Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

So how does NYC work? surprised they haven't run your kind off yet
Well it’s sucking now as a cultural center, but great for family connection. Work from home. Don’t eat out. No museums or concerts. Don’t go anywhere too far. Wait for this to either fall apart, or for them to cross my hard red line of requiring vaccines for my kids. If/when they cross that I will move to Florida.
GFY with that "purebloods" shit. I made a decision a year ago and I wish I had done differently, but what is done is done. I just got over that shit so I've got natural immunity now and I'm NOT getting any boosters. We need to stick together and not be dicks to one another about vax/no vax.

GFY with that "purebloods" shit. I made a decision a year ago and I wish I had done differently, but what is done is done. I just got over that shit so I've got natural immunity now and I'm NOT getting any boosters. We need to stick together and not be dicks to one another about vax/no vax.

We’re literally considered the dregs of society. Can we not celebrate our depravity in peace?
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