Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Sadly, many are real. But don't discount the possibility of an army of little China slaves paid off or forced to change the perception of "majorities" on Twitter.
One of the reasons I don't think Q was a left-sponsored psyop. One of the themes Q hammered home hard was, "they want you divided", "divided you are weak", "united you are strong", etc.

No way that messaging was reverse psychology.

It's pretty obvious what they are trying to do re: race and Q lobbied hard against it.
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24 here. I've been married half of my life. I can't imagine life without my husband... even on those days I vividly plot out his murder.

*obviously kidding about the murder thing. Like y'all don't have those days. 🤣

The key is the good times vastly outweigh the bad. It's trite, but he is my best friend. I never doubt him, nor does he ever doubt me. He's the one person I trust with no question. No matter what.

For you young couples... keep the sex dirty and the fighting clean.
Insert, countmeasscaredandhorny.gif
You were drinking again last night, weren’t you Farley?

One of the reasons I don't think Q was a left-sponsored psyop. One of the themes Q hammered home hard was, "they want you divided", "divided you are weak", "united you are strong", etc.

No way that messaging was reverse psychology.

It's pretty obvious what they are trying to do re: race and Q lobbied hard against it.
Lin Wood and co are trying to pull me back in

It might be working

The full statement in the post:

They just presented the upcoming movie Sound of Freedom on the Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The speaker, who I think is the lead actor in the movie, dropped a red pill that will ECHO THROUGH ETERNITY as he talked about adrenochrome, a very controversial word that has never been spoken publicly before. Anons knew.

The movie will be released in the fourth quarter of 2021.

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View attachment 15877
Straight out of the use their own laws to destroy them.
He brought serious heat and it's indisputable that Q and Trump are connected

One angle is that the execution phase or public acknowledgement of what/who has already been executed requires a certain readiness amongst the public

Probably best for us to assume the just ending but we, through awakening those around us, are the ones that can speed up the timeli e
What did i miss about this story? Why are they so pissed that a dude was protecting his wife? If roles were reversed the husband could of smacked the shit out of dude and everyone would of been cool with it and said dude should of just walked on.

Most have missed him sexually assaulting a young female right before this but the video didn't show the beginning so he is a decorated veteran racist for protecting the girl. He was arrested and their house was vandalized so they had to be put up somewhere. Guy defending our country and now is a criminal for doing the right thing...



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