021
I heard that the average age of front line troops for Ukraine is 40yo. They aren't this old because the young people aren't fighting... Most of the younger soldiers are dead or severely wounded. Ukraine is going to be a failed state when they finally realize they lost.
Already a failed state. We’re funding far more than weapons & military supplies. Their entire government is completely dependent on outside funding mostly from us.


Dec 10, 2020
AFU continues to slaughter orcs while advancing in the south and east!

Slava America! Slava Ukraini!

It's sick at this point dude. Ukrainians with knowledge of the facts are saying it's over. They can't win. The more people like you keep propping up this farce the more Ukraine will suffer. Ukraines Head General is asking Z to abandon all attacks in the south and just focus on holding as much ground as they can til next year.
Jul 1, 2023
It's sick at this point dude. Ukrainians with knowledge of the facts are saying it's over. They can't win. The more people like you keep propping up this farce the more Ukraine will suffer. Ukraines Head General is asking Z to abandon all attacks in the south and just focus on holding as much ground as they can til next year.
False. Your willingness to parrot communist propaganda that you know is misinformation is sick.

Ukrainians and anyone with knowledge of the situation realizes it’s over for Russia. The longer this goes the better position Ukraine is in.


Dec 10, 2020
False. Your willingness to parrot communist propaganda that you know is misinformation is sick.

Ukrainians and anyone with knowledge of the situation realizes it’s over for Russia. The longer this goes the better position Ukraine is in.
You're so fucking dumb its hard to believe you're a real human. Stories in Britain, Time Magazine and several other foreign sources are saying the same thing. You have to be willingly blind to keep wanting this to go on.
Jul 1, 2023
You're so fucking dumb its hard to believe you're a real human. Stories in Britain, Time Magazine and several other foreign sources are saying the same thing. You have to be willingly blind to keep wanting this to go on.
One quote by a low level staffer in a Time Magazine article doesn’t mean anything other that Western propaganda is working exactly as intended. Russia and the mouth breathers will read that and want to carry the war on further.

You’d have to be a traitor to not want this to keep going on.


Dec 10, 2020
One quote by a low level staffer in a Time Magazine article doesn’t mean anything other that Western propaganda is working exactly as intended. Russia and the mouth breathers will read that and want to carry the war on further.

You’d have to be a traitor to not want this to keep going on.
It isn't one source. Britain has been more gung ho on this war than America. Their own media isn't reporting this stuff to change the narrative..... They are reporting this to soften the inevitable loss. You're just too stupid to look past your nose.
Jul 1, 2023
It isn't one source. Britain has been more gung ho on this war than America. Their own media isn't reporting this stuff to change the narrative..... They are reporting this to soften the inevitable loss. You're just too stupid to look past your nose.
They are all western sources and they all parrot the prescribed talking points when required.

A few years from now we will get to the point that providing aid will no longer produce the returns desired and aid will cease. We all know that. In the meantime we must do everything we can to crush the Russian state by killing as many Russians as possible. If we are lucky Russia will keep fighting instead of withdrawing and cutting their losses. Either way the sanctions remain in place and their economy continues to crumble. They are ALREADY North North Korea.

Most importantly we are laying the ground work for Ukraine to continue to fight even after aid ends. IEDs, drones, shootings. That country is going to be a war zone for decades God willing.

Quit polluting your mind and the internet with Russia propaganda and instead sit back and enjoy the show!
Jul 1, 2023
Speaker Johnson comes out in support of Ukraine aid!!!

Slava America! Slava Ukraini!

Last edited:


Jul 27, 2023
Bots have no reasoning power.
Gold doesn't seem like no "bot" imo.
I mean shitbots appear to be incapable of convincingly feigning any semblance of authentic behaviour from what I've seen.

Can test for shitbots by posing simple questions—any questions ya want, using homonyms or just random made up words.

An actual living being-(*unless retarded)-should easily discern watt ant write a boat dees wards.
Jul 1, 2023


Dec 10, 2020

Even nbc is admitting it now. I also was listening to Glen Beck today and his investigative reporter was saying the US was 4 years behind on missile and artillery production. He was saying when we sent the cluster bombs to Ukraine that sent a message to Russia and China that we were out of stuff and that they probably spread that intel to the ME.

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