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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Census Results
The most recent count was completed last year, and the results were announced earlier this week. The 2020 Census shows the resident population of the United States on April 1, 2020, was 331,449,281. This is an increase in population by 22,703,743 or 7.4% from 308,745,538 in 2010.
Also, six states will have more representation at the expense of seven states that will lose seats in the House. According to the population totals, Texas gains two seats, while Colorado, Florida, North Carolina, Montana, and Oregon each gain one. California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia each lose one.
To read more about the results from the United States Census Bureau, click HERE.
It is an honor to serve the Third District of South Carolina. Should you or your family need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my office directly.
Blessings and Liberty,


Jeff Duncan
Member of Congress

Long cat

Jan 10, 2021

View attachment 18387

>Comey has been MIA since Jan 20th
>Comey released a book on Jan 12th
>Comey was scheduled to do a promotional interview on Jan 27th that he no-showed
>Comey has not done any promotion for his book at all
Book deals are just pay for something he already did. I’m sure he got a big advance, why would he care how many books he sells? I doubt he even wrote the book.


Jan 8, 2021
Look at this guy. Our mascot was an old west legend that was firing pistols before Tech was even a thing.

You guys hold your guns up like a faggit with a finger pointed in the air. We fire those babies (been doing it back to the late 60s that I can remember as a small kid.

Looks like you pussies started it in 1971.

For the sake of civility, I won't tell you what we call people from Tech.

Give me a break. "I did it as a kid in the 60s" That shit won't fly around here. Post something legitimate or STFU old man.

And WTF are y'all doing Kansas's waving wheat deal? Do they grow a lot of wheat in Oklahoma now?

and for the record, our tortilla throwing tradition is fucking awesome. I'm sure you guys would love to steal that too if you could.


Jan 8, 2021

The Bee Explains: Common Racist Hand Signals

If there’s one thing you’ve noticed about white nationalists, it’s that they have hands. And something they’ve been doing a lot with their hands lately is sending out secret messages in support of white supremacy. If you see anyone doing any of these hand gestures, you can be certain they are a racist and should report them to the nearest racism reporting facility (usually Twitter).

View attachment 18429
Cool-Guy Finger Guns

This is the one hand gesture you can be sure is not meant to symbolize white supremacy as it is only used by cool people. Anyone doing double finger guns is definitely too cool to be a racist. (They might, however, be an NRA member and thus a domestic terrorist. Oh well. At least they are not racist).

What’s your favorite racist hand sign? Form it now!

Finger Guns = Pistols Firing

faggot :cool:


Jan 8, 2021
Give me a little time. I have somebody very close to Vernon and when I get more information that I can share that’s coming out of Trump headquarters I will

I feel pretty confident Herschel will move back to Georgia and win the Senate seat in a year and a half from Warnock the warlock

I think Vernon has a very good shot to beat kemp in the primaries

I’ve heard Trump has a list of GOP candidates that he’s going to endorse for Congress and a lot of ideas agendas etc. that he wants pushed forward once we take back Congress. I’ve heard most of that will be released in the next couple of weeks and months. I also think he runs for president again perhaps with the Governor of Florida
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2020
Give me a break. "I did it as a kid in the 60s" That shit won't fly around here. Post something legitimate or STFU old man.

And WTF are y'all doing Kansas's waving wheat deal? Do they grow a lot of wheat in Oklahoma now?

and for the record, our tortilla throwing tradition is fucking awesome. I'm sure you guys would love to steal that too if you could.
I never said anything about the tortillas. Good for you, you little yellow toothed Texas panhandle faggit.

OSU doesn't do Waving Wheat. Long story short, the waving song they play now was popular in the 20s or something like that, and students did the good bye wave during a game. I hate it. Kills fan momentum during a game.

Fact: OSU was doing pistols firing before you guys ever started doing the stupid guns up thing that you do.

You need to be more like imprimis. He has manners.


Jan 8, 2021
I never said anything about the tortillas. Good for you, you little yellow toothed Texas panhandle faggit.

OSU doesn't do Waving Wheat. Long story short, the waving song they play now was popular in the 20s or something like that, and students did the good bye wave during a game. I hate it. Kills fan momentum during a game.

Fact: OSU was doing pistols firing before you guys ever started doing the stupid guns up thing that you do.

You need to be more like imprimis. He has manners.
My man!
On fire tonight

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Give me a little time. I have somebody very close to Vernon and when I get more information that I can share that’s coming out of Trump headquarters I will

I feel pretty confident Herschel will move back to Georgia and win the Senate seat in a year and a half from Warnock the warlock

I think Vernon has a very good shot to beat kemp in the primaries

I’ve heard Trump has a list of GOP candidates that he’s going to endorse for Congress and a lot of ideas agendas etc. that he wants pushed forward once we take back Congress. I’ve heard most of that will be released in the next couple of weeks and months. I also think he runs for president again perhaps with the Governor of Florida


Dec 9, 2020
My man!
On fire tonight
Here are a couple of rules to remember that makes the Big 12 different than any other conference.

