Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Every time I see a post in this thread with a douchebag uga fan jerking themselves off about kirby….

lol this.

I try to give them grace and patience.

Try to imagine like 40 fucking years of irrelevance turning on its head and all of a sudden relevance.

For many “Dawg” fans this era is probably the first time in their lives they’ve had something to cheer for and be proud of.

It’s like watching little kids learn to walk. It’s adorable.

That being said, fuck the SEC and Go Noles!!

P.S. FSU and Mickey Andrews (the original “SEC Defense”)
If it keeps on raining the levee is going to break... We get a couple more inches of rain and Louisville is going to be on the news. We got water standing in places it usually only flash floods. I think the weather Mod shit is fucking with the whole southeast.
I saw people on X saying when we were younger the sun was yellow. Now it is more white.
I'll tell ya what I've noticed. When I was young you would see an enormous gyrating flock of black birds rolling through the sky. I don't even see that when I'm out in the country. And besides mosquitos and gnats you don't see nearly the bugs you used to either

It's insane how many birds US and Canada have killed just since Aug. They hate humans...

Strangest part is you aren't seeing dead birds all over the roads or your yards. And deer cannot catch it but the cattle will. It seems like it is the food we eat is what has to be culled.
If they were really interested in beating it they wouldn't kill the entire flock. If 10%of the birds make it through the outbreak then you breed those fowl over and over and create a resistant flock
Strangest part is you aren't seeing dead birds all over the roads or your yards. And deer cannot catch it but the cattle will. It seems like it is the food we eat is what has to be culled.
If they were really interested in beating it they wouldn't kill the entire flock. If 10%of the birds make it through the outbreak then you breed those fowl over and over and create a resistant flock
I disagree. They need to wear masks and social distance till a vaccine is available. Any chicken that will not comply should be publicly shamed, lose their egg laying privileges, be ostracized from their fellow nesters, and forced into an internment camp for reeducation. Hentrification if you will. haha Skol!

I guess I need a disclaimer for some on here. I like to be sarcastic, it was a joke.
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I disagree. They need to wear masks and social distance till a vaccine is available. Any chicken that will not comply should be publicly shamed, lose their egg laying privileges, be ostracized from their fellow nesters, and forced into an internment camp for reeducation. Hentrification if you will. haha Skol!

I guess I need a disclaimer for some on here. I like to be sarcastic, it was a joke.
Just change that American Flag in to a rainbow flag and we would know enough..
I saw people on X saying when we were younger the sun was yellow. Now it is more white.
I'll tell ya what I've noticed. When I was young you would see an enormous gyrating flock of black birds rolling through the sky. I don't even see that when I'm out in the country. And besides mosquitos and gnats you don't see nearly the bugs you used to either

IMO.... We are at the brink of an ice age.. We need Co2.. Those evil bastards are killing the planet with their bullshit.
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