Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I’m still amazed people are lining up for this with Dr. Fraud Fauci and Billy ‘the hack’ Gates snickering behind the curtain. I just pray it’s all BS and everyone is fine. I have an adult daughter who got the J&J vaccine. So I got skin in this game. Shit better be wired tight!
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I’m glad they’re fighting back - I really am. But, to suggest that Trump will be back in office makes the movement look foolish and hurts their credibility - especially Lindell’s. The MSM will bury anything they release. Watch.
I think most of us (at least, speaking for myself) around here never bought into martial law, mass arrests and if Biden got sworn in Trump would somehow get back in - I'm on record in the long thread on tMB as not believing any of that. I just simply believed that there were a multitude of anomalies and video evidence which smelled of mass election fraud. The election was stolen but we're stuck with these clowns/Marxists for the next 3+ years, unfortunately - and maybe longer if no changes are made. If the same system is in place in 2024, the dems will win again using the same tactics and everyone who questions the outcome is a 'crazy Q' guy.
I completely believe this ^^^^ , especially after watching how the MSM has operated in the past few years and after doing some reading from a source within the journalism industry. MSM and social media is a tool for programming minds thoughts, much more so than institutions of higher learning.

I wouldn’t sell institutions of higher learning short here.
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Q didn't "trigger" that. Tens or maybe hundreds of thousands of people on social media and in their every day lives did. Not Q. Q was FOS. He was a troll, IMO, most likely Scavino.

Lie after lie and yet people still trying to excuse how he was wrong about everything. Q told us nothing we didn't already know, he just took photos from inside air force one to give credibility, such as it was, to certain conspiracies. Conspiracies that most of us already knew were the truth, such as pizzagate. He was a liar who convinced people Trump had everything in hand, 4d chess and whatnot, when the end result showed Trump couldn't even play checkers against the DS.
I've never said q was credible. Ever, mostly the opposite

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Casa Pariso

I Think It's Time to Go Back and Celebrate My Divorce!

Who Is "In"?
Do these idiots not understand that if they get their wish and theres no more local police, there will only be federal police to take their place!? It’s like if you’re facing a monster but then there’s a bigger monster that can eat your monster, you pull for the bigger monster. Amd then after the bigger monster eats the little monster, there’s nothing left to eat but you.
if they end policing up there, I hope she gets a nice dose of helpless remorse while being robbed at gunpoint. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

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