You can bet on it regardless of the results of any of these audit.Why would they worry about midterms? Surely they will manufacture the votes that they need.
You can bet on it regardless of the results of any of these audit.Why would they worry about midterms? Surely they will manufacture the votes that they need.
I don't understand this logic. The swamp only works if there are two parties that appear to balance each other out.Why would they worry about midterms? Surely they will manufacture the votes that they need.
We will be seeing a lot of this with inflation surging:
Here recently some billionaire investor types have been talking about inflation and owning gold like Sam Zell, Ray Dalio, Jeffrey Gundlach, Stanley Druckenmiller, etc.Small businesses are gonna get torched just like these big corporations, and the politicians that were bought by them, hoped.
Meanwhile the communists are increasing fossil fuel output to keep prices low for small businesses in China.
The really crazy part to me is that the smartest financial people I know are all treating the inflation likes it's no big deal. These aren't just rich ass Puddin bitches either. I'm talking hardcore Reaganite "conservatives".
Asked one of these same folks about the balance sheet yesterday and the reply was "eh who caresHere recently some billionaire investor types have been talking about inflation and owning gold like Sam Zell, Ray Dalio, Jeffrey Gundlach, Stanley Druckenmiller, etc.
I think the big/smart money knows if "we" stop printing then the game is over for bond and stock markets so inflation is going to rage.
Biden's America
Most of the general public is just now realizing the labor participation rate is never going to recover from this.
The pandemic made plain how undervalued laborers (skilled and unskilled) are and folks just won't return to those jobs for anything close to the wages they were getting paid before.
The laborers hold all the chips too because the economy desperately needs them to participate.
Terrible troll attempt again.What is "this" in "labor participation rate is never going to recover from this."? The pandemic?
We've got supply side shocks happening right now. Output was there pre pandemic, we didn't have a bunch of new bodies hit the rolls during the pandemic (actually had the opposite problem), and there wasn't a major war destroying factories and material that I'm aware of. Output will normalize, benefits will be cut, people will get back to work.
Labor force participation has been an issuing spanning multiple presidents, that will only go away with education reform.
Terrible troll attempt again.
There is a lack of bodies you fucking jamoke.
The labor shortage is bigger than education, and you know it, but you've developed that lazy troll and now yore stuck with it.Reeding isn’t yore thing.
The labor shortage is bigger than education, and you know it, but you've developed that lazy troll and now yore stuck with it.
Education might help switch the bodies, from one category that's lacking to another, but education doesn't make bodies outside of jamoke land.
I already did. Reading clearly isn't yore forte.Please educate me on the labor force. I’d love to here it.
Is it true that 25% of all US $'s have been "printed" in the last 14 months?
Is it true that 25% of all US $'s have been "printed" in the last 14 months?
This.M1 exploded in the past few months. Some folks say it’s tied to Biden terminating gains rate so there is a scramble to convert assets. That may be some of the reason, the other two are tied to covid payments tied to a collapse in output, and the huge levels of demand for dollars from the rest of the planet.
We really haven’t had a level of uncertainty like we currently have since at least the late 70’s. Back then there were large taxes on capital, creating shortage, and created a situation of stagflation. Basically you could pump money but employment wouldn’t respond and the value of the dollar collapsed. Now you have a situation of capital surplus, investment surplus, so when you print money the markets absorb the cash but the currency doesn’t really respond in a way that you want. So you print more money, creating more supply, but it gets sucked into the markets. And the markets don’t change the price levels.
You have that part, then add in the extra money spent on the unemployed, and then Biden’s tax threat.
They can't get the "money" where they want it and their only recourse has been to continue to print and hope things eventually iron out.
Every once in a while even a blind squirrel (or in your case elite cock sucker) finds a nut.Look at that you are agreeing with me. Good thing for you is that I just did an interview with US News and World Report. So you are agreeing with a world renowned economic and policy consultant.
Every once in a while even a blind squirrel (or in your case elite cock sucker) finds a nut.