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The Free ADA Cardano Stake Pool is Live and Ready to Go!


Mar 26, 2022
As promised, The Free ADA Cardano Stake Pool is in full operation. Now is a great time to get in the crypto markets while prices are cheap. You can find our pool details here:

Our pool is working directly with The Free Speech Forum to help foster decentralization across all networks.

If you would like to participate, download the Yoroi wallet from the App Store and transfer your ADA to that wallet. From there delegation is very easy!

Most people are likely to be overwhelmed by these concepts right now, but hopefully we can help you! @ChicagoFats and @Croot_Overlord can help answer questions.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
As promised, The Free ADA Cardano Stake Pool is in full operation. Now is a great time to get in the crypto markets while prices are cheap. You can find our pool details here:

Our pool is working directly with The Free Speech Forum to help foster decentralization across all networks.

If you would like to participate, download the Yoroi wallet from the App Store and transfer your ADA to that wallet. From there delegation is very easy!

Most people are likely to be overwhelmed by these concepts right now, but hopefully we can help you! @ChicagoFats and @Croot_Overlord can help answer questions.
Recommend a wallet.

My ADA is in Coinbase, but oddly Coinbase Wallet won't hold it.


Dec 1, 2020
Recommend a wallet.

My ADA is in Coinbase, but oddly Coinbase Wallet won't hold it.

The easiest way is to download the Yoroi wallet. Once you have your wallet ready to go you can send your ADA from coinbase to your yoroi wallet. At that point you can easily stake your coins.


Dec 1, 2020
Here is some crypto notes where i try to answer questions that i had when i first started out. I'll try to add more questions if needed.

Why do i need a wallet?
- You need a wallet to organize and interact with your cryptographic keys. "keys" are just long strings of letters and numbers and the wallets just help organize your keys so they are easy to keep track of. There are different types of wallets for different currencies. YOROI is the most popular wallet used with ADA.

Seed Phrase - When you start your wallet you will be given a seed phrase. A seed phrase is a group of randomized words that allow you to access your wallet. Depending on your type of wallet, the phrase could be 6-12-15 or 24 words long. It is IMPERATIVE that you write down and save this phrase (key words).

- As long as you have your seed phrase you will be able to retrieve your currency
- If someone else gets a hold of your wallet key words, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR CURRENCY. Keep that shit private. I keep mine in a fireproof safe.

With great freedom comes great responsibility. You and only you are responsible for your key words. If you lose them, you lose your money.

Different types of Wallets - There are many different types of wallets. There are Hot wallets, which are wallets kept on an exchange such as Coinbase or Binance, and there are cold wallets which is similar to a USB stick that you keep possession of. Hot wallets have been known to be hacked (Mt. Gox among others) so take careful consideration to your type of wallet. A cold wallet is generally considered the safest way to store your currency.

Staking - Think of staking as earning interest on your coins. When staking, you are not sending your keys anywhere and you keep control over your keys. Instead of sending your coins somehwere you send a delegation certificate. You don't really need to know this, only that staking is a very safe process since you are not sending your coins anywhere.

Why Stake? - Staking is just like earning interest in a bank account. If you are a long term investor in a coin there is no reason that you should not stake.
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