Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

why gifs not working for me?

Well, well Woke up feeling achy, chills, and a headache. Wife made me take the at home test since we have a two year old. BAMM! I am positive. Woooo. I am getting stronger while the sheep get weaker.

Suck it Fauci!!
My 7 year old popped positive this morning and my wife has been sick all week. Took the 1st dose of horse paste 10 minutes ago. I’ve been dragging all week, but no fever, just a body/headache and a runny nose.
Dirty triple vaxxed superspreaders


Many people who are vaccinated, boosted and had COVID before are getting it again — and they are furious. They no longer believe the doctors or the president. Several of my patients have come to me (via televisit) feeling I let them down by pushing them to get the vaccine and then the booster only to find themselves sick with Omicron.
At what point do these people realize they've been had?

4 shots? 5 shots? 6 shots?

They're laboratory rats.....

They’re safe and effective. Every new shot is just a bonus! Nobody I know is upset about being smart!

However, we are quickly approaching the point where the unvaccinated are going to need to be removed from society which includes:
  • No jobs
  • No shopping
  • No utilities
  • No healthcare for themselves
  • No school for their children
  • No healthcare for their children
  • No consumer no water or other natural resources
No Vax here either. 62" had it in August. I never distanced slept in same bed the whole time. (fed her horse paste) Never got as much as a sniffle. Fast forward to New Years, had a house full of people with Omicrap. I never got sick that time either. I am starting to wonder if I can even get it. I fly a bunch for work so my exposure is high. I did take an antibodies test in December and that came back negative. Purebloods unite!!!
No Vax here either. 62" had it in August. I never distanced slept in same bed the whole time. (fed her horse paste) Never got as much as a sniffle. Fast forward to New Years, had a house full of people with Omicrap. I never got sick that time either. I am starting to wonder if I can even get it. I fly a bunch for work so my exposure is high. I did take an antibodies test in December and that came back negative. Purebloods unite!!!
I’ve read that some Drs believe that 25% of the
population is naturally immune.
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