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The Talmud says that. Not the Torah. Christians aren’t in the Torah.
There's a lot of interesting occultic shit regarding the "Oral Torah" 'Talmuds' which, throughout the centuries, appears to have been proactively distorted at every opportunity by those in the know.

In fact, anyone with the necessary patience and discernment, can go read through any official jewish websites and eventually will see that even now, those in the know...are still going to considerable...😂 even cartoonish imo, lengths & efforts to conceal, deny and generally mislead anyone from the outside asking valid questions.

Of course this fact itself, jews and jew supporters/thralls invariably also conceal, deny or otherwise fabricate excuses for, yet at the end of the day, this repeatedly demonstrated fact remains the same.

Apparently they just don't want non-jews becoming aware nor realizing the Truth of what it is they're actually hiding.

For one general example: not only are there 2 distinct modern versions of 'Talmuds', ie: ¹the 'Palestinian'/'Jerusalem' 'Talmud'-(which is basically an interrupted/incompleted 1st version which eventually became accepted as a distinct complete work), and ²the 'Babylonian Talmud'-(a later 2nd attempt at a more complete version, which seemingly takes into account what's already covered in the 1st version)...but...secretly...both versions, along with the entirety of Judaic/Hebrew "religious" 'Torah' scriptures and much-much more...are all collectively regarded as comprising the true 'Talmud' whole.

"The Hebrew Scriptures (also known as Torah) is the bedrock of Jewish practice and beliefs. But the verses are often terse, containing layers of hidden meaning. Since the Giving of the Torah, Jewish people studied Scripture along with a corpus of Divine traditions (the Oral Torah), which elucidated and expanded the Divine wisdom of Torah. These oral traditions, and much more, were eventually recorded in the Talmud."

*The paragraph above is quoted from here:

Regardless though, even now, of the two distinct 'Talmuds', it is the so-called 'Babylonian Talmud' that is considered to be the most authoritative.

The 'Torah' may not specifically mention "christians", however occultic interpretation of the 'Torah' requires one having sought attaining "correct" elucidation only provided by the 'Talmuds', yet primarily by the authoritarive 'Babylonian Talmud'.

Reality is, whether knowingly or otherwise, intentionally or not, in full or in part, all jews and jew thralls participate in going to incredible lengths for maintaining perpetuity of an ancient blindness their parasitic cult has long imposed upon the numerically superior non-jew/"goyim" majority of man/hueman-kind... for the purpose of keeping us all stuck dwelling in ignorance of their abhorrent Truth.

There's very good reason so many earlier versions of "Christianity" openly abhorred the Talmudic cultists...yet eventually even the Vatican fell to Talmudic infiltrators usurpation, as it has remained so to this day.

I think one crucial aspect a lot of people unwittingly fail to recognize or perhaps deliberately disregard, whenever anyone genuinely tries to highlight the disturbing ancient Truth of the Talmudic so-called "jew" cult, is that those attempting, usually at great personal cost, to shine the searing light of Truth upon the Talmudic "jew" cult, are usually not suggesting as if all jew identifying individuals are equally abhorrent Talmudic fuckers.

Whereas its more likely most jews, to some degree at least, and their judeo-christian thralls are themselves ignorantly unaware and probably genuinely meaning good intentions in general, even whilst falling victim to the pre-programmed unconscious biases which enable disregarding logic & reasonability subsequent to these biases being auto-triggering, resulting with the unquestionable fervent defense of the Talmudic parasite cult, no matter what.

However those genuinely shining the light of Truth upon the abhorrent parasite cult typically aren't saying the individuals within the cult are all evil shitfucks, and rather that they're mostly just unwitting cult victims, the useful idiots. While the entirety of the Talmudic cult itself, is without any doubt, an ancient sulphuric pile of demonic shit.


There's a lot of interesting occultic shit regarding the "Oral Torah" 'Talmuds' which, throughout the centuries, appears to have been proactively distorted at every opportunity by those in the know.

In fact, anyone with the necessary patience and discernment, can go read through any official jewish websites and eventually will see that even now, those in the know...are still going to considerable...😂 even cartoonish imo, lengths & efforts to conceal, deny and generally mislead anyone from the outside asking valid questions.

Of course this fact itself, jews and jew supporters/thralls invariably also conceal, deny or otherwise fabricate excuses for, yet at the end of the day, this repeatedly demonstrated fact remains the same.

Apparently they just don't want non-jews becoming aware nor realizing the Truth of what it is they're actually hiding.

For one general example: not only are there 2 distinct modern versions of 'Talmuds', ie: ¹the 'Palestinian'/'Jerusalem' 'Talmud'-(which is basically an interrupted/incompleted 1st version which eventually became accepted as a distinct complete work), and ²the 'Babylonian Talmud'-(a later 2nd attempt at a more complete version, which seemingly takes into account what's already covered in the 1st version)...but...secretly...both versions, along with the entirety of Judaic/Hebrew "religious" 'Torah' scriptures and much-much more...are all collectively regarded as comprising the true 'Talmud' whole.

"The Hebrew Scriptures (also known as Torah) is the bedrock of Jewish practice and beliefs. But the verses are often terse, containing layers of hidden meaning. Since the Giving of the Torah, Jewish people studied Scripture along with a corpus of Divine traditions (the Oral Torah), which elucidated and expanded the Divine wisdom of Torah. These oral traditions, and much more, were eventually recorded in the Talmud."

