The end of the First Amendment

I think abortions are awful for the most part. Those parents could have chosen to turn those fetuses into productive tax paying citizens but instead our country has to absorb the loss of their production & ability to fight.
You want a cease fire. Go pull for the fighting Zelysnskys and Angola you fucking uncircumcised commie
Liquid Reigns is a coward, liar and some guy that said he'd meet me face to face only to be a no show. He can always find me at Nobody wants to hear his bullshit lies here.

I'll call him out right here and right now. In addition, I have offered $2500 to any person that can tell me what rock I would have to flip over to find that mother fucker. But, since this is a site that doesn't invite serious conversation and you have one fed that stays here daily, no need to waste Uncle Scam's time by having two of them follow me here. The coward knows where to find me.

Y'all want to know a real dick sucker? Liquid Reigns got pissed that I refused his advances to try and date me. I told him I'd cut his fucking nuts out if he ever approached me like that face to face. It pissed him off and he's followed me around like a dog in heat for YEARS. But, he will NEVER face me like a man.
Liquid Reigns is a coward, liar and some guy that said he'd meet me face to face only to be a no show. He can always find me at Nobody wants to hear his bullshit lies here.

I'll call him out right here and right now. In addition, I have offered $2500 to any person that can tell me what rock I would have to flip over to find that mother fucker. But, since this is a site that doesn't invite serious conversation and you have one fed that stays here daily, no need to waste Uncle Scam's time by having two of them follow me here. The coward knows where to find me.

Y'all want to know a real dick sucker? Liquid Reigns got pissed that I refused his advances to try and date me. I told him I'd cut his fucking nuts out if he ever approached me like that face to face. It pissed him off and he's followed me around like a dog in heat for YEARS. But, he will NEVER face me like a man.
I've told you before, and I'll tell you again, anytime you come to California, you be sure to let me know and I'll meet you at the airport. You can give me the $2500 turn around and get right back on the plane.

The internet has gone to your head little guy, you let your typing outrun your mouth.
I've told you before, and I'll tell you again, anytime you come to California, you be sure to let me know and I'll meet you at the airport. You can give me the $2500 turn around and get right back on the plane.

The internet has gone to your head little guy, you let your typing outrun your mouth.

If @TheResister doesn’t like you then you’re probably good people!
You guys seem to talk past one another, Jake Broe Stan is talking about rights in the US Constitution, weaponoffreedom, you seem to be talking about the right to life and liberty and trying to incorporate pre-existing rights into that equation. The 2A is a pre-existing right dating back to the ancient roman era, in modern English times of which our laws are based it was codified in the English Bill of Rights in 1689, which gave Protestants the same right as papists of England, the right to own a weapon. What it is not is an inalienable right, only the right to self defense is inalienable/unalienable. Our rights are recognized via the US Constitution (the peoples governing document).

Jake Broe stan, do you really believe that the States can get their shit together enough to amend the US Constitution? Do you really think it will happen in our lifetime? The 2A is a recognized pre-existing right to posses, as individuals, weapons, which does include firearms. The only thing that can be done would have to be done via Congress to pass laws restricting the manufacturing of certain firearms in the future, yet all existing firearms can not be retroactively taken, confiscated, or made illegal. You stated before civilians cant own weapons of war, or that was the gist, I can purchase a modern military tank, I can purchase a modern war plane, and with special licensing I can own the ballistics too. Full auto firearms can be owned by civilians.

I've told you before, and I'll tell you again, anytime you come to California, you be sure to let me know and I'll meet you at the airport. You can give me the $2500 turn around and get right back on the plane.

The internet has gone to your head little guy, you let your typing outrun your mouth.

You lying ass mother fucker. You told me that and twice I came there looking for you. You were a no show. You are a scum sucking piece of shit and shooting into my house wasn't amusing at all. I fly into Hell if it put me face to face with you. Fuck off. You and I done here LIAR.

You're a fed paid to follow the Internet and troll me. You still have a hard on for me, but long after you and the next dumb ass you feds put on me are going to fail. Come out of your cubicle you little dick sucker because we're done here. You're blocked.

If @TheResister doesn’t like you then you’re probably good people!

He's much like you, but he doesn't run around claiming to be an officer in the Air Force - I mean a podcaster - I mean an attorney. Your fake ass isn't any different than the fed whose dick you'll end up sucking as he is as much a real faggot as they come.

