Kyle Rittenhouse trial has started.

The fact that the prosecution brought up questioning about Kyle's 5th Amendment is such a stupid mistake they had to be intentionally forcing a mistrial. Kinda tossed the whole case in the trash today

I heard this too. Don't agree with it though. Are they not confident on a Not-Guilty verdict? cause they should be. My understanding is that the only way the same charges cant be brought up again would be with a -guilty or not guilty- verdict and then we would have a double jeopardy and Kyle walks.
I do not trust a jury with any liberals on it
My understanding is that the defense asked the judge to declare a mistrial with prejudice. This would mean a mistrial and those same charges may not be brought again.
Keep in mind the DOJ is sitting there waiting for this to be over. They likely already have civil rights charges drawn up to file with the court if KR gets acquitted. May file those regardless.

Double jeopardy is an interesting topic. The state cannot try a person twice for the same charge. However, in some cases the feds can, if the alleged act violates both state and federal laws. The state can try a person for, say, murder and if it loses then the state cannot retry for the same murder charges. However, if the feds have a law against murder for the same set of circumstances they can file even if acquired in state court.
Prosecution got that picture admitted. the introduced fake evidence and had a guy go up and say he didn't understand how the program worked and it was still let in. This is the 3rd breach of constitutional rights against Kyle. White privilege.
Prosecution got that picture admitted. the introduced fake evidence and had a guy go up and say he didn't understand how the program worked and it was still let in. This is the 3rd breach of constitutional rights against Kyle. White privilege.
I'm amazed the Judge hasn't pulled the plug on this. I'm also glad that the trial has brought attention to the fact that the 3 thugs were white. The pathetic libs had no clue.
Of course, the msm is completely lying to their dwindling viewers about what is happening in the courtroom. Fuck these people, freedom of the press should not apply to these shit stains.

Fucking msnbc trying to say Gage testified he had his hands up when he was shot😡. Can you imagine spewing these lies and looking at yourself in the mirror every day? These people are evil.

I never know whether to watch this shit or not. If you watch it, you are just giving them views and giving their shitty opinion a platform. Id almost rather not see it.
It seemed like the judge allowed a video that may, or may not, show Rittenhouse point his gun at one of the thugs prior to shooting. The prosecutor argued that this pointing of the gun was the provocation to have Rosenbaum chase Rittenhouse (seems preposturous). None the less the judge said the jury should see the video and be able to make the decion for themselves on whether or not it was a provocation.

Also, I THINK that Rittenhouse went all in. The judge gave him the opportunity to let the jury charge him with crimes less than what he is currently charged with. It was either that or he had to go all in and make the prosecutor prove each and every charge as it is. Basically he said im either guilty or not, no compromise. Good choice i believe.

2.5 hours each for prosecution and defense for closing arguments on Monday and then the jury will deliberate monday afternoon.
Here is a good summary.

Im expecting not guilty. Once you get away from Madison, Wisconsin has some good patriots.

The author of that article, attorney Andrew Branca, is one of the best in the business. His entire series on the Rittenhouse trial is worth the read.
Still expecting a guilty verdict. Wood love to be wrong.
Allowing that video in that blurs an image that the prosecutor will say is Kyle pointing his rifle at someone is worrying. The expert testified he didn't know how it worked and that the AI added pixels and color when you zoom. Just a fucking terrible decision by the judge.
Allowing that video in that blurs an image that the prosecutor will say is Kyle pointing his rifle at someone is worrying. The expert testified he didn't know how it worked and that the AI added pixels and color when you zoom. Just a fucking terrible decision by the judge.

I don't like the decision but don't think its totally unreasonable either. He did say that the lawyers can argue about it and let the jury decide. That means the prosecution has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if they do say he pointed the weapon and provoked an attack, he still attempted to retreat and Rosemblaum grabbed the barrel of his gun.
I don't like the decision but don't think its totally unreasonable either. He did say that the lawyers can argue about it and let the jury decide. That means the prosecution has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if they do say he pointed the weapon and provoked an attack, he still attempted to retreat and Rosemblaum grabbed the barrel of his gun.

I heard someone say that if he provoked the attack, self defense is off the table...even if he did retreat. Seems likely. You can't pick a fight, walk away, then kill the guy if he follows you & claim self defense.
I heard someone say that if he provoked the attack, self defense is off the table...even if he did retreat. Seems likely. You can't pick a fight, walk away, then kill the guy if he follows you & claim self defense.

In this particular circumstance, there is inconclusive (imo) evidence Kyle pointed the gun at anyone. The video is unclear and if he pointed it at someone it looked like it was because he turned around while pointed the gun at the ground.

So, yes. The guy who chased him had already threatened to kill him (rosenblaum) AND grabbed the barrell of his gun. I would argue that you do not forgo your self defense claim forever.

This is exactly what they are arguning right now. Im a few minutes behind real time no though
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In this particular circumstance, there is inconclusive (imo) evidence Kyle pointed the gun at anyone. The video is unclear and if he pointed it at someone it looked like it was because he turned around while pointed the gun at the ground.

So, yes. They guy who chased him had already threatened to kill him (rosenblaum). AND grabbed the barrell of his gun. I would argue that you do not forgo your self defense claim either.

I agree 100%, just saying that is what the prosecutor is likely to argue. IF what he argues were actually true, there could be no claim of self defense.
What does this mean in relation to the case?

So when Kyle Rittehouse runs away from Joseph Rosenblaum he was retreating from a threat. The prosecution argued that Rittenhouse provoked Rosenblaum by pointing his gun at him.

As Rittenhouse ran away, he got to a wall of cars and Rosenblaum gets right up on him and grabs the barrel of Rittenhouses rifle, at which point he is shot.

The prosection argues that Rittenhouse forgoes his right to self defense once he pointed gun at Rittenhouse. For the record, there is very little evidence to support that Rittenhouse actually pointed the gun and provoked Rosenblaum.

The prosecution also argues that Rosenblaum did not retreat far enough past the cars. They argued he could have kept retreating. I doubt he could have but there is some slim possibility.

So the above statement, even if Kyle was mistaken and he COULD have retreated further, dosen't mean that he is guilty.
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