The end of the First Amendment

I do not and will never believe in a 'creator'.

No human can possibly have knowledge of if or how the universe was 'created'.

Religion serves as a hypothesis only, as do scientific ideas on this topic, but there is no way humans will never know with 100% certainty unless somehow we can directly observe a universe forming.
I do not and will never believe in a 'creator'.

No human can possibly have knowledge of if or how the universe was 'created'.

Religion serves as a hypothesis only, as do scientific ideas on this topic, but there is no way humans will never know with 100% certainty unless somehow we can directly observe a universe forming.
NASA seems to be seeing a universe forming.

Did anyone try to claim differently?
I don't think so.

Requirement for what?
To have your natural human Rights as a free man, as spelled out in the DOI and Constitution.

I do not and will never believe in a 'creator'.
You still somehow got here. There was a time that you were not here, and then there came a point that you were. What happened betwixt those two points? You were created.

No human can possibly have knowledge of if or how the universe was 'created'.
But that doesn't preclude knowing that you were created, somehow.

How galaxies form is inconsequential to 'Where did the matter come from in the first place?'
It was created, somehow. Same as you.
I do not and will never believe in a 'creator'.
I'm assuming by; "creator", you're meaning this in the biblical creationist sense(?)

If so, then I am with you in that neither do I believe in it in the creationist sense, although I suspect what they're unwittingly worshipping, is an abhorrent influencing force that exists—but is far from what they believe.

I do not think there is any logic to the creationist concept of a "creator", like some supreme god dude chilling up in "heaven" playing out the divine equivalent to Sid Meier's 'Civilisation' games.

😄My current view is that there is a primordial source from whence all of everything and all of nothing emanates, however it isn't an anthropomorphized creator nor a god, it simply is what it is, whatever that may be.

Whereas the influencing force/"creator" could be defined as an anomalous corrupting parasitic emanation which feeds off of pure emanations from the primordial source....and what we perceive as physical matter...😂is basically the digested excrement of the parasitic force.

Thus, our physical bodily constructs would be comprised entirely of this parasite shit, yet our consciousness, our individuated awareness, isn't a physical aspect but unmolested sparks of pure primordial emanations embodied within—and which enlivens, vitalizes & so forms—our physical embodiments, as opposed to non-living physical matter.

Therefore our primary purpose in life is to overcome the inhibitions, impositions and other corrupting influences seeping from our transient physical embodiments & from all matter-reality.

Ultimately my intended point here is suggesting that there is no creationist "creator" "god", and yet there exists innumerable individuated creators...each self-embodied as their creations from which they emanate.

In simple terms I'm pretty much saying you, me, all other individuals and all lifeforms are creators.

No human can possibly have knowledge of if or how the universe was 'created'.

Religion serves as a hypothesis only, as do scientific ideas on this topic, but there is no way humans will never know with 100% certainty unless somehow we can directly observe a universe forming.
Again, I completely agree.
NASA seems to be seeing a universe forming.

😄Its much like watching debris from a storm being carried along by the flow of water towards a drainage sump and eventually piling up, forming a blockage.

😂👍Ffs! Great stuff!
Προφανώς είχα τυφλό σημείο.

Finally makes sense as to why most "religious"—and "non-religious"/"atheist" occult idolaters in general just cannot seem to fathom the perspectives I share.

Bloody'ell I've been grappling with this cuntified disconnect for years now, and yet...🤣the whole time the core issue was so retardedly simple.

Αγνοούσα τις υλιστικές θεμελιώδεις αρχές τους.

It is extremely curious that the Babylonian occultic "religions"–(as, for example the; "Jewish" sect of the so-called; "Christianity" cults)–all sharing one critical commonality, therein maintaining that;
"Matter is good."

"The world is good."

"It was created by God."

"God is just."

"God is good."

"And created something good for man."

"God said; 'Let there be light, and there was light, and God saw that light was good."

🤔 me, that shit is glaringly Talmudic.

Butt I'm only one and I may well be mistaken, meanwhile billions of "christian"-identifying individuals may also see things otherwise too.

So I got an opinion from a "christian";
"Christianity does not teach that reality is divided between physical and spiritual."

"Christianity teaches reality is divided between creator and creation."

"Think of the creation of Adam."

