The thing is: ever since I resorted to Player Support Plaion (as it was the only email site that actually acknowledges email messages); that gave me high hopes they would work with Starbreeze to get my stuff implemented into the game so I can decompile it. But months later, I didn't see my stuff added into the game, that's when my heart sank or popped like a child's balloon and that gave me the impression Player Support Plaion let me down.
So that's what forced me to escalate things (somehow). Because the very least one can do when one's time on something gets wasted is to make up for that wasted time - somehow.
Some weapons, weapon accessories, maps, and map props from the previous Payday game are perfect and have cleared part of my checklist, but now I'm focused on getting my stuff manufactured into 3D models for me via through their THIRD Payday game: Payday Three (3). This is why I've been writing all these letters to Starbreeze for the past few months requesting the content to be implemented into Payday Three (3).
Don't you see the benefit here? These items I submitted could greatly benefit Payday Three (3) while in the process, filling my 3D props list. Because the weapons and other things I listed have yet to be implemented in - well... any FPS game. Like that courtroom map (of Houston Breakout (click here)), if they (Starbreeze) like it, and we (the gamers) like it, and I like it, then it's a POSITIVE-SUM or a WIN-WIN - as in all parties benefit from the situation. You understand now? Not only that, EVERYBODY gets to use the items I requested for (weapons, maps, map props), because this is an ONLINE game. See how this sequence of events chain reacts with each other? And that's just the beginning! Remember these ATMs, the scaffolding, and the water dispensing machines in the pictures seen on ArtStation? Think about this for a second: Where would you put this item? In this case for example, the ATMs in a mall, a shop or a bank map. The water dispensing machines would go in a break room or an office. And the scaffolding would go on any map that has an area under construction. So in this case, my food, beverages, and kitchen appliances enclosed below would go in a kitchen of some sort. For example, our safehouse or restaurant kitchen. Once I update my copy of your game to the latest version, that's when I decompile it again for the said item. See how this system works? I know this sounds like it's a breach in Terms of Service, End User License Agreement, copyright licenses, etc., but this is how we fan animators develop animation programs like Adobe Flash CS6, Garry's Mod, XNALara, and MikuMikuDance or just straight out use Blender to develop fan animation creations like Super Mario Bros. Z and Castle Calamity.
Now, after the new heist release trailers, - and again, I'm not trying to be rude, but I am disappointed with the weapons - again.
They're doing good, but not quite in the way I hoped. I specifically requested for the Prototype Uzi Pro P-200001 and the Canuck FD-12 12G Bullpup semi auto shotgun. Could they at least save the weapons I'm not asking for for another time? These weapons on my props needed list have yet to be implemented into any existing video game or they don't quite meet some qualities of mine (missing or incorrect shapes/meshes, missing parts, etc.). And again, I can't substitute a Volkswagen Beetle with a Fiat 500. It simply doesn't or won't work like that.
To put this as simply as possible (as my vocabulary isn't that good): this little girl, 7, Terry Fox, 22, Wowaka, 31, Remi Gazel, 41, and many others I have yet to stumble upon had a future ahead, but sadly, they never got to experience that future, because their bodies lost the battle (at a (very) young age). These events, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, clots, and heart failure are never planned; they strike without warning and at any time. The best defence weapon here is to think far enough ahead to be able to meet one's goal(s) (I.E, a bucket list) while avoiding these scenarios. My grandmother died at 70 in another country and I was stuck in High School; I never got to say goodbye to her in front of her at her deathbed at her final few minutes of her life. That forever changed the way I behave in terms of time management. You only get one chance at things like this and you have to make every second of it count. Every second really does count. It took me a whopping eight years to realize it was Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge I had to refer to when it comes to the fancy video game, movie, and TV sound effects - as the keywords I used in the search engines along with the words "sound effects" didn't yield the results I was expecting. So add the sound effects I'm currently searching for along with the thousands of (yet to be modelled) characters I plan to utilize from one of THOUSANDS of sheets I have in storage, and add all the inanimate objects with the early death cases and I feel like I bit off more than I could chew. So any help to alleviate stress from my body would be greatly appreciated.
That little girl would've loved to play the Payday games, but she fell 13 years short and never got the chance. This is one case where I won't accept "too bad, so sad" that easily.

Note: Sometimes, I cram numerous things into one picture.

