*Still making my way through this goldmine of a thread.
Shot for bringing it to my attention.
From some of the shit I'm finding on this whole pedovore cuntiness, it's looking like DJT was being positioned/preparing for the role of saviour for at least two decades?
Keep finding coincidences, and too many incongruous behaviours/actions.
Difficult to admit to, coz I'd been sucked in, jumping on the Trump train since 2015, and hope like fuck that I'm wrong about how I'm interpreting what appears to be a 'long con' political contrasting tactic which does certainly seem to be happening?
I hope Trump's good, yet I ain't naive, nor stupid enough to lazily adopt either presented dichotomy.
Especially since we're all totally fucked if DJT is part of the grand scheme.
Maybe I'm wrong, but those Saudi "royals" seem very likely to be one of the more dominant ancient parasite bloodlines?
*I have been sharing some of the info I've found so far, with a chick in the UK who claims to be helping a group of police who are trying to -unofficially investigate the pedovore cult.
*And there's a group of individuals here in NZ who are receiving this same info from me as well.
Whether or not these people are legit, I dunno. But I gotta do something-anything aye,...and this pedovore/child trafficking/ritualistic slaughter shit is definitely worldwide and absolutely has been going on since before recorded history.
*Fuck, some of the videos I've managed to dig up are extremely horrific man.
Dunno whether many here actually take the time to watch anything I've been posting, tbh,...kinda seems like I'm prolly perceived as generally inferior and irrelevant by most, which I think is perfectly understandable.

Frankly,... I hope I'm totally wrong about everything, yet it kinda pisses me off that the more I try to prove my conceptions & intuition wrong, the more I end up being proven correct/or pointing the right direction, ffs.)
Sorry for the rant post. Just woke up and was reading this threads content & links til about 3am, lol.