Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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You cannot understand the full miracle that occurred in Austin this past week when Texas Attorney General
survived a Senate trial to remove him from office until you watch this interview.

How stacked was the deck against Paxton by Texas Democrats, the Bush family, the Rove machine? You have to hear the facts Paxton lays out to fully comprehend it.

Somehow, an Act of God occurred, and the fix that was in was somehow derailed.

Understand: a BIG PART of us seizing our country back from a corrupt federal gov't is going to involve states standing up to federal bullying, overreach and criminal actions that violate the rights of citizens in the states.

That's why we need governors and AG's in office who will stand up and fight the feds. Who is in those offices and whether or not they will take on Washington DC to protect their citizens is of paramount importance.

And in Texas, @GregAbbott_TX is 100% a Bush Machine politician and a member of the Rove Gang. He's been playacting on the border crisis for 3 years now. He's not fooling anybody with a brain.

That's why this farce of an impeachment was allowed to happen to Paxton. Texans had better wake up and realize their GOP primaries are being rigged by Democrats and GOP establishment Bush Family lackeys.

The good news out of this impeachment farce in Texas is that the Bush Crime Family and the Rove Gang way overplayed their hand and ended up fully exposing themselves. The reign of the Bush Crime Fanily in Texas has ENDED, exactly as Paxton's lawyer thundered in his closing argument.

He acts like most priests aren’t pedos who deserves to be arrested anyways.

Furthermore, banning political parties doesn’t make a country any less democratic. The US banned the communist political party and we are still a thriving democratic republic.

Rand, just like his daddy, is taking that Russian money to peddle destabilizing narratives. It’s as obvious and objective with him as it was his old man for all those years.
Autocorrect FTW


What's the matter Steve Marshall? Answer the [Q]uestion.

About a year ago Alabama's Attorney General Steve Marshall was asked this question.

He never, not 1 time would answer the actual question for what looked like was fear of lying under oath.

Some of these people at the state level are close enough to know, and smart enough to attempt to stay out of jail.

Then again.. It's possible this interaction happened this way to help the process...

Wakey, wakey. Shyt is about to get real.

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