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Like blaming Trumpish people for Jan 6

Texas mother who blamed son's life-threatening injuries on 'white couple' arrested for lying to police​

The two-year-old child sustained life-threatening injuries including internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver.

A Texas mother was arrested on Saturday for allegedly making false statements to police about her two-year-old son's life-threatening injuries sustained in February, in which he had suffered internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver.

Shelby Martinez, 30, was arrested on Saturday at her apartment complex where her son was injured and has been charged with making false statements to police, according to KFDX Wichita Falls.

Authorities say Martinez and the boy's father, Thomas Gates, tried to cover up how their child received life-threatening injuries.

Their two-year-old son was allegedly run over by Gates when he was backing out of his vehicle, but the couple blamed it on an "unknown white couple," according to police. Martinez and Gates are both black.

It's always them Boo Boo.jpeg
Got Riley moved. She's so happy. Which is all I care about. She's having her cardiologist transfer her to UT for monitor outing and care, but he's staying on as primary. She's in great hands. I am so thankful for her cardiologist and those who are caring for her. He's the epitome of what DOCTOR was not so long ago. A healer. God bless this man. I know he's saved my baby girl's life.

And then today, I'm driving home. (because, really, if you're on a road trip and want to get there quickly AND not listen to me bitch and let me drive. I'm really good at driving not so much at riding 😂) and my husband sees this video which I finally got to watch tonight (because I was drivimg and then needed a nap before I made too much food for dinner (I'll get it down eventually. Or not and we'll be eating leftovers for days. Whatever)

Max is more than holding his own. He's flat out thriving. Athletically and (as I knew he would) academically. He's happy. He's exactly where he should be. (Miracle of miracles..max is getting out of bed way before time for class without me there yelling at him to get the f up. 😂.)Even though the captain (all american. Max knew who he was before he looked at Roanoke. Great athlete. Better than that....a good man) ran his ass into the ground today because he deserved it. Never restring both heads the night before. Launching balls into the ground? Nope. Lesson learned.

Anyway, right now for fallball (freshmen v upperclassmen) Max is #10 and he's wearing his oakwood helmet (his AA helmets he left home because Max isn't that guy and knows he has to work and earn everything ) which is kinda badass and, surprisingly to us, recognized by a lot of coaches over the years. Lax /Max people enjoy. Y'all have watched him grow up. Your support has been huge.

Everyone else, just skip over.

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Like blaming Trumpish people for Jan 6

Texas mother who blamed son's life-threatening injuries on 'white couple' arrested for lying to police​

The two-year-old child sustained life-threatening injuries including internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver.

A Texas mother was arrested on Saturday for allegedly making false statements to police about her two-year-old son's life-threatening injuries sustained in February, in which he had suffered internal injuries, burns, and a lacerated liver.

Shelby Martinez, 30, was arrested on Saturday at her apartment complex where her son was injured and has been charged with making false statements to police, according to KFDX Wichita Falls.

Authorities say Martinez and the boy's father, Thomas Gates, tried to cover up how their child received life-threatening injuries.

Their two-year-old son was allegedly run over by Gates when he was backing out of his vehicle, but the couple blamed it on an "unknown white couple," according to police. Martinez and Gates are both black.

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You get these kind of actions when the mantra coming from the politicians and media is "whitey did this" and "your problems are because of white supremacy". We saw that in a video the other day when a lawyer tried to claim his no good client's actions were because of racism. That judge wouldn't have any part of that.

HOW did Obama KNOW that there would be an “airborne disease that is deadly” back in 2014?!

I’ll tell you how, it’s the SAME reason that there was a COVID biometric test patent as far back as 2015…

Also, the SAME reason that Fauci said there WOULD be a “deadly pandemic” sometime during @realDonaldTrump term.

This WHOLE psyop was PLANNED out entirely years prior to 2019, they ALL knew it was going to happen.

1) It signals the democrats are becoming desperate, as they see our Republican weekly gains in voter registration.

2) 40% of Wisconsin hunters are not registered to vote. With this new policy, a percentage of unregistered PA hunters will become voters.

3) We’ll also see an uptick in the amount of white working class & Hispanic voters being added to the rolls — 2 groups that are responsible for wins in 2016 & 2022.

4) From visiting Pennsylvania universities, I’m keenly aware that many students are from other states & do not have PA Driver’s Licenses. We must have a continued presence on campuses to get them to register in PA.

5) This policy excludes the Amish community, who largely share conservative values. We must have a continued voter registration presence to engage w/ the estimated 80,000 Amish in Pennsylvania.

6) We’ll see a large uptick in the amount of independent voters in Pennsylvania. PA is a closed primary state, so these voters won’t be able to participate. We must reach out to these new voters to inform them of the closed primary & welcome them to the Republican Party.

7) Pennsylvania is not a universal mail-in ballot state. Voters must request a mail-in ballot in order to receive one. This is different from states like CA & NV, where every eligible voter receives a ballot.

8) The Pennsylvania Democratic Party is in shambles. Recently, it printed out thousands of cards reminding voters to vote on November 8th — a day after Election Day. They are lacking money & underwent a round of layoffs in July 2023.

Ultimately, the pessimism has to cease. I mean this w/ love & respect: if people spent 1/10th of the time they spend complaining on social media & directed that anger into positive action, we would never lose another election.

Let’s come together as a family & elect @JudgeCarluccio to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday, November 7th.
More than every previous president....combined.

I get your "I hate Trump" shtick, but to act like 2020 was spending just to be spending is ridiculous. Covid-19 scare ramped up spending like we've never seen. If you look at 2017 and 2018, spending was trending down/flat. 2019 and 2020 was mostly pandemic related spending.

Trump may not be the answer...but he's not the shit-heel you make him out to be.

They still support Ukraine but are now focused on restocking their own weapons.

"Our hub in Rzeszow, in agreement with the Americans and Nato, is fulfilling the same role the whole time as it has fulfilled and will fulfil."

“Arms exports to Ukraine will not stop completely as Polish manufacturer PGZ is due to send about 60 Krab artillery weapons in the coming months.“


“It’s got to be bipartisan anyway, at some point,” Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) said of a solution to the shutdown crisis. Referring to the conservative holdouts, he added: “So why negotiate with these five or 10 people who move the goalposts?”

Generally, the bipartisan group is focusing on two major ideas: a procedural maneuver to force a vote on a compromise spending plan — or somehow crafting a bill so popular that McCarthy can pass it and survive any challenge from the right. That bill would likely be a bipartisan short-term patch with some disaster money, Ukraine aid and small-scale border policies, according to multiple people briefed on the talks who spoke on condition of anonymity.

I was asking what Georgia’s record was against top 10 teams during the regular season the last two years. Not counting conference championships and playoffs. The knock is about their schedule in regular season. There is no question that they were the best team in college football the last two years.

Eh. The best team in college football doesn’t get beat in their conference game 41-17 but i digress. They became the best team over the course of that game and the natty when two AA receivers went down they couldn’t stop. And Uga has probably beat 3-4 top 10 teams in the regular season over the past 5 years. They don’t play many of them in the sece east. The last ranked teams with a pulse were 2020 and they couldn’t beat Trask or Bama. They have been dominating the lower tier teams since then

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