Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

Everyday that passes the unvaxxed are looking smarter and smarter.

The gov and leftists are in so deep that they would never pull their support for the vaxes for fear of looking foolish for pushing them so hard. They would have to admit the biggest mistake made known to mankind.
Not sure how yore cumming to this conclusion?

It’s seems every day the conspiracy antivaxxer seem Moore and Moore retarded.

Eye get that they’ll never bee able to admit they got it wrong especially when they could have just played it like eye did and refused the vax for whatever reason (in my case eye just don’t want to take the time two get it) butt acknowledge it’s benefits.
Not sure how yore cumming to this conclusion?

It’s seems every day the conspiracy antivaxxer seem Moore and Moore retarded.

Eye get that they’ll never bee able to admit they got it wrong especially when they could have just played it like eye did and refused the vax for whatever reason (in my case eye just don’t want to take the time two get it) butt acknowledge it’s benefits.
@America 1st I like conversing with you, but the intentional miss spelling is making it difficult.

I acknowledge the vax has benefits for at-risk people.

However, I remain a free thinker and can see that the risk / reward for vaxxing children, and many others, is not there. I vaxxed myself (regrettably). If I had known the vaccine did not prevent transmission I would not have gotten the vaccine.

The reason the unvaxxed look smarter every day is because we were all sold a bill of goods in regards to the vaccine. They absolutely, irrefutably, do not do what they were advertised to do. In fact, We were told they were 100% safe. Untrue.

If there is risk, there has to be choice. And as the data becomes more clear, for certain sub-groups, the risk reward is not there. Children are not at risk from this virus. Middle aged people are not at significant risk from this virus. Old people are at risk and should consider getting the vaccine after consulting with their doctor. Basically, the same as it was prior to the media onlsaught about a china virus designed to harm Donald Trump.
@America 1st I like conversing with you, but the intentional miss spelling is making it difficult.

I acknowledge the vax has benefits for at-risk people.

However, I remain a free thinker and can see that the risk / reward for vaxxing children, and many others, is not there. I vaxxed myself (regrettably). If I had known the vaccine did not prevent transmission I would not have gotten the vaccine.

The reason the unvaxxed look smarter every day is because we were all sold a bill of goods in regards to the vaccine. They absolutely, irrefutably, do not do what they were advertised to do. In fact, We were told they were 100% safe. Untrue.

If there is risk, there has to be choice. And as the data becomes more clear, for certain sub-groups, the risk reward is not there. Children are not at risk from this virus. Middle aged people are not at significant risk from this virus. Old people are at risk and should consider getting the vaccine after consulting with their doctor. Basically, the same as it was prior to the media onlsaught about a china virus designed to harm Donald Trump.
This is a complete misrepresentation and yew no it.

They dew exactly what we were told they would dew: reduce transmission and reduce severe symptoms.

Being safe and effective doesn’t mean they don’t have side effects (Tylenol, cough syrup, ect. all have side effects but are safe and effective). Anybody thinking there woodn’t be side effects was being intentionally obtuse (but that doesn’t make them not safe and effective). Furthermore, to think they wood stop spread is being obtuse and purposefully misrepresenting science. No vaccine has ever 100% stopped spread. That’s why yew need heard coverage with even the most successful vaccines (polio, MMR, ect).

Nobody is forcing anywon two get jabbed. Eye have seen zero evidence of people being tied down and jabbed or jabbed at gun point.

Eye enjoy conversing with yew two butt yore intentional miss characterization of what vaccines dew is making it difficult.
This is a complete misrepresentation and yew no it.

They dew exactly what we were told they would dew: reduce transmission and reduce severe symptoms.

Being safe and effective doesn’t mean they don’t have side effects (Tylenol, cough syrup, ect. all have side effects but are safe and effective). Anybody thinking there woodn’t be side effects was being intentionally obtuse (but that doesn’t make them not safe and effective). Furthermore, to think they wood stop spread is being obtuse and purposefully misrepresenting science. No vaccine has ever 100% stopped spread. That’s why yew need heard coverage with even the most successful vaccines (polio, MMR, ect).

Nobody is forcing anywon two get jabbed. Eye have seen zero evidence of people being tied down and jabbed or jabbed at gun point.

Eye enjoy conversing with yew two butt yore intentional miss characterization of what vaccines dew is making it difficult.