The troll keeps his head stuck so far up my ass, the last breath of fresh air he had was when I farted.
You lying ass mother fucker. You told me that and twice I came there looking for you. You were a no show. You are a scum sucking piece of shit and shooting into my house wasn't amusing at all. I fly into Hell if it put me face to face with you. Fuck off. You and I done here LIAR.

You're a fed paid to follow the Internet and troll me. You still have a hard on for me, but long after you and the next dumb ass you feds put on me are going to fail. Come out of your cubicle you little dick sucker because we're done here. You're blocked.
Big man on the intrawebs, hugh little guy. You never came to California, let's see your plane tickets, or even the email that says you are coming to Sacramento. You can't produce shit, because it never happened.
“The First Amendment does not protect fraudulent speech or speech otherwise integral to criminal conduct, particularly crimes that attack the integrity and proper function of government processes,” Pearce wrote. “The defendant’s comments about the virtues of the First Amendment, over which there is no dispute, do nothing to unsettle this line of unbroken precedent.”


Of course free speech cannot survive in a society populated by modern scum. My problem with Alex Jones is that he fails to understand that the American people are worthless moronic scum.

The law only benefits us if we have a strong and indomitable Free Speech Culture*. We currently don't, and it's imperative for more of us to champion this on a social level

*"Free speech culture is a set of norms that support free thought and our ability to share our opinions. These are norms that see value in curiosity, dissent, devil’s advocacy, thought experimentation, and talking across lines of difference; where our first instinct in response to speech we dislike isn’t to find a way to censor it — or “cancel” the speaker — but to meet it with more speech. To defeat ideas we oppose with better ones. These are norms that can be advanced at all levels of society, from the average citizen to the largest corporation.

The idea is that we cannot reap the benefits of the First Amendment’s protection for free speech in a society where citizens are legally able to speak freely but few of them do so. A college can, for example, promise its students and faculty “the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.” But if the culture doesn’t support those values, what do they matter? As Judge Learned Hand put it: “Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.”


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their "Creator" with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,

The true american government protects the rights granted by the creator.
all a government is good for is protecting our rights or disregarding our rights and becoming oppressive. The american government as it stands today is very oppressive and seems to consider its own citizens the enemy.
Just my opinion but today it seems in america your either in the government or your a useful idiot or your the enemy. 1 of those 3.
You and Mecha Jutaro would be welcome additions to The Charter and Proclamation of the Rights of Man. In order for an idea to be successful it must be articulated and then defended by a small minority that sets brushfires in the minds of men:

Do tell, why not just say God, if not founded in the Christian God?

Why? Let us expand this and give you the real answer.

When Jefferson penned the words to the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson considered himself a Christian, but not a mainstream Bible thumper. And, when you get 56 men in a room, unless they belong to the same church, you end up with half a dozen denominations.

Some factions back in those days would not utter a name for God, using such phraseology as found in the Declaration of Independence as Divine Providence, Creator, Nature's God and Supreme Judge of the World. This should give some examples of how the terms were used so as to express a sentiment without arousing denominational dissension:

I'm not sure how that will fit the narrative of this thread, but I know where you want to go.
Why? Let us expand this and give you the real answer.

When Jefferson penned the words to the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson considered himself a Christian, but not a mainstream Bible thumper. And, when you get 56 men in a room, unless they belong to the same church, you end up with half a dozen denominations.

Some factions back in those days would not utter a name for God, using such phraseology as found in the Declaration of Independence as Divine Providence, Creator, Nature's God and Supreme Judge of the World. This should give some examples of how the terms were used so as to express a sentiment without arousing denominational dissension:

I'm not sure how that will fit the narrative of this thread, but I know where you want to go.
So the other 56 men in the room, what god do they serve? What is the argument among men, who may not be bible thumpers, but agree in the Christian God.

This would suggest that the majority of the people in the room, would prefer creator, over God.
So the other 56 men in the room, what god do they serve? What is the argument among men, who may not be bible thumpers, but agree in the Christian God.

This would suggest that the majority of the people in the room, would prefer creator, over God.
I just explained it to you. Some people may prefer Jesus while others Yahweh while some dare not try to utter a name for the Creator. Jefferson had to acknowledge God without offending one of the other denominations. The objective was to make sure they understood that the purpose of separation from the rule of King George is rooted in a presupposition that mortal man cannot infringe on the God given unalienable Rights of man. He didn't need a religious argument on his hands... much like - wait for it.
We need to recognize that our rights come from The People and not from “God” or some other source. There is no such thing as inalienable / unalienable rights.

