Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Except that they don’t use the military for the inauguration. They bring in extra police forces from around the country. The military has to be called into DC again find me an inauguration where you’ve seen the military like you’re saying right now.

I have a fried that works for a Fire Department around Dallas. He was telling me one of his LEO friends is going to DC as a part of the extra police force for the inauguration. His friend told him in years past, they'd make it personal trip as well, really only going if they were called down the day of. However, he said this time, they've been told to expect to be there for an extended period of time and no personal time is allowed while there.

Edit: I know, get an avatar faggit.

Area around the Capitol and Supreme Court now have a heavy military presence and both are fenced in. You can't walk on Capitol grounds anymore, most of that block is fenced off and you have to walk on other side of the street.

Area around the White House is pretty similar, but it's been fenced off since the summer. I don't know if the security was enhanced after Wednesday. The Treasury building across from the White House is also fenced, not sure if it was over the summer.

A good block or so of the mall is also fenced, I assume that is for the upcoming inauguration.

Overall it's sad seeing what used to be a fun place to walk now look like a prison.
Thank you for the report, much appreciated
I know everyone keeps throwing out the number 75 million Patriots. I think it’s vital that we remember that this election has been proven rigged and proven the votes were removed from Trump and moved to Biden. I think some may be pleasantly surprised ( some already know) at the true number of votes and states he actually won.
Unfortunately we’ll never know. In decades long after we’re gone there’ll be movies and books about the ugliest time in our countries history and how the people were denied, silenced, and uncovered that the federal government and the media were true enemies of the State.
Except that they don’t use the military for the inauguration. They bring in extra police forces from around the country. The military has to be called into DC again find me an inauguration where you’ve seen the military like you’re saying right now.
This could be the answer to your point but I don’t disagree.

from the article:

D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) released a letter Sunday urging Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, to take “a very different approach than previous inaugurations given the chaos, injury, and death experienced at the United States Capitol during the insurrection.”
It's not really about trust
.he very likely is not in the loop unless he himself has troops that are part of a secret OP. And if he did have troops that were part of a secret OP he wouldn't tell ya, cause it's top secret.

high lvl MIL is just going to spill the beans even to friends about secret MIL ops. Because..they are secret. Top secret. While those words may not have much meaning in our non MIL worlds we live in, I can assure u they mean a LOT still in the MIL.

That's just not how it works in the MIL especially something that would be this close to the vest, and he would be committing treason and other various crimes by telling there is that..

very true. I have friends and family that are military or ex military (SF, DOD...), and they cannot even talk about past missions. They get brought in every 6-12 months and are hooked up to a polygraph and asked questions - have you discussed or disclosed any past activity or missions... If they fail these their benefits, retirement, and more are put at risk. These people will not discuss if something is going down.
THere was something else I saw posted. I do n
I have very little patience for Smug contrarians. Ask Teddy. But this guy isn't doing anything worthy of expulsion. People are absolutely free to not believe in Q and be skeptical that anything is going to happen. Hell I battle with this every day. I believe Q isn't a LARP. To me you have to ignore far too many things to think that. However is it a true military op? That remains to be seen but I hope and pray it is.
There was something else I saw posted. I do not mind folks not buying into Q at all. I'm not 100% on all of it myself. I read thru several posts before posting this and that is what prompted my post. I will retract and go back and see if I can find what set me off (in a controlled kinda way :cool: )
Supposedly from last night.
Units from a Stryker Brigade. For those that don’t know, it’s tactical vehicle used to INFIL/EXFIL squads of maneuver teams. Has a lot of the same weapon capability (when installed) as tanks but can move at a much faster rate of speed. First unit was a Stryker Brigade. Gawd Damn, I miss that shit!
Maybe it’s just me but I have a hard time respecting a person posting a WAPO article to prove a point. Unless, of course, you’re ok with Bezos and censorship.
It was the first article that came up for my google search for inauguration set up. Nothing more. I wasn’t searching out WAPO. I just posted it for some context as to a “why”. You don’t have to believe it. Obviously you’ll continue he believing whatever you want to believe in even when it doesn’t happen...
I would really ask you to reconsider your statement. Not everyone believes in Q the same way you do. That doesn’t mean they’re trolling. And I don’t think it’s mentally healthy to keep people who see things differently than you do from speaking. Isn’t that why were so outraged by twitter banning Trump (among other obvious legal reasons!)

discussion is good. But healthy conflict in opinion is also good. Please don’t dismiss others because they don’t believe as you do.
Posting again since you were right under the other post questioning my original post. I just do not want this to become Rivals 2.0

There was something else I saw posted. I do not mind folks not buying into Q at all. I'm not 100% on all of it myself. I read thru several posts before posting this and that is what prompted my post. I will retract and go back and see if I can find what set me off (in a controlled kinda way :cool: )
Food for thought- how many active military sympathize with the Chinese Democrat agenda? How many are Trump supporters? How many Americans support the conservative ideology? How many are gun owners? Relax. I think in the end all will work itself out.
Most of them who are overseas get their news from American MSM. People are forgetting the military screens nearly all the info they get. Many of the links I send my brother he can never open even when he is on base.

The fact the he and I can only communicate via Facefuck messenger while he is at sea should be a HUGE wake up call to everyone especially with Space Force being 18.

If that doesn't scare the fuck out of you then idk what will?!
I know everyone keeps throwing out the number 75 million Patriots. I think it’s vital that we remember that this election has been proven rigged and proven the votes were removed from Trump and moved to Biden. I think some may be pleasantly surprised ( some already know) at the true number of votes and states he actually won.

