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The US needs an equivalent to The Free Speech Union


May 24, 2024

Currently, the only civic organization of any consequence on this subject which exists here in The US* is FIRE, and their approach remains a highly legalistic one

That won't diminish the power of cancel culture though, until a sizeable and vigorous portion of us start promoting "Free Speech Culture"** on a social level

*Post-Charlottesville, The ACLU has pretty much abandoned championing Free Speech

**"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation.

The idea is that we cannot reap the benefits of the First Amendment’s protection for free speech in a society where citizens are legally able to speak freely but few of them do so. A college can, for example, promise its students and faculty “the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.” But if the culture doesn’t support those values, what do they matter? As Judge Learned Hand put it: “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.”




May 20, 2024

Currently, the only civic organization of any consequence on this subject which exists here in The US* is FIRE, and their approach remains a highly legalistic one

That won't diminish the power of cancel culture though, until a sizeable and vigorous portion of us start promoting "Free Speech Culture"** on a social level

*Post-Charlottesville, The ACLU has pretty much abandoned championing Free Speech

**"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation.

The idea is that we cannot reap the benefits of the First Amendment’s protection for free speech in a society where citizens are legally able to speak freely but few of them do so. A college can, for example, promise its students and faculty “the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.” But if the culture doesn’t support those values, what do they matter? As Judge Learned Hand put it: “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.”


That name, 'Free Speech Union' seemed familiar, although I wasn't sure until double checking just now.

There is a branch of the FSU in NZ that I have been aware of since it popped up during '21... around the same time dozens of other supposed "alternative"/"counter"/"oppositional" online groups, movements, communities, media and other such organizations suddenly sprang into existence as if from nowhere.

All of them shared one very particularly notable commonality.

Somehow they all came with pre-established supporter networks, members, finances, and so forth.

This simply doesn't occur naturally online.

It just is not possible to spontaneously appear on the scene with an already established viable social networking seed base in the span of days, weeks or months, especially before ever actually going public at all.

These are Controlled Opposition.

Of course such organizations go to considerable efforts to perform portrayals of themselves very publicly as if genuine opposition, while the mainstream plays along from the other side pretending to attack them.

Its definitely not all black & white though, eg: these cults, both main & alt-streams often pretend to attack other cults on their own "sides" too.

Its all part of the ongoing subversive social engineering crap. Using mass media to create falsely dichotomous ideological cults while manipulating everyone to identify with one side or other via "perception management" strategies and various other tricks.

~Panem et circenses~

A simple way to identify these fuckers, is by their apparent obsession with symbolism shit.






May 24, 2024
That name, 'Free Speech Union' seemed familiar, although I wasn't sure until double checking just now.

There is a branch of the FSU in NZ that I have been aware of since it popped up during '21... around the same time dozens of other supposed "alternative"/"counter"/"oppositional" online groups, movements, communities, media and other such organizations suddenly sprang into existence as if from nowhere.

All of them shared one very particularly notable commonality.

Somehow they all came with pre-established supporter networks, members, finances, and so forth.

This simply doesn't occur naturally online.

It just is not possible to spontaneously appear on the scene with an already established viable social networking seed base in the span of days, weeks or months, especially before ever actually going public at all.

These are Controlled Opposition.

Of course such organizations go to considerable efforts to perform portrayals of themselves very publicly as if genuine opposition, while the mainstream plays along from the other side pretending to attack them.

Its definitely not all black & white though, eg: these cults, both main & alt-streams often pretend to attack other cults on their own "sides" too.

Its all part of the ongoing subversive social engineering crap. Using mass media to create falsely dichotomous ideological cults while manipulating everyone to identify with one side or other via "perception management" strategies and various other tricks.

~Panem et circenses~

A simple way to identify these fuckers, is by their apparent obsession with symbolism shit.


*CCCPView attachment 218061

View attachment 218060

View attachment 218062

One can read signs of "Control Opposition" into damn near everything. At a certain point, that becomes an excuse for us to not start fighting for free speech on a social level


May 24, 2024
That name, 'Free Speech Union' seemed familiar, although I wasn't sure until double checking just now.

There is a branch of the FSU in NZ that I have been aware of since it popped up during '21... around the same time dozens of other supposed "alternative"/"counter"/"oppositional" online groups, movements, communities, media and other such organizations suddenly sprang into existence as if from nowhere.

All of them shared one very particularly notable commonality.

Somehow they all came with pre-established supporter networks, members, finances, and so forth.

