Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

Never gonna take the vax
Never gonna wear the mask
Never gonna trust the jew
Or (((science)))!

Never gonna stop my heart
Never gonna spread thru fart
Never gonna shed the spike
Or hurt you!

Never gonna take the test
Never gonna wear the mask
Never gonna get the jab
Don't want to

Haven't gotten sick one time
Even if I did I'd be fine
Never gonna sell my soul
to some jew
Dirty triple vaxxed superspreaders


Many people who are vaccinated, boosted and had COVID before are getting it again — and they are furious. They no longer believe the doctors or the president. Several of my patients have come to me (via televisit) feeling I let them down by pushing them to get the vaccine and then the booster only to find themselves sick with Omicron.
Nope, not mine. Pureblood thru and thru. I've been around close to a dozen people that I know have had it and nothing, nada, none-ya. Apparently I'm blessed with the blood type that isn't susceptible to viruses, infections etc... I've never had a flu shot, don't take pills other than vitamins, workout and try to have good, clean livin'. I haven't been sick in years, other than seasonal allergies...Thank the good Lord above, I hope it continues that way.
Oh Noes Mudblood Bro’s.

London is exhibit A. It will be telling if some of our governors and mayors will be willing to let go of the power for greater good of the DNC.


There is now little doubt that the official pandemic narrative is headed for a 180 degree u-turn, but mostly for political reasons. The Democrat party is in shambles and virtually guaranteed to lose majorities in the House and Senate if it does nothing to restore confidence. Backing off of the painful tyranny of mandates and unscientific “science” is the way out. On December 31 I wrote in Beware 2022: Technocracy’s War Against Humanity Set To Continue, I am quite certain that some positive, “good news” headlines will appear in the first quarter of 2022. For instance, look for Republican optimism at taking back control of the House and Senate during the midterm elections. Omicron could be officially declared to be a nothing-burger and some major corporations might remove mask and/or vaccine requirements. Fauci could resign his post as the nation’s medical Technocrat-in-Chief. I should add that just because the narrative changes does not mean that Technocrats are laying down arms. To the contrary, the coup will continue under the covers. Public perception means nothin except for the ability to control and manipulate. Forrest Gump might have said, “And then, just like that, the pandemic was over.”? TN Editor

Oh Noes Mudblood Bro’s.

London is exhibit A. It will be telling if some of our governors and mayors will be willing to let go of the power for greater good of the DNC.


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