I've thought about it. But I'm not 'nice' enough to get elected, much less get anything accomplished if I somehow did get elected.
But you can be sure I'm all over getting new people elected to our school board and working on getting our SI fired.
I absolutely despise our SI, as he does me. He's a money grubbing bitch with a ridiculous personal sense of grandeur.
A few years ago,
every school district in Ohio was closed due to stupid cold temps. We are a walking community and do not have transportation to school.... every single district closed except ours. That meant that teachers who lived out of district had to scramble to find child care for their kids and risk injury/death to get to school. I, of course, kept my kids home. Soooo....I contacted the news. All of the local stations. He got ambushed and showed what an ignorant, elitist asshat he is by saying that it probably wasn't as cold in Oakwood as it was a few miles away.

For the next week, every meteorologist ended their segment with "expect -35° windchill.... even in Oakwood". For the next month, he was asking everyone if they knew who contacted the news. Aaaaand...he eventually got to me. I flat out told him I did and if he wanted to keep going down this road, I'd keep ramping it up (he had, the year previously, not delayed or canceled school for ice. That resulted in a kid with a broken leg. A kid that was going to swim in college. That boy got a nice payout, as he should). That's when asshat finally realized that I'm one of the few people that can and will make his life absolute hell and can actually pull enough weight to get him out. We had other issues previously. Serious issues. When he started sucking up (because he finally figured out who I am and what our family means to the district... not something I ever lean on or toss around), I started hating him more. And now he can't figure out why more and more hate him and want him gone.
I'm normally pretty chill. Screw with the kids? I can be the biggest bitch you've never wanted to meet. And I'll do it with a smile and charm. I'm a lady, after all.