Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Most likely, all of this sort of stuff is in response to what happened last Wednesday in preparation for Jan 20. Federal protective services are not just going to over look that event and act like nothing happened. An event of the magnitude is going to change protective measures in today’s overeactional society and those changes will last, and the events discussed and analyzed and planned for, for decades. Wednesday, regardless of what side you are on, wasn’t just a get together of friends that just got a little out of hand. To act like anything like this is out of the ordinary, now, is just completely smooth brained. We just gave the left all three houses, through fraud but nonetheless, and now justification (even though irrational and illogical) for the draconian laws that are about to be passed en masse.

That is saying the update will fix that issue. My iPhone has been missing text alerts since my last update. This update will correct that. That message is saying “some messages may be missing” and it will be corrected.

That’s all. Get the update.

make sure your alerts are still turned on.

it’s ok I promise. If the world goes to shit I’m pretty sure you’ll find out about 15 seconds after your phone would have told you.
I am really torn on getting this vaccine.

at first, I was like "no way" will I be getting it because I was concerned about how quickly the vaccine was developed and a lack of extended testing. I've been reading nearly everything I can find on it, especially about the R&D and what testing has been done. The State of Florida Department of Health conducted a zoom call with a physician and numerous local emergency managers and medical directors about the vaccine, how it was developed, and how it works. I felt somewhat better about it after watching that. I started asking around to all my RN and doctor friends from my old job (worked in a local central Florida ER for 15 years) and when I talked to them and they were all getting it (especially a few of the docs who had done alot of research before getting the vaccine) I felt much better. I am scheduled to get my first dose on the 15th of this month, but I am going to keep reading up on it until I get it. I am way past the age of having kids so I'm not concerned about fertility issues. The only medical professionals that I know that are not getting it are younger females who have questions about how it could affect them having children. TIFWIW.

im glad your skeptical, keep questioning authority

check this vid

What to expect going forward:

First off, the main forum is going to remain free of charge and have as few rules as we can get away with.

The "members only" board, currently title "tmb" (subject to change), will be a place focused on facilitating open and honest discussion. We will try and keep this forum free from trolls (both Libtard trolls and Qoomer trolls) and we are going to keep NSFW (mostly) off this forum because we know we have a wide range of members that want to participate in the community.

We are working on setting up a Patreon and we are going to have 3 tiers of membership:

Poor, Not Poor, and Lord

Poor will be $5/month and give access to the members only board.

Not poor will be $15/month and will give access to the members board and access to the Not Poor flair under your user name.

Lord will be $100/month and will give you access to the staff discord and let you aid in governing and directing the community going forward.

That's all for now.

Just say when brother.
And another post from my friend in law enforcement I go to church with. It's going to be interesting which side the military and law enforcement sides with. Here is his quote.

Take a look at a picture of Lady Justice. You will notice she is blindfolded and holds a perfectly balanced scale. This is a symbol of the law being applied equally without bias. It’s time she put the blindfold back on and level the scales!!
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Good luck. Feels like rolling the dice to me. Hard pass for me personally. I will just take my chances at being in the 99.98% survival group! SKOL!
Hard pass here too. First, I think I already had it and second, I'd rather have it than get stuck with any needle. And third I ain't got no time for no commie vaccine.
So every flight that would otherwise be inside that huge hole in the sky was either flying in or out of that airport? And the first report was it was in a control tower, not airport.
Same thing. A controlled airport cannot function without its air control tower. Controlled airports are large, receiving flights from multiple airports, not just between itself and another single airport. Also, with these controlled airports, flights schedules, departures and arrivals, are scheduled years in advance due to the daily volume of flights. And flights are routed through specific airports based on aircraft size, cargo, passengers, size of control towers, type of runway construction, number and length of runways, length of safety zones, traffic control systems and personnel, support systems and personnel, etc., in a tiered system. There are fewer airports at the top tier that can handle certain types of air traffic. When one of these gets shut down completely, it has a huge ripple effect throughout the airport network beginning at a regional level, of which we’re seeing here. The aircraft flying in can not just be rerouted to the nearest municipal airport. Shutting down the control tower completely makes even more sense as the controllers aid the pilots in their approach and departure through altitude, bearing, speed, and dispersion checks (real pilots can chime in and give better clarity to that). Pilots don’t just jump into a commercial aircraft and just go for a spin. It’s a tightly regulated, controlled, and coordinated industry.
I love how she spelled faggots

Dear Mods

Blow your fvcking brains out. Every last one of you. You cawk suckers have ruined a board that has endured for over 15 years. I cannot begun to express how sincerely I want every single one of you to kill yourselves. And hurry, don’t wait. Make no mistake, you have destroyed a significant source of revenue for this site. Fvck you, ****

Ha I thought about capitalizing Q and just going with “faQets” but thought it looked goofy

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