Yes the guy that actually got Ukrainians killedFucking retarded... They should burn a Joe Doll..
What movie is that from?
And son.Yes the guy that actually got Ukrainians killed
Obviously the shit is faked and staged..Looks like the Ukrainian's standard issue infantry rifle is made by Russia. That sure looks like an AK-74M. I heard they are fun to shoot. haha SkoL!
I think you meant ostrichized.I disagree. They need to wear masks and social distance till a vaccine is available. Any chicken that will not comply should be publicly shamed, lose their egg laying privileges, be ostracized from their fellow nesters, and forced into an internment camp for reeducation. Hentrification if you will. haha Skol!
I guess I need a disclaimer for some on here. I like to be sarcastic, it was a joke.
Wonder why...?
Excess deaths in young adults
Took me seeing 3 of his shit takes and to the list they went.That was an easy ignore.
hahah pussy!Took me seeing 3 of his shit takes and to the list they went.