"God forms man out of the dust of the ground — that's physical — breathes into him the breath of life — that's spiritual."

"And man becomes a living soul."

"We don't have souls; we are souls."

"And to be a human soul is to be embodied."

"Our bodies are essential, not incidental, to our humanness."

"One of the first heresies, in fact, dealt with and condemned as such in the early church, was Gnosticism, a view which divides reality between the physical and the spiritual."

"The spiritual is good."

"But the physical matter is bad, or at least irrelevant."

"Christian-Gnostics within the Church taught that Jesus could not have really taken on physical flesh, because the physical is bad."

•"He only appeared to be a man."

"But the Church fathers saw this for the heresy that it was."

[😏And by "heresy", meaning; threat to their occultic world domination.]

"If Jesus did not really have a body, who was crucified?"

[☝️😄Clearly misrepresentative.]

"And who rose from the dead?"

[🤣Ahh ffs!]

"And how could he really be one who, in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin?"


"Didn't Paul say if Christ be not risen from the dead, our faith is pointless and we're without hope?"

[😂Lmao, shamelessly amateurish deception, and in answer to the query; I'd say that it is, and it is far worse than mere pointlessness as it is a faith founded upon inversions, on falsehoods and untruths. And fuckin' oats there ain't no hope, for it is a faith of lies created for luring the hopeless further down into the abyss.]

[Even still, absolutely any moment one wills it so, the hopelessly entralled "faithful"-"christians" may freely regain their abandoned hope by reasserting natural authority as one's-self-created-self-creator.]

{💥Huak Tuah!💥}



{🌱Good fortune smiles upon you!🌱}

"Most chose to be slaves."

"Many chose to be masters."

"Some chose to be gods."

"Few chose to be."

"Gnosis means knowledge."

"But we are not referring to just any knowledge."

"Gnosis is knowledge which pro-duces a great transformation in those who receive it."

"Knowledge capable of nothing less than waking up man and helping him to escape from the prison in which he finds himself."

"That is why Gnosis has been so persecuted throughout the course of history, be-cause it is knowledge considered dangerous for the religious and political authorities who govern mankind from the shadows."

"Every time this religion, absolutely different from the rest, appears before man, the other religions unite to try to destroy or hide it again."

"Primordial Gnosis is the original Gnosis, true Gnosis, eternal Gnosis, Gnostic knowledge in its pure form."

"Due to multiple persecutions, Primordial Gnosis has been fragmented, distorted and hidden."

"By recovering and uniting the scattered fragments, Primordial Gnosis can be reconstructed and brought to the world once again."

"This book is a complete synthesis of the forbidden theology of Primordial Gnosis."

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😂Fuckin'ell I'm still crackin' up about "christianities" fundamental materialism.

No wonder "christian" cult idolators are so often prone to shameless arrogance & hypocrisy.

😆..."biblical religious christianity" is merely the inverse of "atheistic theoretical scientism"....each ritualistically idolizing the material world according to their respective fictional ideologies while delusionally believing theirs superior to any other.

Look at TheResister, or Hoosier In Madtown, or any other deluded 'holier than thou' preacher muppet hiding their festering corrupted-selves behind the pseudo-"virtuosity" of their biblical occultism.

Does TheResister ever hold his-self accountable with or without being called out for his compulsive lying...🤣...nup! That feral dipshit just doubles down and lies harder.

Even the whole "heaven" fairytale reeks of flagrant narcissism.
There has to be a start?

🤔...well, according to logic, if some-thing exists and it cannot come from no-thing, therefore nothing became something because something already existed.
Logic? HAHA.

Sure, but that accounts for what we know. God transcends time. Time is key, if you control time, then none of the "causality arguements" matter.

The "start" is what we would see it as, whether it is really a "start" or not is another matter indeed.
We start a race, and finish the race......this is how we look at it, as it is our only way to see it.
Logic? HAHA.

Sure, but that accounts for what we know.

What accounts for what we know?

And what is it we know?

God transcends time.
How so?

Time is key, if you control time, then none of the "causality arguements" matter.
Ever noticed while busy, that "time" can seem to fly by?

Whereas if waiting for someone or something, "time" can seem to drag on?

Whenever noticing this "temporal anomaly", does "time" speed up or slow down for anyone else as well?
😂Fuckin'ell I'm still crackin' up about "christianities" fundamental materialism.

