Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Even our resident bad ass gay dude is throwing in the towel.

To be fair(letterkenny style), he can say that or say "War." Those are our two choices at the moment. Somewhere the average joe has a tipping point and we haven't reached it yet, but we're getting there. When everyone else catches up and realizes we are now being ruled by autocrats then maybe we can start to plan to fix it. And no voting won't and can't fix it.
Literally the BEST case scenario is that the swamp just wants to go back to their grift of stealing our tax money using foreign wars as money laundering, and life can go back to “normal”. Unfortunately I think they have much darker plans than that.
I've been thinking this for a long time. Glen Beck has been doing shows on this for a couple years now. As you said earlier, not only did they steal the election, they did it in the most sloppy, easy to see manner as possible. They were desperate to steal this election, and it had to be now. Waiting until 2024 wasn't an option for them. Why? Because the globalists have those dark plans not only for us, but the whole world, and those plans start this year. A Donald Trump led U.S. could bring most of those plans to a standstill. But when Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the chicoms are essentially unopposed. Think about it. The Chinese could literally invade America, and Joe Biden would order the military to stand down, and few in a position of power would rebel against that order.

As cynical as I am, it surprised even me that the globalist tentacles into every U.S. institution were so deep that they could get away with such a blatant theft. Even when evidence was on video for all to see, they were able to ignore it. And by "they", I don't mean CNN and twitter and so forth, but all of them, up to and including most republican senators. They betrayed their country, they supported this theft, and though a bitter ending to America it may be, each and every one of them will one day stand before their creator, without excuse.
Just keep your head down. Invest wisely for the next four years, makes some money, and all will be fine.

Most of this crap is just pandering. Wallstreet and big tech are behind Biden, so he's not going to fuck with the system all that much.
That's the damn truth. The big guy isn't going to be happy with just "10" any longer.
To be fair(letterkenny style), he can say that or say "War." Those are our two choices at the moment. Somewhere the average joe has a tipping point and we haven't reached it yet, but we're getting there. When everyone else catches up and realizes we are now being ruled by autocrats then maybe we can start to plan to fix it. And no voting won't and can't fix it.

It will never happen. Too many Americans are stupid and either buy into the media propaganda or are too comfortable in their lifestyles to risk anything. Keep everyone reasonably fat and comfortable and they will be easy to control
I've been thinking this for a long time. Glen Beck has been doing shows on this for a couple years now. As you said earlier, not only did they steal the election, they did it in the most sloppy, easy to see manner as possible. They were desperate to steal this election, and it had to be now. Waiting until 2024 wasn't an option for them. Why? Because the globalists have those dark plans not only for us, but the whole world, and those plans start this year. A Donald Trump led U.S. could bring most of those plans to a standstill. But when Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and the chicoms are essentially unopposed. Think about it. The Chinese could literally invade America, and Joe Biden would order the military to stand down, and few in a position of power would rebel against that order.

As cynical as I am, it surprised even me that the globalist tentacles into every U.S. institution were so deep that they could get away with such a blatant theft. Even when evidence was on video for all to see, they were able to ignore it. And by "they", I don't mean CNN and twitter and so forth, but all of them, up to and including most republican senators. They betrayed their country, they supported this theft, and though a bitter ending to America it may be, each and every one of them will one day stand before their creator, without excuse.

We have just finished with one deep state conspiracy that was proven false. I’m really not interested in another one right now.
R’s need to spend the next year figuring out elections. At the state levels mainly where they have power in the legislature. Ballot harvest in rural counties. Do whatever it takes. Because this lib ride isn’t going to end anytime soon if something doesn’t change.

Mail in voting here to stay. And R’s don’t have a popular enough of a candidate that people will turnout for. Even by mail. Dems can put up another corpse in 4 years if they need to and they would win.

R's need to embrace ballot harvesting. We have an aging population. Old folks homes and nursing homes are prime targets for prefilled out mail in ballots. VFW, American Legion, etc. etc. There should be a stack of mail in ballots in every company break room, oilfield trailer, and truck stop. Boots on the ground operations in all swing states to start collecting signatures as soon as they are eligible to mail in.

Shit's checkers it ain't chess. Just have to adapt to the new reality. Instead of fighting this last go round they should have embraced it and won the damn game. Now we are on the outside trying to catch up.

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