Silly me. I thought the OBiden's blocked the sales of LNG.So much for the white supremacy narrative going around
Saudi Aramco Set To Buy 25% In US LNG Project | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Sorry Green Energy Fans, Net Zero Is A Very Unlikely Outcome | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
These freaks screaming don't touch me piss me off. Bring back Billy clubsShould have tackled her on the hot assfault
Who is paid to follow cows around and sniff their farts?
Republicans Raise Money To Send AOC To Dance For All Democratic Candidates
U.S. — Seeking to capitalize on the voters' response to the primary defeat of Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Republicans across the country launched efforts to raise money to send Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to dance at campaign rallies for all Democratic
White House Warns Public Any Videos Of Biden Looking Confused And Senile During Debate Will Be Deepfakes
ATLANTA, GA — As the much-anticipated first presidential debate of the 2024 election approaches, officials at the White House have stepped forward to caution Americans that any videos from the debate which show Biden looking confused and senile will be
They've brought in a shit ton of illegal migrants. Work programWho is paid to follow cows around and sniff their farts?
This has to be what evil does to you when you are a murderous bitch, because Toria could get it back in the day.
Taser timeThese freaks screaming don't touch me piss me off. Bring back Billy clubs
Irish Butter and Tallow and your good to go.
Not DDT. It's a fumigant.
Interesting about DDT. I worked with a man who's father had several 55 gallon barrels of DDT when the ban arrived. The gov't told him he couldn't dispose of them as there were no places to dispose of it. Nor did the gov't want it. NOr could he use it unitl exhausted. Rather, they told his father he basically had to store those drums in his barn forever.
A speculation of mine:SBPC Executive Director Mike Pierce said that "two different gangs of right-wing Attorneys General" had created "a recipe for chaos across the student loan system," before urging Cardona to "look past this partisan lawfare and protect borrowers" by "shutting the student loan system down until borrowers have access to the rights they were promised under the law."
In other words, "shutting the student loan system down" until they can conjure up another scheme to force payments on those who have already paid their's off.
SBPC Deputy Executive Director Persis Yu said. Where do they find people with names like this? I'm guessing she/he/it/they/them has pink hair and a nose ring...and steals bags in airports.
"Food is a weapon" The UNOf course. You know the soup lines formed during the Great Depression.
The government was exterminating cattle and hogs, throwing away grains, etc. all in an attempt to push prices back up. They’d rather you starve is the point. Fuck em.
let the lawsuits begin!Isn't Navarro in jail for the same thing?
let the lawsuits begin!
Is bacon grease considered oil…thanks in advanceDepends on source of oils. All vegetable oils are inflammatory to the body. Coconut would be the least inflammatory. Most olive oils are pure bullshit in the USA. I cut all vegetable oils out. Only sources of fat are animal. Hope this helps.
GITMO is already equipped. Just allow PPV so we can finally enjoy tv again.Should start building the gallows
I spoke with a PhD black woman recently who said she wants to be the person who pulls the lever.Should start building the gallows