So I got passive-aggressively Karened today...

My Italian grandmother used to say the beginning of our problems was when women joined the workforce en masse. Kids were left to fend for themselves, women started banging co-workers, divorce rates went up, so on and so forth.

She wasn’t wrong.

Heard at Burger King that the reason for women in the work force is because half the country wasn't paying taxes.
Masks don't protect others from anyone spreading the virus nor protect you from acquiring it. All a mask does is shield you from spitting on people while giving them the virus. Once the spit dries the virus remains on it to be spread. A false sense of security.
My friend pretty much says all these issues this country is having is due to having allowed women to vote. Sorry @tgsio , just passing along the info.

There actually is a correlation to women gaining the right to vote and government welfare programs all across western culture.

Heard at Burger King that the reason for women in the work force is because half the country wasn't paying taxes.

There’s some truth to that

Masks don't protect others from anyone spreading the virus nor protect you from acquiring it. All a mask does is shield you from spitting on people while giving them the virus. Once the spit dries the virus remains on it to be spread. A false sense of security.

Nope. Three different studies that I know of released this year show that masks don’t do shit to stop the spread. But the anti-science fucks continue to virtue signal and be ignorant. But what else should we expect from people that don’t understand basic biology.

Edit: Oh, and is Taylor Wesson the dude or the chick? The chick looks like a spinner.
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