1. We are not a family. We hate each other with a passion.

2. We do not root for other schools out of conference or in the postseason. I wanted Baylor to get steamrolled in the hoops championship and so did all the fans from the other schools, same when OU was in the football playoffs, same when Tech and OU was in the NCAA tournament finals a few years ago. No lovey divey conference pride BS.

3. We hate each other. If all of the other schools got swallowed by a sink hole I wouldn't shed a tear.

The old GoBig12 boards in the late 90s was pure unadulterated hate.

Thank you to the Tech Tard that rekindled great memories. Now before we get too sentimental, I hate you.


Jan 8, 2021
Here are a couple of rules to remember that makes the Big 12 different than any other conference.

1. We are not a family. We hate each other with a passion.

2. We do not root for other schools out of conference or in the postseason. I wanted Baylor to get steamrolled in the hoops championship and so did all the fans from the other schools, same when OU was in the football playoffs, same when Tech and OU was in the NCAA tournament finals a few years ago. No lovey divey conference pride BS.

3. We hate each other. If all of the other schools got swallowed by a sink hole I wouldn't shed a tear.

The old GoBig12 boards in the late 90s was pure unadulterated hate.

Thank you to the Tech Tard that rekindled great memories. Now before we get too sentimental, I hate you.

LOL... all of this is 100% truth. You'll never hear a "Big 12, Big 12, Big 12" chant like you do with those SEC faggots.

eta: i'll give you a like because we're all patriots here but otherwise, fuck you poke.


Jan 8, 2021
Here are a couple of rules to remember that makes the Big 12 different than any other conference.

1. We are not a family. We hate each other with a passion.

2. We do not root for other schools out of conference or in the postseason. I wanted Baylor to get steamrolled in the hoops championship and so did all the fans from the other schools, same when OU was in the football playoffs, same when Tech and OU was in the NCAA tournament finals a few years ago. No lovey divey conference pride BS.

3. We hate each other. If all of the other schools got swallowed by a sink hole I wouldn't shed a tear.

The old GoBig12 boards in the late 90s was pure unadulterated hate.

Thank you to the Tech Tard that rekindled great memories. Now before we get too sentimental, I hate you.

LOL... all of this is 100% truth. You'll never hear a "Big 12, Big 12, Big 12" chant like you do with those SEC faggots.

eta: i'll give you a like because we're all patriots here but otherwise, fuck you poke.
Truth... I would never cheer for any other B12 school. Really, it is the Big 1 and the lessers. If not for OU this conference would have its own yearly telethon.


Jan 7, 2021
News from Representative Duncan

April 30, 2021
I pray you and your family are well! I wanted to provide you with a few updates.
The Old Glory Only Act
Our beautiful flag, Old Glory, is the single most significant symbol of freedom the world has ever known. It is an unmatched representation of liberty worldwide, and it should be the only symbol that flies over our embassies in nations around the world. Yet, President Biden's administration will allow US embassies worldwide to fly the gay pride flag on the same flagpole as the American flag.
I saw this coming, which is why I authored HR 85, the Old Glory Only Act. No flag (Pride, BLM, or Gadsden) should fly over our embassies except for the flag of the United States of America. My bill states, “The Secretary of State shall ensure that no United States diplomatic or consular post flies any flag other than the United States flag over such post.”
Read more about my bill by clicking HERE.
Nancy Pelosi abusing the rules of the House of Representatives
I realize this update may be “inside baseball” to many, but I feel like you need to know this for a multitude of reasons.
Nearly every week that the House is in session, we consider a set of bills from what is referred to as the “suspension calendar.” These bills typically aren’t discussed on the floor for more than a basic introduction and are mostly bipartisan or non-controversial, which is necessary because a bill brought up on “suspension” requires a 2/3rds vote to pass instead of a simple majority. A few examples of “suspension bills” include technical changes to existing laws, the naming of post offices, launching pilot programs, or conducting studies.
While most bills brought up under suspension are minor and non-controversial, that is not always the case. I have voted for hundreds of suspension bills over the years, but I’ve voted against dozens as well. There have even been a few rare cases where a bill brought up under suspension was so controversial it didn’t even have enough votes to pass with a simple majority. This all goes to say that part of my job as your representative is to watch the suspension calendar carefully to ensure no one attempts to slip something contentious in quickly that should receive greater debate or scrutiny. Additionally, while many non-controversial bills pass on a voice vote, it should be the right of any Member of Congress to force a vote on a bill, either because they are concerned about the issue or because they feel that it is important for Members to be on record. That’s basic government transparency 101.
Now that you know the back story, you should know that on Tuesday, House Democrats executed a power grab to abuse the rules, and packaged 16 completely different, non-related suspension bills into a single vote – and suddenly, all of those things were getting one, single, up-or-down vote.
If you didn’t like one of those bills (and in this instance, there were fairly major problems with 5 of them), then you had to either vote them all to pass or throw away the other 11 bills to vote down the 5 you had problems with (or vote down the other 11 bills because of the issues with the other 5). Unsurprisingly, Democrats then passed all 16 bills in one single vote.
This isn’t the way the House should work. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are abusing their power in the majority and trampling over the rights of the minority party. When Republicans were in charge of the House, they NEVER took abusive action like this.
We should be able to come together on the items we agree on and vote on them separately in a timely fashion. We should always embrace transparency and allow individually recorded votes if necessary on each piece of legislation. Preventing recorded votes on individual pieces of legislation that could impact your daily life is simply un-American and goes against our Founding principles. It’s also a threat to your freedom.
I will continue to fight against this new tactic and keep you updated on any new developments.
Washington D.C. Statehood pushed again by Democrats last week
Last week, the House of Representatives voted on H.R. 51, a bill admitting Washington, D.C., as the 51st state. I voted NO on this UNCONSTITIONAL bill, and any admission of D.C. would require a new constitutional amendment.
Appearing on the Nationally Syndicated Radio the Todd Starnes Show