This simply doesn't occur naturally online.

It just is not possible to spontaneously appear on the scene with an already established viable social networking seed base in the span of days, weeks or months, especially before ever actually going public at all.

These are Controlled Opposition.

Of course such organizations go to considerable efforts to perform portrayals of themselves very publicly as if genuine opposition, while the mainstream plays along from the other side pretending to attack them.

Its definitely not all black & white though, eg: these cults, both main & alt-streams often pretend to attack other cults on their own "sides" too.

Its all part of the ongoing subversive social engineering crap. Using mass media to create falsely dichotomous ideological cults while manipulating everyone to identify with one side or other via "perception management" strategies and various other tricks.

~Panem et circenses~

A simple way to identify these fuckers, is by their apparent obsession with symbolism shit.


*CCCPView attachment 218061

View attachment 218060

View attachment 218062

Although niw that The Foundation For Individual Rights And Expression ( https://www.thefire.org/about-us/our-team?category=1575 )is no longer confining themselves to a solely legalistic approach (2:10-4:00 https://reason.com/podcast/2022/06/08/greg-lukianoff-saving-culture-free-speech/ ), and launching a campaign to promote Free Spech values on a social level, everyone needs to ring FIRE up https://www.thefire.org/contact-us , ask to speak to the mobilization team, and volunteer their services to FIRE

Our social climate will just grow even more constricted and repressive, if more of us don't start championing free expression. Publicly, regularly, and vociferously


May 24, 2024
Do you mean, like...😄on behalf of the FIRE.ORG & the FSU network...or something?

Yes. Volunteer to aid FIRE's efforts to promote Free Speech Culture* on the social level

*"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation"

Jul 9, 2022
Special care must be taken in "Free Speech".

On this forum, we are a buch of fucktards who argue over everything, or play circle jerk, or both. No one cares of our opinions here. Unless you say the wrong thing.

You have to be willing to pay for your "free speech" in other words.

A large, sponsored fellowship of people who maintain free speech as there call to action, will be the last organization to support it, when all the chips are down.

Free speech means "say whatever you want", or "align yourself with a particular group"...........what happens when one group has much more power than the other.

It is an insidious way of allowing your enemies to show themselves, without them even knowing it.

Just my two cents.

With that being said, fuck'em


May 20, 2024
Yes. Volunteer to aid FIRE's efforts to promote Free Speech Culture* on the social level
*"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation"

Frankly mate, there are several aspects which are variably suspicious.


1. On the several occasions I've engaged with you, you've thus far proven inclined toward being somewhat standoffish/tight-lipped, as well as unnecessarily & unreasonably evasive with your responses...yet furthermore still, these generally appear afflicted with variable ambiguity. Why?

2. The demonstrated fact is that you are clearly proactively advocating recruitment for this FIRE organization-(as well as that other stealth communistic FSU network), meanwhile also seeming to be-(unconvincingly)-portraying the digitally projected; "MechaJutaro" character; as if simply being: "just another average everyday independent community member"—"but who's also selflessly acting in support of an honorable cause." Is this not so the case?

3. If #2 were inaccurate, then by all means, please do explain why you've demonstrably reacted with evasive manoeuvering via that gaslighting attempt in your (post#3) response to my (post#2) opinions on the FSU network(?)

Rather than, (a) discussing with me and exploring our opinions, you've instead chosen, (b) to employ a common covert silencing tactic intended for inducing lymbic hijack, as exampled with:
One can read signs of "Control Opposition" into damn near everything.
Sure I may somewhat agree with that assertion, in so far as; one certainly may discern from abundantly evident indicators of clandestine social & perceptual management activities.

At a certain point, that becomes an excuse for us to not start fighting for free speech on a social level
However, with the conclusions here...I find disagreement.

Such as: with the implied false presumptions of this ~ "us" ~ as to preclude innocence thereof:

(i) Ignorance.
(ii) Delusion
(iii) Cowardice
(iv) Dereliction
(v) Dishonor

Not forgetting one other retardedly ironic fact, that, of all the places to post that laughably mediocre shitburger....😂ya posted it on the fuckin' actual: TheFreeSpeechForum.com


May 20, 2024
Special care must be taken in "Free Speech".

On this forum, we are a buch of fucktards who argue over everything, or play circle jerk, or both. No one cares of our opinions here. Unless you say the wrong thing.

You have to be willing to pay for your "free speech" in other words.
I agree.
And furthermore, this is very much what I mean by:

One's Freedom
One's Response-Ability

As one exists not without the other.

