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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021

Is there not anything your alums will do to get this POS off your campus?

Long weekend with friends in town, so I haven't checked this place. I have no clue what the answer is, but I believe pressure is mounting from alum and donations are being cut off until action is taken. They should just shut down his department and not renew his contract. The idiots who gave him tenure need to go too. We just got rid of some other woke professor recently too, but not this shitstain yet. He's an utter embarrassment, and it would be worth shutting down the sociology department....which has like 20 people majoring in it anyways. I personally feel its just a matter of time.

I like our chancellor, and he hasn't been pushed around by the woke mob. We relocated a Confederate statue from the center of campus to an obscure location on campus where Confederate soldiers are buried. Pretty brilliant for optics....move it from the most visible place on campus, but put it where it is absolutely legally impossible to move again. It makes sense. Chancellor seems pretty adamant "Ole Miss" and "Rebels" are here to stay. We're always under the woke microscope & I feel people are drawing their lines and saying enough is enough. The woke failure of covid is helping with that, as well as the fraud of BLM and the rest of it. (Great Awakening is everywhere)

His (black) wife is running for an alderman spot in town too, and there's a pretty hard campaign against her solely using her dumbfuck commie husband's tweets. He craves attention so much he can't even shut up for 5 minutes to spew his bullshit, and hurts any inkling of hope for her campaign. There are also rumors of an affair he's having/had with a grad student swirling around.

I hope his wife leaves him for a white guy 😆


Dec 1, 2020
What If I Take Bolt Cutters and Joint By Joint Dismember You - You Fucking Satanic-Globalist Piece of Shit


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
He used to be a normal guy...he was my college roommate at Mizzou for two years. So disappointed in his transformation. His believes were always alternative and wild but he’s turned into a shell of the man I knew.

He's pathetic. He says he played football at Mizzou. Truth to that?

Either way, he's a sad excuse for a human. So much anger and hate. The majority of his likes and retweets are from radical professors at other schools. There are liberal professors on campus, and then there's him....no one wants to be associated with him. He's big into this United Campus Workers union shit, which unsurprisingly has the same BLM/Soros black fist logo.

His time is coming


MAGA Pinja Anon
Jan 9, 2021
Coming to America...so now you can be high on weed and:

Forget religion...drugs rule now!

This is absolutely ridiculous. I am not for decriminalization of all drugs, I just think weed shouldn't be classified as a drug. I am a firm believer in God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Been a believer since I was young. Grew up Presbyterian, attended a loosely-affiliated Southern Baptist(feel good church as I call them), then started going back to my home church for about a year before shutdowns and then mask-life. All the being said, weed didn't make that piece of shit shove that woman off of a balcony. I mean I've, literally, smoked a quarter pound of very high-quality pot in a weekend back in my heyday with just two friends. None of us were driven to do anything other than grill out, toss some disc golf while staring out over downtown Boone from the Cabin his family owned. People just don't do this because they are high. They do this because they are fucked up in the head, full on psychopaths. Or they are smoking weed that is laced with some bullshit, or doing it on top of other drugs. But, mostly, it's because they are mentally ill.


Jan 8, 2021

I'm super hopeful something will come out of this. But the majority of me thinks that this building will spontaneously combust before any actual evidence comes out. There's too much on the line for the deep State on this one. We already know they don't have a problem with murder, extortion, human trafficking... I can't help but think they will murder, extort, and destroy the evidence to get out of this one


MAGA Pinja Anon
Jan 9, 2021
These organs are common commodities now, but they were certainly harvested in unsanitary conditions or contaminated at some point, so we can’t let them out on the Chinese market.”

Mr Li says the organs were shipped from Lagos in Nigeria but may have only transited through that country and could possibly originate from elsewhere in Africa.

We know that penises from Lybia and Sudan fetch a higher price than those from other African war zones, but can’t presume of their origin before the end of the investigation.”

Describing the organ’s value as high as illegal drugs, he said that “specimens of this size” usually fetched around $160,000 each on the black market, and its total value was more than US$1.15 billion, adding that similar seizures may become more common over the next few years as armed groups in Africa turn to organ trafficking to finance their military operation.

There is so much to unpack here.....


Dec 9, 2020


Dec 9, 2020
I'm super hopeful something will come out of this. But the majority of me thinks that this building will spontaneously combust before any actual evidence comes out. There's too much on the line for the deep State on this one. We already know they don't have a problem with murder, extortion, human trafficking... I can't help but think they will murder, extort, and destroy the evidence to get out of this one
Someone super connected to LE on this very board already said he and a shit ton of his friends are watching over this closely.

I somehow feel cool that this time, good guys win.


Dec 9, 2020
This is absolutely ridiculous. I am not for decriminalization of all drugs, I just think weed shouldn't be classified as a drug. I am a firm believer in God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Been a believer since I was young. Grew up Presbyterian, attended a loosely-affiliated Southern Baptist(feel good church as I call them), then started going back to my home church for about a year before shutdowns and then mask-life. All the being said, weed didn't make that piece of shit shove that woman off of a balcony. I mean I've, literally, smoked a quarter pound of very high-quality pot in a weekend back in my heyday with just two friends. None of us were driven to do anything other than grill out, toss some disc golf while staring out over downtown Boone from the Cabin his family owned. People just don't do this because they are high. They do this because they are fucked up in the head, full on psychopaths. Or they are smoking weed that is laced with some bullshit, or doing it on top of other drugs. But, mostly, it's because they are mentally ill.
Did you go to App? I'm a WCU girl.


Jan 9, 2021
He's pathetic. He says he played football at Mizzou. Truth to that?

Either way, he's a sad excuse for a human. So much anger and hate. The majority of his likes and retweets are from radical professors at other schools. There are liberal professors on campus, and then there's him....no one wants to be associated with him. He's big into this United Campus Workers union shit, which unsurprisingly has the same BLM/Soros black fist logo.

His time is coming
@TheGratefulReb he walked on his freshman year. Funnily enough he’s a Shaun King clone regarding the amount of melanin he possesses. But moms was a Russian white Jew who threw it at the black panthers in KC and marched on the death of capitalism in the 60s/70s.
His wife is lovely though.

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