We know this as a fact because people wouldn’t need government to enforce those rights if they were inalienable/ unalienable.
🤔Ffs, not sure why I apparently gave this retarded post a like with my old account.

Jake clearly doesn't know shit.

Rights and Privileges are not the same.

Rights come from the laws of nature and of nature's-god.
Otherwise known as True Law...and which the christians hijacked to equate with the christian god.

A small portion of True Law has been used in the codification of the us Constitution, DOI & Bill of Rights yet the full scope of True Law is inherent to all creation and are fundamentally inalienable.

Jake reckoned governments enforce rights-(of which are True Laws)
😂 Butt obviously Jake was confusing or conflating Privileges with Rights.

No government creates nor enforces natural rights.

Government either acts honorably and legitimately, abiding by True Law—or instead, disregards True Law, thus acts dishonorably and therefore proves to be illegitimate.

While on the other hand, governments do indeed mandate, impose and enforce man-made legal privileges, entitlements and such.

Do tell, why not just say God, if not founded in the Christian God?
Because that way it can be defined however the reader, or those it applies to, want to personally define it.

It can mean created by evolution, or by God or anything in between that one personally chooses to believe. And by that very act of creation, they we you I are all endowed with certain Rights.

It's pretty basic and something all Americans (if not literally everyone in the World) should be able to mostly agree on.
I just explained it to you. Some people may prefer Jesus while others Yahweh while some dare not try to utter a name for the Creator. Jefferson had to acknowledge God without offending one of the other denominations. The objective was to make sure they understood that the purpose of separation from the rule of King George is rooted in a presupposition that mortal man cannot infringe on the God given unalienable Rights of man. He didn't need a religious argument on his hands... much like - wait for it.
So, in your opinion, America was founded as a Christian nation, by those who created it, by majority, were not Christian, and may refuse to use the word Christ.

What a crock of shit. Makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

Yahweh and Jesus are not the same thing.
Evolution does not bestow rights, inalienable rights are given by God, not the big bang
Joe presented a very reasonable argument.

You're usually hyper-logical about everything.

So how come you've apparently snatched a couple of tiny bits from Joe's post and disregarded the rest like this?

Obviously you know not all Americans believe the same as yourself, such as "atheists", "jews", "hindus", etcetera and so forth.
So, in your opinion, America was founded as a Christian nation, by those who created it, by majority, were not Christian, and may refuse to use the word Christ.

What a crock of shit. Makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

Yahweh and Jesus are not the same thing.

Your major malfunction is the inability to ask questions before presuming and trying to make weak ass attempts to paraphrase what I say. Off topic, but for what it's worth:

As for the balance of what weaponoffreedom posts, this guy is the epitome of chickenshit and stupidity... neither of which can be fixed.
Inalienable rights are bestowed by man; unalienable Rights are bestowed by a Creator.
Inalienable/unalienable are natural rights/nature's rights. They are not bestowed by anybody, let alone a creator. They are "endowed" (you can't even get the wording of the document correct, they aren't "bestowed" SMFH), the context implies that these rights are inherent and endowed upon all human beings by natural law, rather than granted by any human authority. Thus, "endowed" emphasizes that these rights are intrinsic to human existence and cannot be rightfully taken away or denied.

The phrase came from political philosophy regarding natural law. It started with Aristotle from 384BCE to 322BCE, and various other philosophers such as Cicero, Aquinas, Grotis, Locke, Rousseau, and Kant.

And yet, if you commit a heinous enough crime, your inalienable/unalienable rights can be taken, and then there is the law of survival of the fittest, care to FAFO?
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Your major malfunction is the inability to ask questions before presuming and trying to make weak ass attempts to paraphrase what I say. Off topic, but for what it's worth:

As for the balance of what weaponoffreedom posts, this guy is the epitome of chickenshit and stupidity... neither of which can be fixed.
The only one who is a chickenshit and stupid is you. Your beliefs aren't mainstream, they are fringe nuttery. You can't handle a basic discussion without resorting to thinking you can kick someone's ass and that they won't meet you face to face. Come on little fella, come to California, let me know when, I'll meet you at the airport and we can video and post the results here. Ufuknclwn
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