A pure cathartic expression of my frustrations ... That is all I require. Zero validation demanded, people running away from my crazy is the bliss that I seek. Humans ... Worthless & useless sacks of shit is all they all are. Pathetic, brainless, devoid of anything genuine.
I will never again like, let alone love anyone in this world. You are all worthless & shit. All races, all religions, all cultures, I equally hate each & everyone of you to the depth of my being. The only thing I wish is that all of humanity would be wiped out.
Its quite simply the ultimate logic - that the human condition / problem can only be solved by the full & complete destruction of humanity. All else has been tried in human societies by now, & all else has failed. 'Human rights' are a cop out for 'Human arrogance & narcissm'.
I've slipped into my own lunacy I've been trying so hard to now avoid for so many years. I have delved deep into the rabbit hole of my full core misanthropy and anti humanist views. Everything is out on my X profile, waiting for the police still, waiting for my day in court.
All your lives are worthless, meaningless, devoid of any rights to continue their pathetic existence. I will make it my lifetime goal to find an end to humanity, to rid this world of the human plague.
I exist now only to fully destroy any, & every, twat & idiot I come across. Nothing will spare anyone from my full, unbridled rage, my godmode mouth now turned into my hellmode.
Cry to and beg for your fake god's salvation, for there is no god in this world, only me. I will be humankind's judge, jury and executioner. I will determine each and every sin, and believe me ..
I will never again like, let alone love anyone in this world. You are all worthless & shit. All races, all religions, all cultures, I equally hate each & everyone of you to the depth of my being. The only thing I wish is that all of humanity would be wiped out.
Its quite simply the ultimate logic - that the human condition / problem can only be solved by the full & complete destruction of humanity. All else has been tried in human societies by now, & all else has failed. 'Human rights' are a cop out for 'Human arrogance & narcissm'.
I've slipped into my own lunacy I've been trying so hard to now avoid for so many years. I have delved deep into the rabbit hole of my full core misanthropy and anti humanist views. Everything is out on my X profile, waiting for the police still, waiting for my day in court.
All your lives are worthless, meaningless, devoid of any rights to continue their pathetic existence. I will make it my lifetime goal to find an end to humanity, to rid this world of the human plague.
I exist now only to fully destroy any, & every, twat & idiot I come across. Nothing will spare anyone from my full, unbridled rage, my godmode mouth now turned into my hellmode.
Cry to and beg for your fake god's salvation, for there is no god in this world, only me. I will be humankind's judge, jury and executioner. I will determine each and every sin, and believe me ..
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