So now do you believe me that I really do need help to thin out my list?
I just need someone to talk to. I never thought I would ask this, but is thinking ahead of yourself or planning in advance considered some kind of sin (in this case)? Like... I got banned from Red Archer Live's discord channel and muted from talking to Red Archer Live. I just want people to realize that it's important to plan ahead to avoid the worst. Is it even possible to talk to thin air or a brick wall? Is there anything wrong with thinking ahead of yourself? As well as others before you do the same (stupid) thing they did?
WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS TYPE OF TREATMENT??? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME?!?! These people had a future ahead! But they never got to experience it! What does it take to make people care?!

And I also have THOUSANDS more of this where that came from!

Some weapons, weapon accessories, maps, and map props from the previous Payday game are perfect and have cleared part of my checklist, but now I'm focused on getting my stuff manufactured into 3D models for me via through their THIRD Payday game: Payday Three (3). This is why I've been writing all these letters to Starbreeze for the past few months requesting the content to be implemented into Payday Three (3).
Don't you see the benefit here? These items I submitted could greatly benefit Payday Three (3) while in the process, filling my 3D props list. Because the weapons and other things I listed have yet to be implemented in - well... any FPS game. Like that courtroom map (of Houston Breakout (click here)), if they (Starbreeze) like it, and we (the gamers) like it, and I like it, then it's a POSITIVE-SUM or a WIN-WIN - as in all parties benefit from the situation. You understand now? Not only that, EVERYBODY gets to use the items I requested for (weapons, maps, map props), because this is an ONLINE game. See how this sequence of events chain reacts with each other? And that's just the beginning! Remember these ATMs, the scaffolding, and the water dispensing machines in the pictures seen on ArtStation? Think about this for a second: Where would you put this item? In this case for example, the ATMs in a mall, a shop or a bank map. The water dispensing machines would go in a break room or an office. And the scaffolding would go on any map that has an area under construction. So in this case, my food, beverages, and kitchen appliances enclosed below would go in a kitchen of some sort. For example, our safehouse or restaurant kitchen. Once I update my copy of your game to the latest version, that's when I decompile it again for the said item. See how this system works? I know this sounds like it's a breach in Terms of Service, End User License Agreement, copyright licenses, etc., but this is how we fan animators develop animation programs like Adobe Flash CS6, Garry's Mod, XNALara, and MikuMikuDance or just straight out use Blender to develop fan animation creations like Super Mario Bros. Z and Castle Calamity.
Now, after the new heist release trailers, - and again, I'm not trying to be rude, but I am disappointed with the weapons - again.

To put this as simply as possible (as my vocabulary isn't that good): this little girl, 7, Terry Fox, 22, Wowaka, 31, Remi Gazel, 41, and many others I have yet to stumble upon had a future ahead, but sadly, they never got to experience that future, because their bodies lost the battle (at a (very) young age). These events, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, clots, and heart failure are never planned; they strike without warning and at any time. The best defence weapon here is to think far enough ahead to be able to meet one's goal(s) (I.E, a bucket list) while avoiding these scenarios. My grandmother died at 70 in another country and I was stuck in High School; I never got to say goodbye to her in front of her at her deathbed at her final few minutes of her life. That forever changed the way I behave in terms of time management. You only get one chance at things like this and you have to make every second of it count. Every second really does count. It took me a whopping eight years to realize it was Sound Ideas and Hollywood Edge I had to refer to when it comes to the fancy video game, movie, and TV sound effects - as the keywords I used in the search engines along with the words "sound effects" didn't yield the results I was expecting. So add the sound effects I'm currently searching for along with the thousands of (yet to be modelled) characters I plan to utilize from one of THOUSANDS of sheets I have in storage, and add all the inanimate objects with the early death cases and I feel like I bit off more than I could chew. So any help to alleviate stress from my body would be greatly appreciated.

Note: Sometimes, I cram numerous things into one picture.

So now do you believe me that I really do need help to thin out my list?
I just need someone to talk to. I never thought I would ask this, but is thinking ahead of yourself or planning in advance considered some kind of sin (in this case)? Like... I got banned from Red Archer Live's discord channel and muted from talking to Red Archer Live. I just want people to realize that it's important to plan ahead to avoid the worst. Is it even possible to talk to thin air or a brick wall? Is there anything wrong with thinking ahead of yourself? As well as others before you do the same (stupid) thing they did?
WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS TYPE OF TREATMENT??? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME?!?! These people had a future ahead! But they never got to experience it! What does it take to make people care?!

And I also have THOUSANDS more of this where that came from!
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