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Rob Green

Report to DoD and FBI Officials.
Gen Mark Milley may have received a pardon, but his subordinate and legal counsel, Admiral Christopher French did not.
This morning at 1134, I submitted, to both the FBI and DoD leadership, evidence of crimes committed by Admiral Chris French and a coverup by Admiral Darse Crandall. I was provided this information by a whistleblower. Under military regulations I have a duty to report this information and have fulfilled that duty.
Since the initial contact by the whistleblower, a small group of Constitution-defending officers and I vetted what was provided and confirmed the whistleblower’s story through other whistleblowers and with physical evidence.
Everything we have collected indicates that Admiral French’s violations may go back many years and may involve larger official cover ups by Navy leadership and the the DOJ under earlier administrations.
For example, Admiral Chris French who was the 7th Fleet JAG from June 2009- June 2011, allegedly admitted to being involved in the Fat Leonard Corruption case but that he “got away with it.”
As the 7th Fleet JAG he had a duty to report all potential violations of ethics and law while ensuring no impropriety was happening under 7th Fleet jurisdiction. Instead, according to the whistleblower, he participated in the dinners and events put on by Fat Lenard, justifying his actions by saying things like “after the dinners when everyone else went to the strip clubs, I would go back to the ship.”
To protect the whistleblower, I will not go into the details of his more recent crimes. However we have verified the story with physical evidence and there is an audio recording that has been turned over to law enforcement.
A report of all this was made 2 years ago to Vice Admiral Darse Crandall, the Navy’s JAG at the time (and VADM French’s supervisor). VADM Crandall apparently covered up these crimes and made sure that French was able to pick up his third star and relieve him [Crandall] as the Navy’s JAG.
Bear in mind that these two men, while committing and covering up actual crimes of their own, were actively (and apparently gleefully) chasing out of the Navy conscientious sailors who refused to take an experimental shot.
A full investigation of the allegations against Admiral French and Admiral Crandall must be made. It must also be determined if Admiral French was materially involved in the numerous apparent criminal acts committed by various other government officials including General Mark Milley.
I have committed to protecting this whistleblower and will no longer speak about the past alleged crimes or actions of Admiral French or Admiral Crandall. If any of you have questions about Admiral French, Admiral Crandall, or this case, you must direct those questions to the DOJ or to leaders within the DoD.
I will, however, continue calling for accountability and intend to use my First Amendment rights to see that Justice is done for all those that Admiral French and Admiral Crandall harmed.
We will purge corruption from our government one compromised individual at a time. We will have Justice once again.
We The People are taking our nation back.
11:42 AM · Jan 29, 2025
I'm no legal guy, but wonder that when the Navy's top 2 JAGs are busted in a legal coverup going back 10+ years who subsequently acted upon many, many other policies (COVID) and actions (discharges), do these new revelations call all those things into question (ie, grounds for
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Rob Green
Yes. In the recommendations I submitted with my report I said that due to VADM French’s demonstrated poor character and poor judgement, EVERY SINGLE recommendation, determination, & decision MUST be reopened and re-adjudicated by a competent and morally trustworthy authority