Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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What's going on boys!

So, I've been rather MIA from fraqqle rock, just kind of burned out some, and just to much content to keep up with not much time to read thru.

I'm curious to see what happens in the next year or so. And while I strongly feel Trump was robbed and the election stolen, I'm interested to see what happens to Biden (if he isnt booted out rather soon) Kabala Harris (in on taking over for Pedo Joe) and how the media is gonna twist all this shit and cover the evil they do.

And I'd like to thank the mods for letting me in this place. All the jackasses who were hidden under their rocks until the rigging happened just makes tMb a septic tank. I know it's not right to hate, but I tell you, if this country seriously goes to shit, in a serious way, I hope they suffer for their complicity in all this!
The people in the military speculate and gossip just like we do. My best friend for about 35 years is an active duty, full bird colonel is the US Army who has worked in a number of sensitive and high ranking positions.

I asked him yesterday if anything strange is going on with DC and the Presidency and he said not that he was aware of, but that some of the officers on his staff were chirping about it.

When was the last time Q posted? I guess I’d expect some explanation of what went wrong. Or, not according to plan. Not that you ever get what you expect. The thing that really got me down was how almost no one around Trump supported him in the end. Pence, Barr, Graham, even Rand... makes me sad more people aren’t willing to engage the struggle - like when William Wallace realizes it’s Robert the Bruce who has betrayed him
On or about 12.2
If and/or when anything actually does happen all media will break into current programming to make special announcements...even the MSm-13. The only wildcard will be the spin given by each. There are sufficient deep state people in government to sound the alarm, aka leak, prior to something major happening. The coordination for simultaneous arrests/detentions would be immense...unless they wait until all of Congress meets in session...then it would be easier. Agency heads and basement dwellers would be limited and presumably able to be coordinated. Governors and lesser players could happen later.

Those in videos saying arrests have already happened seems mere speculation. Quite likely if they were happening it would be known by now.
Anyone on here live in DC or have close family/friends that do (or are in DC right now in any capacity)? Would greatly appreciate any direct info/confirmation about the military buildup that we’re seeing in some of the posts here.
Area around the Capitol and Supreme Court now have a heavy military presence and both are fenced in. You can't walk on Capitol grounds anymore, most of that block is fenced off and you have to walk on other side of the street.

Area around the White House is pretty similar, but it's been fenced off since the summer. I don't know if the security was enhanced after Wednesday. The Treasury building across from the White House is also fenced, not sure if it was over the summer.

A good block or so of the mall is also fenced, I assume that is for the upcoming inauguration.

Overall it's sad seeing what used to be a fun place to walk now look like a prison.
Parler CEO
parler goes dark in 15 minutes
It is time we get the class action lawsuit up against Amazon. I am not sure most people understand the fundamental difference between what Twitter, Facebook, Apple and Google did, vs what Amazon just did.
They think they want it but after it starts they will be wondering what the hell just happened. This shit is fixing to get real. They have told 75 million Americans “Fuck you!”
I know everyone keeps throwing out the number 75 million Patriots. I think it’s vital that we remember that this election has been proven rigged and proven the votes were removed from Trump and moved to Biden. I think some may be pleasantly surprised ( some already know) at the true number of votes and states he actually won.
The people in the military speculate and gossip just like we do. My best friend for about 35 years is an active duty, full bird colonel is the US Army who has worked in a number of sensitive and high ranking positions.

I asked him yesterday if anything strange could going on with DC and the Presidency and he said not that he was aware of, but that some of the officers on his staff were chirping about it.


Has it even crossed ur mind that there could be something else going on as to "why" ur friend a Colenel in the MIL has not "heard" of anything relating to a secret OP of arrests being made?

I see a few options here and one of them is not good...for ur friend. One is that he knows, but can't tell u. Two he is not in the loop.

Let it simmer, wait for it yet?