A large, sponsored fellowship of people who maintain free speech as there call to action, will be the last organization to support it, when all the chips are down.

Free speech means "say whatever you want", or "align yourself with a particular group"...........what happens when one group has much more power than the other.

It is an insidious way of allowing your enemies to show themselves, without them even knowing it.

Just my two cents.

With that being said, fuck'em
😄 Again I can agree, although I can't help chuckle at the unwavering belief that every individual is inherently beguiled by "power".

Believe as you will of course, yet there may be prudence in considering potential implications whereby not all individuals were so alike.
Jul 9, 2022
I agree.
And furthermore, this is very much what I mean by:

One's Freedom
One's Response-Ability

As one exists not without the other.

😄 Again I can agree, although I can't help chuckle at the unwavering belief that every individual is inherently beguiled by "power".

Believe as you will of course, yet there may be prudence in considering potential implications whereby not all individuals were so alike.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021

Currently, the only civic organization of any consequence on this subject which exists here in The US* is FIRE, and their approach remains a highly legalistic one

That won't diminish the power of cancel culture though, until a sizeable and vigorous portion of us start promoting "Free Speech Culture"** on a social level

*Post-Charlottesville, The ACLU has pretty much abandoned championing Free Speech

**"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation.

The idea is that we cannot reap the benefits of the First Amendment’s protection for free speech in a society where citizens are legally able to speak freely but few of them do so. A college can, for example, promise its students and faculty “the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.” But if the culture doesn’t support those values, what do they matter? As Judge Learned Hand put it: “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.”


Looks like some people were way ahead of the curve.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Ask me, Trump, Alex Jones, or any other J6er, and we'll all tell you, DoJ is captured. They've gone full Stalin.
Since JFK. Small truth big lies to control. Really all the more powerful agencies are captured including the low end paper pushers. I'd add until sedition charges are brought against people this will not end


May 24, 2024
Special care must be taken in "Free Speech".

On this forum, we are a buch of fucktards who argue over everything, or play circle jerk, or both. No one cares of our opinions here. Unless you say the wrong thing.

You have to be willing to pay for your "free speech" in other words.

A large, sponsored fellowship of people who maintain free speech as there call to action, will be the last organization to support it, when all the chips are down.

Free speech means "say whatever you want", or "align yourself with a particular group"...........what happens when one group has much more power than the other.

It is an insidious way of allowing your enemies to show themselves, without them even knowing it.

Just my two cents.

With that being said, fuck'em

We're all currently languishing in a cultural atmosphere where the sort of folk whom Sam Morril took to task here 0:23-0:56, this many years ago, exert a stranglehold over nearly all of our major institutions. Let's note how few forums outside of TFSF will allow a post like this to stand

Rather than capitulating to screeches of "That's Problematic!!!", inevitably emitted by a handful of anime-haired, safe space-loving, Preferred Pronoun-using whackadoodles

Our social climate won't become less repressive on it's own, without a substantial number of everyday people like us promoting Free Speech Culture, in our neighborhoods and communities


May 24, 2024
And let's not be surprised if Trump's personality cult calling for greater legal and social suppression of free speech now, using the recent assassination attempt as a justification


Sep 22, 2023
Special care must be taken in "Free Speech".

On this forum, we are a buch of fucktards who argue over everything, or play circle jerk, or both. No one cares of our opinions here. Unless you say the wrong thing.

You have to be willing to pay for your "free speech" in other words.

A large, sponsored fellowship of people who maintain free speech as there call to action, will be the last organization to support it, when all the chips are down.

Free speech means "say whatever you want", or "align yourself with a particular group"...........what happens when one group has much more power than the other.

It is an insidious way of allowing your enemies to show themselves, without them even knowing it.

Just my two cents.

With that being said, fuck'em

Perhaps you have identified the problem. On these discussion boards when someone doesn't like what you post, they flame you. If you are successful; if you become a threat to the status quo, the system will send one of their CIs in to disrupt what you say. They go to extremes in order to censor you.

Most people know that and avoid discussion boards, but I haven't gotten the X deal, FB, etc. Why do people tolerate that level of censorship unless it is to avoid the stalkers, disinformation agents and grasshoppers? I'm a walking example of what it's like to have an ideology that the powers that be don't want you to consider. They send their best so, in all honesty, I use these boards to find the most critical things and then address those in podcasts, radio appearances, etc. But, I still pay a hefty price for speaking out. It's a price most of you wouldn't want to pay.

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