What is Haley doing?


She lost Nevada to "none of these candidates"
She lost her home state to Trump.
She's losing by a landslide in every state.

She has no hope of winning a fair election against Trump. Her one and only longshot chance is to hope that Trump gets removed from the election somehow, like if he's arrested and thrown in prison or something. I don't think that's going to happen.

So the way I see it she has a clear way forward. She should just do the bare minimum. Just show up to every state primary. Give a speech, watch as she loses by a landslide, and hope that she is the next in line if Trump gets removed from the ballot. By going into a "do the bare minimum" mode she can avoid spending her campaign funds (she got 5 million from Ken Griffin alone) and at the end of the election she can donate this money to a charity of her choice.

I could totally see her settting up a "Nikki Haley Foundation" just like the Clinton Foundation or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Fuck everyone else is doing it, so why not Haley too? Even if she doesn't win at this point she can still walk away a millionaire.

Presidential hopeful and Trump challenger Nikki Haley is reportedly launching a seven-figure national cable and digital ad buy leading up to Super Tuesday, Haley campaign manager Betsy Ankney told reporters ahead of South Carolina’s primary results.

While poll after poll shows Haley down by double digits in her home state of South Carolina, she has made it abundantly clear she plans to remain in the race regardless of the results on Saturday.

“South Carolina will vote on Saturday, but on Sunday, I’ll still be running for president,” Haley told supporters during a speech in Greenville this week, making it clear she is “not going anywhere,” regardless of the results in her home state.

That point was emphasized again by Ankney, who told reporters Haley’s campaign is set to launch a “seven-figure national cable and digital” ad buy ahead of Super Tuesday:

Nikki Haley’s campaign is launching a “7-figure national cable and digital” ad buy ahead of Super Tuesday, her campaign manager Betsy Ankney tells reporters.


What Haley might be doing is to keep running so she can come in second place and run again in the next election with an I told you so campaign slogan. She will still have the same problem. Why worry? Haley just torpedoed her political career.
She knows the dems and globalist are funding her. She's hoping most of us are stupid enough to vote for her if her dream comes true that they lock up or kill Trump. I think polling on this is wrong. I can't believe she is doing better against Biden than Trump. There are 10% of pubs who are never Trump but there are 30% of Trump voters that won't vote for Haley.

Trump has lured Dems, blacks and hispanics that have never voted Pub before. Those people won't vote for her and neither will America first pubs. No way she gets over 70 million votes in a general.
She lost Nevada to "none of these candidates"
She lost her home state to Trump.
She's losing by a landslide in every state.

She has no hope of winning a fair election against Trump. Her one and only longshot chance is to hope that Trump gets removed from the election somehow, like if he's arrested and thrown in prison or something. I don't think that's going to happen.

So the way I see it she has a clear way forward. She should just do the bare minimum. Just show up to every state primary. Give a speech, watch as she loses by a landslide, and hope that she is the next in line if Trump gets removed from the ballot. By going into a "do the bare minimum" mode she can avoid spending her campaign funds (she got 5 million from Ken Griffin alone) and at the end of the election she can donate this money to a charity of her choice.

I could totally see her settting up a "Nikki Haley Foundation" just like the Clinton Foundation or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Fuck everyone else is doing it, so why not Haley too? Even if she doesn't win at this point she can still walk away a millionaire.


So did you ever find out what was going on?

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