BTW u wouldn't be the first person ITT who had a friend that they would swear up and down was on the up and up..and be disappointed w regards to what is going on right now. No offense.
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Breitbart was only early to mid 40’s, back around 2010 or 2012, maybe less 10 yrs ago,
He was a jogger, healthy enough, and jogging one morning in LA, Santa Monica Blvd I think, he had a “heart attack”,...,,

Medical examiners, coroners came away with the Heart attack story,
but as a Coincidence I am sure,
A few weeks or months later the LA Cnty Coroner that did his body, he died under “mysterious” circumstances, only a Coincidence of course.

Talk about shady, he was killed by Deep state. He always told his wife if he died or disappeared, not to believe any lies or stories, and that he was Killed.
The people in the military speculate and gossip just like we do. My best friend for about 35 years is an active duty, full bird colonel is the US Army who has worked in a number of sensitive and high ranking positions.

I asked him yesterday if anything strange is going on with DC and the Presidency and he said not that he was aware of, but that some of the officers on his staff were chirping about it.

this is where I am at. Have reached out to all levels and haven’t heard a thing. I may be digging in the wrong places, but will continue to look around
Some of y'all would be sick to know the % that serve who literally think POTUS is Hitler.
That’s my fear. How many members of the military will actually turn on us.
@Raiderred1974- while I completely agree with what you are saying, I think you have to realize how big of a scale this operation is and look as the military as a well-oiled machine that factors in Everything! Believe me! You have a metric fuck-ton of jelly heads and SM’s who don’t comprehend what their sworn oath entails, but I can assure you that our military leaders aren’t sending these fuck-sticks in to kick down doors and make arrests. They are the ones pulling Sentry and there for show of force. I can promise they are not sending in the JV for important parts of this. They are sending in highly trained, highly skilled Patriots that fully understand their duties and would never waiver.
Has it even crossed ur mind that there is something else going on as to "why" ur friend a Colenel in the MIL has not "heard" of anything relating to a secret OP of arrests being made?

I see two options here and one of them is not good...for ur friend.

Let it simmer, wait for it yet?

Yeah, thanks for that insight but I am going to trust him before I listen to a single word some anonymous dude on a message board has to say about what is really going on. However, to your point, he is a complete above the board man and wouldn't be cut in (nor would he want to be cut in) on any conspiracy or politics from any direction.

Sure, I suppose it is possible that the Insurrection Act really was authorized and that the Pope was arrested last night and Pompeo is sending us code by time stamps on tweets and the election is all going to be overturned today at 17:17, etc. etc., but I wouldn't bet any of my money on it. I would pay to be wrong though.
Yeah, thanks for that insight but I am going to trust him before I listen to a single word some anonymous dude on a message board has to say about what is really going on. However, to your point, he is a complete above the board man and wouldn't be cut in (nor would he want to be cut in) on any conspiracy or politics from any direction.

Sure, I suppose it is possible that the Insurrection Act really was authorized and that the Pope was arrested last night and Pompeo is sending us code by time stamps on tweets and the election is all going to be overturned today at 17:17, etc. etc., but I wouldn't bet any of my money on it. I would pay to be wrong though.

It's not really about trust
.he very likely is not in the loop unless he himself has troops that are part of a secret OP. And if he did have troops that were part of a secret OP he wouldn't tell ya, cause it's top secret.

high lvl MIL is just going to spill the beans even to friends about secret MIL ops. Because..they are secret. Top secret. While those words may not have much meaning in our non MIL worlds we live in, I can assure u they mean a LOT still in the MIL.

That's just not how it works in the MIL especially something that would be this close to the vest, and he would be committing treason and other various crimes by telling there is that..
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I understand its hard for folks like Teddy to shatter their consciousness of reality (was easy for me cause of hundreds of acid trips....learning the TRUTH was as much of an ego death sober for me), but good lord we now have intel pouring in, pics and videos of explosions, pedo pron (softcore as of now, hard-core probably soon) involving Hunter Biden & Nancy Pelosi's son...just shit left and right....

And their fragile minds still think a virtual yet attended by 30k people inauguration for Joe Biden is taking place??? Lol I know I like acid, but give me some of THAT shit that blocks me outta reality, dude
Lol xanax works

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