No vaccine has ever 100% stopped spread, true. But the vaccines we got as children were much more effective at stopping spread by orders of magnitude, and they were proven over multiple years of safety studies. There is a reason they ch aged the definition of “vaccine” on the cdc website in September 2021 and that is because this vaccine did not meet the traditional definition.

Also, to claim that the vaccine reduces spread and hospitalization for a variant it wasn’t even designed for, does not follow the scientific process. How do we know that omicron wasn’t deadly without the vaccine? The answer is we don’t.

Pretending these vaccines do what they were advertised to do is gaslighting at the highest level.
No vaccine has ever 100% stopped spread, true. But the vaccines we got as children were much more effective at stopping spread by orders of magnitude, and they were proven over multiple years of safety studies. There is a reason they ch aged the definition of “vaccine” on the cdc website in September 2021 and that is because this vaccine did not meet the traditional definition.

Also, to claim that the vaccine reduces spread and hospitalization for a variant it wasn’t even designed for, does not follow the scientific process. How do we know that omicron wasn’t deadly without the vaccine? The answer is we don’t.

Pretending these vaccines do what they were advertised to do is gaslighting at the highest level.
The definitions medical terms are updated two include new technologies as they become available. That isn’t a conspiracy, that’s just life.

Also it’s easy to use math to know if an unvaxxed person would fair the same as a vaccinated person against Omnicron. It’s the same set up as all the other studies and trials (control group vs trial group).

The vaccines dew exactly what they were supposed to dew (reduce symptoms) and Moore (reduce spread). It wood bee gaslighting two argue otherwise.
The definitions medical terms are updated two include new technologies as they become available. That isn’t a conspiracy, that’s just life.

Also it’s easy to use math to know if an unvaxxed person would fair the same as a vaccinated person against Omnicron. It’s the same set up as all the other studies and trials (control group vs trial group).

Then vaccines dew exactly what they were supposed to dew (reduce symptoms) and Moore (reduce spread). It wood bee gaslighting two argue otherwise.

Then why didnt they update the definition when the technology came out instead of when it became apparent it didn’t work as advertised? The vaccine wasn’t invented in sept 2021
Then why didnt they update the definition when the technology came out instead of when it became apparent it didn’t work as advertised? The vaccine wasn’t invented in sept 2021
Yew know the inns and outs of how the medical community as a whole updates there definitions and jargon?

Who cares when they updated or what they call it? If the argument is “they called it a vaccine and eye think vaccines should meat these criteria instead” aren’t yew splitting hairs?

And again it worked better than advertised. It was only ever supposed to reduce symptoms according two the Trump administration when they were being developed.
Yew know the inns and outs of how the medical community as a whole updates there definitions and jargon?

Who cares when they updated or what they call it? If the argument is “they called it a vaccine and eye think vaccines should meat these criteria instead” aren’t yew splitting hairs?

And again it worked better than advertised. It was only ever supposed to reduce symptoms according two the Trump administration when they were being developed.
Working better than advertised is not a genuine argument. I won’t bother posting Biden et al spewing the garbage claims that it would stop the spread etc.

The whole problem with our government is they lost the peoples trust when they tried a non-violent coup on Trump.

The importance of getting things rights and being honest can not be understated. Without trust the country will not survive in its current form.

Our leaders need to be honest with the people and not treat them like they are idiots. 30% of the population won’t listen to them and that number is higher when looking at boosters. What % of the population has gotten the booster?

If the vaccines are so great then why are they having such a hard time with the messaging? Probably because they are selling a product that doesn’t work as advertised and not being honest about what they are selling.
Working better than advertised is not a genuine argument. I won’t bother posting Biden et al spewing the garbage claims that it would stop the spread etc.

The whole problem with our government is they lost the peoples trust when they tried a non-violent coup on Trump.

The importance of getting things rights and being honest can not be understated. Without trust the country will not survive in its current form.

Our leaders need to be honest with the people and not treat them like they are idiots. 30% of the population won’t listen to them and that number is higher when looking at boosters. What % of the population has gotten the booster?

If the vaccines are so great then why are they having such a hard time with the messaging? Probably because they are selling a product that doesn’t work as advertised and not being honest about what they are selling.
Eye highlighted the explanation to everything in yore post.

There is a reason eye base everything off of what happened under The Don.

Biden being a fuck stick trolls everywon with everything that comes out of his mouth. Just stop listening to him and yore life will be 1000% better.

They work better than advertised according two what we were told under The Don and that’s a perfectly legitimate argument / position.

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