Yeah the number is higher than 75 million..millions higher.. Hell DT received 75 mil legal counted votes...doesnt count the ones that were switched, or just outright deleted. There are literally millions of votes that were just simply deleted from the system, there were hundreds of thousands of votes probably in the half a million range or more that were switched from DT to Biden that we know of based on the Edison data alone..
Add to that 10% of BIden voters already stated that they would have voted for DT had they even known about the Hunter B laptop. You know that info that big tech and big media purposely censored to help Joe B win the election?
Now add how many more millions of people would have been in Trumps camp had he not received the 365 hate from the media and lack of reporting the good things he did and had they not slanted everything he did into something bad?
That is a HELL of a lot of support. I mean even a 40% halfway truthful media the last 4 years, DT is at 80 million votes on that alone without breaking a sweat if none are being run through DOM machines, Hunter laptop is reported, and the media was semi balanced in its reporting.

This is what scared the crap out of the deep state and sent them scrambling on election night:

1. Their algo wasnt enough to bring home the win because SO MANY people voted for DT and so few voted for Biden..
2. They realized just how popular and how many people supported DT even after their propaganda of the last 4 years to bring him down.
Food for thought- how many active military sympathize with the Chinese Democrat agenda? How many are Trump supporters? How many Americans support the conservative ideology? How many are gun owners? Relax. I think in the end all will work itself out.
No doubt some do sympathize with the left. For some, it's probably all they've ever been taught.

But overall, there's a reason democrats always try to not count military votes. Plus, my experience is that soldiers' eyes are open to the things we discuss in LAC far more than the average citizen.
Soo besides the fact that the timeline doesnt work out...anyone need any proof it wasnt MAGA supporters that stormed the capital to show their lib friends? Here it is: Remember internet and cell service was not available around the capital so even if a LIB tries to argue that MAGA supporters were just hanging around the capital and were watching it on some form of media to meet the timeline...they would be wrong little libbers.

Ok financial Patriots - understanding no one can time the markets, how are most playing this week and next? Being ITT has not been good for my investment timing...knowing too much can be a bad thing! Outside of selling my AMZN, was thinking of holding all positions and riding it out.

Any advice appreciated...also this post serves as a hold-harmless agreement! Just curious to see how we think the market will digest whatever is coming.
Soo besides the fact that the timeline doesnt work out...anyone need any proof it wasnt MAGA supporters that stormed the capital to show their lib friends? Here it is: Remember internet and cell service was not available around the capital so even if a LIB tries to argue that MAGA supporters were just hanging around the capital and were watching it on some form of media to meet the timeline...they would be wrong little libbers.

Agree 100%. I was watching Trump on my iPad and had the computer open to tMB. I was going back and forth and before Trump even made the comment about walking down to the capital, someone had already posted a Twitter notice of the Capital being breached.

Going off of memory, the Ellipse in front of the WH is at least 1/2 mile from the Capital building. No way this group makes it down there that fast.
I noticed something interesting this morning....Trump is awarding medals to a few people this evening, apparently at the WH. I thought he was secured away at some location other than the WH? just struck me as odd these events would still be planned for this evening despite what we all believe is going on behind the scenes and is about to happen.
No doubt some do sympathize with the left. For some, it's probably all they've ever been taught.

But overall, there's a reason democrats always try to not count military votes. Plus, my experience is that soldiers' eyes are open to the things we discuss in LAC far more than the average citizen.

Dont forget the elephant in the room here. A high portion of people that join the MIL do so because they are patriotic. It means they dont believein socialism, or communism and that they believe that the idea of America and its values are worth fighting for. The MIL is not like these lefty college campuses where your prof is drilling you weekly about what a POS Potus is and why he is a fascist dictator...LOL
These peeps also realize they have not been sent on any wars the last 4 years and that many are being and have been brought home to safety. They also know of the positive things he has done to help the MIL especially in regards to the VA..which ALL of them use as their primary form of health care. Their families too.

This is why those numbers of 168 straight MIL votes that all went to pretty laughable and the fact that LIBS will try and spin that with a straight face to make it seem like that is remotely possible is pretty funny.
Soo besides the fact that the timeline doesnt work out...anyone need any proof it wasnt MAGA supporters that stormed the capital to show their lib friends? Here it is: Remember internet and cell service was not available around the capital so even if a LIB tries to argue that MAGA supporters were just hanging around the capital and were watching it on some form of media to meet the timeline...they would be wrong little libbers.

Ok, I know for a fact that isn't true because I was there. Cell phones were scrambled, but only in a radius around the stage where POTUS spoke. They worked just fine near the Capitol- well enough for me to FaceTime my dad to show him the crowds.

Also, people definitely were leaving the speech early and walking to the Capitol. It was cold AF just standing there and when it was obvious that the speech was starting to wind down, a whole bunch of people turned east and started walking. I even considered it just to warm up.
There needs to be a “back to top” and “straight to bottom” Icon that follows you up and down the page so you don’t have to scroll all the way down. Also needs to be an icon “back to mainboard” or something of that nature you take you right back to the main forum.
I noticed something interesting this morning....Trump is awarding medals to a few people this evening, apparently at the WH. I thought he was secured away at some location other than the WH? just struck me as odd these events would still be planned for this evening despite what we all believe is going on behind the scenes and is about to happen.

Do you have the link for this that he is doing it tonight? It Would seem odd that he would be doing it which would conflict with the natty champ game unless he is doing it a few hours before the game starts?
I ask because it is possible that if he did do this, he could be at a diff location outside of the WH doing it in front of a green screen giving it the impression that he is at the WH, but that he really isnt there. I havent seen anything regarding that he is giving out any medals and nothing came up in my search is why I am asking if you have a link to it.

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