*The paragraph above is quoted from here:

Regardless though, even now, of the two distinct 'Talmuds', it is the so-called 'Babylonian Talmud' that is considered to be the most authoritative.

The 'Torah' may not specifically mention "christians", however occultic interpretation of the 'Torah' requires one having sought attaining "correct" elucidation only provided by the 'Talmuds', yet primarily by the authoritarive 'Babylonian Talmud'.

Reality is, whether knowingly or otherwise, intentionally or not, in full or in part, all jews and jew thralls participate in going to incredible lengths for maintaining perpetuity of an ancient blindness their parasitic cult has long imposed upon the numerically superior non-jew/"goyim" majority of man/hueman-kind... for the purpose of keeping us all stuck dwelling in ignorance of their abhorrent Truth.

There's very good reason so many earlier versions of "Christianity" openly abhorred the Talmudic cultists...yet eventually even the Vatican fell to Talmudic infiltrators usurpation, as it has remained so to this day.

I think one crucial aspect a lot of people unwittingly fail to recognize or perhaps deliberately disregard, whenever anyone genuinely tries to highlight the disturbing ancient Truth of the Talmudic so-called "jew" cult, is that those attempting, usually at great personal cost, to shine the searing light of Truth upon the Talmudic "jew" cult, are usually not suggesting as if all jew identifying individuals are equally abhorrent Talmudic fuckers.

Whereas its more likely most jews, to some degree at least, and their judeo-christian thralls are themselves ignorantly unaware and probably genuinely meaning good intentions in general, even whilst falling victim to the pre-programmed unconscious biases which enable disregarding logic & reasonability subsequent to these biases being auto-triggering, resulting with the unquestionable fervent defense of the Talmudic parasite cult, no matter what.

However those genuinely shining the light of Truth upon the abhorrent parasite cult typically aren't saying the individuals within the cult are all evil shitfucks, and rather that they're mostly just unwitting cult victims, the useful idiots. While the entirety of the Talmudic cult itself, is without any doubt, an ancient sulphuric pile of demonic shit.
TLDR version: The 'Torah' may not mention "christians" but to unlock the true occultic meanings, the 'Babylonian Talmud" is required....and you'll find within the 'Talmudic' depravity that "christians" are directly & indirectly alluded to quite often and in ways which should absolutely infuriate any "christian".

"Many passages in the Talmudic books treat of the birth, life, death, and teachings of Jesus Christ. He is not always referred to by the same name, however, but is diversely called “That Man,” “A Certain One,” “The Carpenter’s Son,” “The One Who Was Hanged,” etc."

"The real name of Christ in Hebrew is Jeschua Hanotsri - Jesus the Nazarene. He is called Notsri from the city of Nazareth in which he was brought up. Thus in the Talmud Christians also are called Notsrim- Nazarenes. Since the word Jeschua means “Savior,” the name Jesus rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach SCHemo Vezikro - “May his name and memory be blotted out.”


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Centrist parties?

They haven't been centrists since before Hitler ravaged Europe 90+ years ago.

While the entirety of the Talmudic cult itself, is without any doubt, an ancient sulphuric pile of demonic shit.

This was basically my conclusion after going down this rabbit hole.

In the Soncino (sp?) version, which is just the old Babylonian (I believe) version translated by a Jewish professor, there are notes explaining the meaning of certain verses.

The Sanhedrin books refer to Christ but won’t say his name. They accused Christ of being a pimp running a brothel. It’s not a crime to rape a goy regardless of age, they should not step in the shadow of a church, murder also ok, etc.

The book is demonically inspired horse shit just like the Koran.
This was basically my conclusion after going down this rabbit hole.

In the Soncino (sp?) version, which is just the old Babylonian (I believe) version translated by a Jewish professor, there are notes explaining the meaning of certain verses.

The Sanhedrin books refer to Christ but won’t say his name. They accused Christ of being a pimp running a brothel. It’s not a crime to rape a goy regardless of age, they should not step in the shadow of a church, murder also ok, etc.

The book is demonically inspired horse shit just like the Koran.
Yeah man, crazy shit aye.
I reckon anyone who seriously looks into the Talmuds, will reach a similar conclusion too.

Its astonishing that any modern "christians" would ever tolerate the modern jewish cult at all, considering the extreme anti-"christian"/anti-life perverted ideologies exposed in the 'Babylonian Talmud' alone.
Though admittedly they are exceptionally capable at twisting & inverting almost anything into convincing falsehoods that serve the Talmudic deception.

Initially, about 100 years back, they tried to keep the 'Babylonian Talmud' from being published en mass, particularly in English. Ultimately this failed so instead jews now resort to various alternative measures for concealing/denying the Truth, such as direct & indirect censorship tactics, eg: "muh antisemitisms", "whitus supremacisms", as well as befuddlement tactics, eg: telling straight up porkies & generally "muddying the waters".
(*It is not ok for jews to lie to other jews, whereas it is ok for jews to lie to gentiles—so long as the gentiles remain ignorant of the lie.)

😂Talmudists are the greatest deceivers of all time, second only to their Father.

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