No wonder "christian" cult idolators are so often prone to shameless arrogance & hypocrisy.

😆..."biblical religious christianity" is merely the inverse of "atheistic theoretical scientism"....each ritualistically idolizing the material world according to their respective fictional ideologies while delusionally believing theirs superior to any other.

Look at TheResister, or Hoosier In Madtown, or any other deluded 'holier than thou' preacher muppet hiding their festering corrupted-selves behind the pseudo-"virtuosity" of their biblical occultism.

Does TheResister ever hold his-self accountable with or without being called out for his compulsive lying...🤣...nup! That feral dipshit just doubles down and lies harder.

Even the whole "heaven" fairytale reeks of flagrant narcissism.

I keep getting told off on reddit for 'armchair diagnosing' narcs - 'only 1% of people have narcissism'.

Complete BS. Narcs are the last type of mental health lunatics that will ever seek help for their mental health, believing themselves to always be perfect. Its more like 10% of wypipo and 50% of shitskins are narcs (Must become a doctor idiots = narc parents).

Also any of the personality terms in personality disorders can exist without the disorder as a temporary thing. People can gain a sense of grandiosity after getting a big job promotion, riding the high for a few weeks displaying narcissism and bragging until the high wears off, this is fine and normal. Some people can spiral into avoidancy temporarily for months following a setback. It becomes a personality disorder when it is embedded into your daily functioning from the brain getting rewired from trauma.
I keep getting told off on reddit for 'armchair diagnosing' narcs - 'only 1% of people have narcissism'.
😄Something similar went on while I was a volunteer at a UK mental health forum several years back.

Thing is, the entire gambit of Cluster Bs, when in large numbers, once we really start tearin' off their masks, they very quickly tend to begin loosely working together specifically to destroy us.

Should also highlight that they mostly seem to do this unconsciously, like, they're not fully aware of the reality nor of what they're actually doing, rather just reacting & doing whatever feels natural to them at any given moment... while of course, 9 times out of 10, absolutely convinced they are the "good guys".

Complete BS. Narcs are the last type of mental health lunatics that will ever seek help for their mental health, believing themselves to always be perfect.
Yeah man, you're absolutely on point there too.

Its more like 10% of wypipo and 50% of shitskins are narcs (Must become a doctor idiots = narc parents).
I can only speak from experience, so I'd say the percentage for "whitey" is probably much closer to 85-90% aye mate.

Eg: Just from my immediate family, ie: me + 4 siblings + 2 parents, thus 7 in total...😅6 are Cluster Bs.

Also any of the personality terms in personality disorders can exist without the disorder as a temporary thing. People can gain a sense of grandiosity after getting a big job promotion, riding the high for a few weeks displaying narcissism and bragging until the high wears off, this is fine and normal. Some people can spiral into avoidancy temporarily for months following a setback. It becomes a personality disorder when it is embedded into your daily functioning from the brain getting rewired from trauma.
Kinda sounds like you might be referring to the distinction between: full blown "Cluster B"-"Personality Disorders" ~vs~ "Cluster B"-Traits(?)


What accounts for what we know?

And what is it we know?

How so?

Ever noticed while busy, that "time" can seem to fly by?

Whereas if waiting for someone or something, "time" can seem to drag on?

Whenever noticing this "temporal anomaly", does "time" speed up or slow down for anyone else as well?
What do we know? We..... I am not sure, but I know that 2+2=4, to start with, and that branches off into a bunch of stuff. I know that if I jump out of a plane without a parachute, the landing will not be nice.

I believe that God is the creator of all things. And I do mean all things. That includes time. If one "creates" time then by definition, they are without time.

The phenomenon you are talking about is called "time dilation". It is common in life threatening situations. It is the brain allowing a higher percentage of its "power" to a specific thing.

This same process that the mind goes through, assigns a hierarchy, if you will, to a set of assigns importance through proximity, movement, color, and other learned factors, such as if someone has a gun, or there is a fire.

An example of this is the old video of the kids dressed in white, throwing a red ball, and you count the number of passes between the kids. All the while, a black gorilla, walks right across the screen, and it is invisible. Sure, if you watch the video now, you will see the gorilla, but the first time, nearly everyone, 99%, do not see it.