I recently joined guest host Tim Van Horn on the Todd Starnes Show. We discussed D.C Statehood, the #BidenBorderCrisis, woke politics, and the MLB's short-sighted decision to move the All-Star game from Atlanta, Georgia.
Listen to my interview by clicking HERE or on the image below:
The unconstitutional “No Ban Act” passes the House
Last week, Democrats brought forward Representative Judy Chu’s legislation, H.R. 1333, the NO BAN ACT. This legislation is a liberal’s dream and makes it difficult, if not impossible, for the President of the United States to respond rapidly to block the admission of aliens or classes of aliens that present a direct threat to the American people. I voted NO on this disastrous bill.
Some lowlights of the bill include -​
  • Limits the President’s ability to put future entry restrictions in a timely fashion by requiring both the Secretary of State and Homeland Security to determine a threat exists before a Presidential proclamation.
  • Transfers power from an elected official to unelected federal bureaucrats who are unaccountable to the American people.
  • Puts in place an additional step that is particularly dangerous at a time when the surge of illegal immigrants at the southern border is the worst in our history and a global pandemic rages in many countries.
  • Creates dangerous limitations on all future presidents’ abilities to keep the United States safe by placing onerous restrictions on the use of 212(f) authority to seemingly discourage the current President or any future president from ever exercising the authority. Even in cases where national security compels the issuance of travel restrictions.
  • Encourages litigation by allowing class-action lawsuits. Creates an expansive judicial review provision in which any “individual or entity who is present in the United States and has been harmed by a violation of this subsection may file an action in an appropriate district court of the United States to seek declaratory or injunctive relief."

As we move forward this Congress, I will keep you updated on this unconstitutional move that puts more power in the hands of unelected bureaucrats and would make the elected U.S. President subservient to members of their cabinet.
Biden Administration policies on immigration and abortion are the most radical I have ever seen
Last week, the Biden Administration announced they were eliminating civil penalties for migrants who refused to obey deportation orders by attempting to remain in the United States. He's doing this in the middle of a border crisis, which will likely make the situation worse.
This may be the most tone-deaf policy decision I have ever seen. They're not even pretending to care about immigration enforcement anymore.
That means more children being sexually assaulted while trying to make the journey to the United States, more COVID cases at the border, more taxpayer resources being spent on foreigners, more overcrowding in our schools, and more cheap/illegal labor depressing wages for American workers, all because Joe Biden is giving them a wink and a nod, telling them we have open borders in this country. This is a terrible decision, and I intend to do everything I can to stop the administration from implementing it.​
While I and several others appreciate the “lip service”, these GOP fellas need to actually do something. Tweets and fancy emails may fill the donation boxes, but we need these fuckers to actually fight back and fight for what their constituents actually care about. Until we actually see the needle move, it’s all theatre. Off my soap box.


Jan 7, 2021
Here are a couple of rules to remember that makes the Big 12 different than any other conference.

1. We are not a family. We hate each other with a passion.

2. We do not root for other schools out of conference or in the postseason. I wanted Baylor to get steamrolled in the hoops championship and so did all the fans from the other schools, same when OU was in the football playoffs, same when Tech and OU was in the NCAA tournament finals a few years ago. No lovey divey conference pride BS.

3. We hate each other. If all of the other schools got swallowed by a sink hole I wouldn't shed a tear.

The old GoBig12 boards in the late 90s was pure unadulterated hate.

Thank you to the Tech Tard that rekindled great memories. Now before we get too sentimental, I hate you.

This is exactly why Mizzou left when they had the chance.

No offense to the other schools. It had to be done. There are a few in the Big12 I pull for still.
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