Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Listened to Glen Greewald today just to here the other side. He was interviewing the green party VP candidate. He's a black dude who is muslim. He said that Democrats won't receive muslim votes like before ever again. He's saying that most are going 3rd party from here on out.... We'll see.
I agree on the we'll see. Their love for the Palestinians is all PR. No Arab/Muslim country will take him, they've seen what they do to places when they are allowed in en masse. They must be wanting something else the Dems aren't giving them, at least so far




:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Don't let Harris campaign SPIN! Amber Nicole Thurman tragically died after abortion pill mifepristone caused sepsis infection. This is b/c Biden-Harris FDA allowed women to manage risky/traumatic abortions at home ALONE without mandated help from medical professionals. She would be ALIVE w/o Biden-Harris FDA
Listened to Glen Greewald today just to here the other side. He was interviewing the green party VP candidate. He's a black dude who is muslim. He said that Democrats won't receive muslim votes like before ever again. He's saying that most are going 3rd party from here on out.... We'll see.
Probably one of the biggest things that could save the US from splitting up is getting away from the two party system. I’m all for it. Most of us probably have more in common on foreign policy views than we do with the warmongers in dc.

McKinley wasn't a fan of international bankers. IIRC he just finished an anti-banking speech at the World's Fair in Buffalo NY when a "lone gunman" shot him (it's always a lone gunman). Bankers don't like competition. He died in 1901.

The 1890's was a period of bi-metallic gold or silver discussion. Baum wrote The Wizard of Oz as an allegory of that period. Hollywood changed Dorothy's Sliver Slippers to Ruby because they wanted to show off the new Technicolor technology.... Last I checked 'Silver' was a color.
Speaking of 1901. Archaix did a great video on what all happened on 1902. He believes it was a reset year. He believes every 138 years this happens. Sometime regional, sometimes they are global. It is 3 hours plus but it amazing research. Skol! His next reset of phoenix year is 2040.

Feel the enthusiasm

Well fellow LACers I have some great news!

Likely the only time I'll cheer against the University of Texas but they got their asses handed to themselves and I'm fucking elated.

This real-life story that I kept you informed of along the last few years is just another reason why we should never give up ITT, for our country, and in life.

Yes David can beat Goliath and apparently you can take on The University of Texas monolith and win!

As you know my sister-in-law or one of our favorite doctors that believes in God, real medicine, no bs vaccines, eating healthy etc was fired from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX for exercising her right not to be jabbed with an experimental gene therapy.

They won some of their counts in District Court and after UT MD Anderson read the appeal submitted to the 5th Circuit by her bad-ass attorneys UT MD Anderson saw the writing on the wall and threw in the towel.

So ha-ha University of Texas MD Anderson and FUCK YOU!

At the most recent Board of Regents for The University of Texas their settlement was approved.

She cannot tell me the terms of the settlement though I'm assuming that UT had to pay the legal fees which were in the 7 figures, because once a settlement gets to a certain amount the Board of Directors has to approve it.

Their goal was not to make this a financial gain though rather establish precedent for those that can't afford a prolonged fight like this one, and make sure that Universities don't take this action in the future.

She also received her full doctorate this last month and I know it pained UT MD Anderson to promote her to a full professor after she just kicked their ass in court.

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Here is the appeal that sealed the victory. They fucking gutted the mother-fuckers great read if you understand and like lawyer shit.

@Jayhox read and tell us what you think.

Super happy for her she and her husband and family have been through a lot. I remember after they fired her one of my five nieces said to her, "It's ok mom we can all just eat less since you don't have a job." So yes insane decisions by government entities affect more than they know.

Never Give Up Brothers & @tgsio

Like Trump Said "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

In the End the God and The Good Guys Win!

God Bless


The whole thing with MD Anderson and everyone else was to protect their income streams from Pfizer, Moderna et al. Had they allowed all MDs, RNs and others to opt out it would have shown the rest of us, the Great Unwashed, that Covid vaccines had little to do with the health of people but everything to do with money, greed, power and control over people by government and the institutions beholding to government. "You do not have free will and must do as we say."

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