Correlation is not causality, and although sometimes it can seem that way, more times than not, the truth is either more simple, or more complex than correlation would have one suppose. Of course this is not always the case, but in more in depth topics like this one, it is important to know the processes.

The above is taught, and trained against with many fighting forces that operate in urban terrain, or in buildings. It can mean the difference between life and death.
😂Fuckin'ell I'm still crackin' up about "christianities" fundamental materialism.

No wonder "christian" cult idolators are so often prone to shameless arrogance & hypocrisy.

😆..."biblical religious christianity" is merely the inverse of "atheistic theoretical scientism"....each ritualistically idolizing the material world according to their respective fictional ideologies while delusionally believing theirs superior to any other.

Look at TheResister, or Hoosier In Madtown, or any other deluded 'holier than thou' preacher muppet hiding their festering corrupted-selves behind the pseudo-"virtuosity" of their biblical occultism.

Does TheResister ever hold his-self accountable with or without being called out for his compulsive lying...🤣...nup! That feral dipshit just doubles down and lies harder.

Even the whole "heaven" fairytale reeks of flagrant narcissism.
You'll like this one, he's from your neck of the woods.

What do we know? We..... I am not sure, but I know that 2+2=4, to start with, and that branches off into a bunch of stuff. I know that if I jump out of a plane without a parachute, the landing will not be nice.

I believe that God is the creator of all things. And I do mean all things. That includes time. If one "creates" time then by definition, they are without time.

The phenomenon you are talking about is called "time dilation". It is common in life threatening situations. It is the brain allowing a higher percentage of its "power" to a specific thing.

This same process that the mind goes through, assigns a hierarchy, if you will, to a set of assigns importance through proximity, movement, color, and other learned factors, such as if someone has a gun, or there is a fire.

An example of this is the old video of the kids dressed in white, throwing a red ball, and you count the number of passes between the kids. All the while, a black gorilla, walks right across the screen, and it is invisible. Sure, if you watch the video now, you will see the gorilla, but the first time, nearly everyone, 99%, do not see it.

Correlation is not causality, and although sometimes it can seem that way, more times than not, the truth is either more simple, or more complex than correlation would have one suppose. Of course this is not always the case, but in more in depth topics like this one, it is important to know the processes.

The above is taught, and trained against with many fighting forces that operate in urban terrain, or in buildings. It can mean the difference between life and death.

Whale aisle admit eye may or may knot have been aye hardcore SCI-FI nerd.


Couldn't tell ya how many times I've rewatched the entire SG1, Atlantis & Universe series...😂



"One of any number of technologies capable of generating an energy barrier which disrupts time and space. Inside such a field time can move faster or slower, depending on the settings of the device which operates it."


"This technology was used as a means to combat the Replicators by activating a time dilation device on Hala that would trap the Replicators in a field where time would be slowed by a factor of 104, allowing the Asgard to buy enough time to devise a way to eliminate the Replicators entirely."



Whale aisle admit eye may or may knot have been aye hardcore SCI-FI nerd.

View attachment 218418

Couldn't tell ya how many times I've rewatched the entire SG1, Atlantis & Universe series...😂

View attachment 218419

View attachment 218420

"One of any number of technologies capable of generating an energy barrier which disrupts time and space. Inside such a field time can move faster or slower, depending on the settings of the device which operates it."

View attachment 218421

"This technology was used as a means to combat the Replicators by activating a time dilation device on Hala that would trap the Replicators in a field where time would be slowed by a factor of 104, allowing the Asgard to buy enough time to devise a way to eliminate the Replicators entirely."

View attachment 218422


all of this is of course, SCI FI
Straight down? From my perspective, you'll need to dig straight up. lol
Technically, and also disregarding the certainty of terminal broiling by around ~2.5 miles in.
From my perspective, I'd be digging downward to the core, but then upwards from there on.


~"Placing the North Pole at the top of a map is purely a convention."~

~"There is no reason why the South Pole should not be at the top."~



~"The convention of “North = up” probably came about in the early days of global exploration, when maps of the world were first being drawn, because the explorers came from the north."~

~"In ancient times, maps were usually drawn with east at the top, since that way Jerusalem was toward the top of the map."~

~"Later, maps were oriented with north at the top for sailing ships, since that made it easier to do navigational calculations and use a magnetic compass."~

Also, an alternative to another convention:

Of course free speech cannot survive in a society populated by modern scum. My problem with Alex Jones is that he fails to understand that the American people are worthless moronic scum.

