Yeah didn't they just say they would be cool with higher than normal inflation?How is a Fed Chair "surprised" by data?
Either they are detached from the real world, or they are playing a role.
Clown worldHow is a Fed Chair "surprised" by data?
Either they are detached from the real world, or they are playing a role.
He ain't surprisedHow is a Fed Chair "surprised" by data?
I thought that as well, but then started thinking that maybe all the other stuff is to tampen down the news on the warAt this point I see no way we don't end up in some war somewhere to *try* to take some heat off the utter nincompoops that are the democratic party.
Would give they a manufactured crisis to solve along with blaming the current economic problems on orange man (then allowing the private sector to fix that for them as well).At this point I see no way we don't end up in some war somewhere to *try* to take some heat off the utter nincompoops that are the democratic party.
BHow is a Fed Chair "surprised" by data?
Either they are detached from the real world, or they are playing a role.
I dislike inflation as much as the next guy but when people claim the US is gonna be another Venezuela it always signals to me how little the understand about the whole situation (Not saying you're doing that here but I see it a lot).Well at least we are not Venezuela....
Reminder: Inflation is so high that real rates are negative right now. Guaranteed to lose money in real terms buying US debt.
Sounds like a nice lil bubbleFed isprintingquantitative easing $120 billion a month. 80 billion of treasuries and 40 billion of mortgage backed securities.
View attachment 22044
Wage inflations:
With all the transsexuals, gays, lesbos and others they are opening the military to, our troops will be asked to suck our enemies into surrender.At this point I see no way we don't end up in some war somewhere to *try* to take some heat off the utter nincompoops that are the democratic party.