

My mind simply exists on a plane of existence beyond any of yours comprehending.

The general inability by most to make sense of my communications unravels their own inadequacy, as well as their oft insincere futile attempts to dare compliment, or express false desire to become as I am. My own superior sense of will, mental acuity, and uninhibited free expressions become the bane of the weak minded, the ordinary, the pathetic litter that roam this lifeless planet.

Lifeless not in being, for there are far too many of you than should be, lifeless and devoid of thought, sincerity, genuinity, ingenuity, and many other now lost abilities of the mind in our times of toxic positivity, breeding nothing but shallow weakness and feeblement among the denizens of this rock we exist on.

Yet what would the mere? … And the plebian? … And the meek? … Have to say in their defense of these destructions? That they still yet cannot understand? To ask yet again what I mean? Furthermore demonstrating their sheer indignity, yet still often asserting false and shameful pride in their entirely lacklustre existences?

Their sheer revelments in their sinfulness! Their idiocity! Their worthlessness! Is the cause of my rage, my discontentment, my frustrations, and agitations with my own existence. Often the pathetic succeed and breed, while the gifted remain forgotten and alone. This injustice! This inequality! This … Is the fullest unfairness of our current era alone, the mind now lost and forgotten beneath of sea of materialism and hedonistic desire. True fulfilment and the striving of excellence lost passions, the status quo determining knowledge and ability be determined alone by a sheet of parchment upon which a meaningless qualification sits written, and however many number of years employed in some meaningless endeavour of work the purpose of which solely consists of the acquisition of wealth?

FINANCIAL GREED is conflated with WORTH. With SUCCESS. With determination of a person’s value. A meaningless and arbitrary number stated within their bank account becoming the obsession of their acquisitions. Society determining that this value be mandatory for ones chances of life and rights to exist! And to that its tethered economy! The primary determination of our equally greedy governments being steeped in coin.

Yet who can tell me? Would the trash that litters our planet today ever be able to find motivation? Inspiration? Drive? Desire to accomplish? Succeed? Proceed even with their rotten lives should wealth be entirely eradicated from this world? What more would the scum of humanity have to live for without their weekly or monthly paycheck? Every human now reduced to dirt poor? A newfound sense that there is nothing left to gain?

If as a person you willingly choose to only exist and work for wealth, and judge others based upon their financial successes, please, quite simply, find a way to end your superficial and meaningless existence at your earliest convenience and rid this world of such pathetic mindsets.

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