All amendments became null and void after the Act of 1872 turning America into a corporation US Inc. The president became nothing more than Ronald McDonald at your local McDonalds. Then more recently in 2020 the US became solvent and liquidated everything as all assets are owned by yours truly the Rothchild's and the President is officially the president of nothing.
All amendments became null and void after the Act of 1872 turning America into a corporation US Inc. The president became nothing more than Ronald McDonald at your local McDonalds. Then more recently in 2020 the US became solvent and liquidated everything as all assets are owned by yours truly the Rothchild's and the President is officially the president of nothing.
•"Within the corporate structure, the Chairman and CEO are the two highest-ranking roles within their respective entities."

•"The CEO leads the company, while the Chairman leads the Board of Directors."

•"American companies are generally led by a CEO."

•"In some companies, the CEO also has the title of "president"."

•"In other companies, a president is a different person, and the primary duties of the two positions are defined in the company's bylaws (or the laws of the governing legal jurisdiction)."

Best I can tell, a Corporation's 'Chief Executive Officer' is a higher ranked title than a Corporation's 'President', although the 'CEO' may sometimes simultaneously hold both titles, but each are still ranked well below a Corporation's 'Chairman of the Board', 'Managing Director', as well as the Corporation's 'Board of Directors' too.

So the USA Corporation's 'President', regardless whether or not simultaneously holding 'CEO' rank, is therefore subordinate to a 'Board of Directors', a 'Managing Director', & a 'Chairman of the Board' of the USA Corporation(?)
Quoted from Quora; under the question titled:

"Why do people think that the US is a corporation owned by the city of London? What is the basis for this?"

"The reason people think this, is because Washington D.C. is owned by London, District of Columbia & the Vatican."

"All three have extreme influence on this country."

"A look at the various treaties raises the question of whether the US remains a part of the British Crown colony."

"The basis of this goes back to the first Charter of Virginia, which in 1606 granted Britain the right to colonize America."

"It also gave the British King/Queen sovereign authority over colonized America and its citizens."

"Colonized America was created after stealing America from the Native Indians."

"If America was colonized with British subjects, then these people are subjects of the British Government."

"To negate this was the Treaty of 1783 declaring independence from Great Britain. However, this Treaty identifies the King/Queen of England as the Prince of the United States."

"(please refer"

"The 1794 Treaty signed between England adds to the question why would US need to sign Treaty’s with England 13 years after the Paris Treaty of 1783 declaring US independent?"

"In 1913 the Federal Reserve was passed by US Congress handing over America’s gold and silver reserves and total control of America’s economy to the Rothschild’s."

"Don’t believe me, do some research."

"The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system that does not belong to America or Americans."

"THE BANKING ACT OF 1933 & EXCUTIVE ORDER 1601 is how we were once removed from the gold standard and how Americans lost all there gold."


"The excutive order allowed for the seisure of all american safety deposit boxes by the Treasury of the United States on behalf of the Federal Reserve by making hoarding gold illegal."

"After 40 years they repealed the Act and now the largest “horders” of gold on the planet."

"Also they bought most of it for 20.47 a troy oz."

"Today its worth 2000 an oz."

"The sale of the United States is the reason you have a CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures) number on the bottom of your birth certificate."

"A number that you can find as a security on the New York Stock Exchange. Why?"

"Because you are worth money to the bank that bought you during the bankruptcy of America in 1933."

"This is why even after you own your land and house outright for example you still pay land taxes because the government owns you and everything you “buy” with the fake currency the Federal Reserve pumps out."

"This currency isn't backed by anything except faith in our government, which is controlled by D.C.(not even a part of America) and controlled by the economy of the fake currency. Not gold nor silver."

"The Federal Reserve can print as much as they like but if you try to copy them then you go to prison for counterfeit."

"The law is what gives the currency legitimatecy because people believe in law and order and most believe our government prints our money."


"Anyway I hope that will give you some prospective on why people are asking and idk who these plants are trying to gaslight you into thinking people don't know the truth and talk about it."

"You should look into the Trilatteral Commission and the office of foreign affairs."

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