Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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TLDR version: The 'Torah' may not mention "christians" but to unlock the true occultic meanings, the 'Babylonian Talmud" is required....and you'll find within the 'Talmudic' depravity that "christians" are directly & indirectly alluded to quite often and in ways which should absolutely infuriate any "christian".

"Many passages in the Talmudic books treat of the birth, life, death, and teachings of Jesus Christ. He is not always referred to by the same name, however, but is diversely called “That Man,” “A Certain One,” “The Carpenter’s Son,” “The One Who Was Hanged,” etc."

"The real name of Christ in Hebrew is Jeschua Hanotsri - Jesus the Nazarene. He is called Notsri from the city of Nazareth in which he was brought up. Thus in the Talmud Christians also are called Notsrim- Nazarenes. Since the word Jeschua means “Savior,” the name Jesus rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach SCHemo Vezikro - “May his name and memory be blotted out.”

We are definitely on the same page with that evil ass script.

BREAKING: A judge has ruled that Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs acted illegally in naming deputy directors to run state agencies after the Senate would not confirm her picks.

"The governor ... took those actions for an improper purpose, culminating in an improper result - one that violates Arizona law,"

"That process requires oversight by the legislative branch," Blaney said. "Here, the governor willfully cIrcumvented that statutory process and eliminated the legislative branch from its executive role."

"These agencies wield tremendous power - they issue rules that have the effect of law and decide when and where to enforce those laws."

This was basically my conclusion after going down this rabbit hole.

In the Soncino (sp?) version, which is just the old Babylonian (I believe) version translated by a Jewish professor, there are notes explaining the meaning of certain verses.

The Sanhedrin books refer to Christ but won’t say his name. They accused Christ of being a pimp running a brothel. It’s not a crime to rape a goy regardless of age, they should not step in the shadow of a church, murder also ok, etc.

The book is demonically inspired horse shit just like the Koran.

Oh, and that includes molesting our children or any that are not Jewish. Hint hint world pedophile ring.
Tbh I'm kinda surprised aye.

Just to clarify, we're definitely not saying jewish identifying individuals are the issue, but rather that the true issue is the occultic scriptures aye?

Exactly. That’s why I will sometimes say something about the “Jew bashing” here. Sometimes it seems way too broad of a brush. Most Jews on in the same boat as us. Shit ass religious leaders and dirty ass government. I really try to keep that in mind.
Yeah man, crazy shit aye.
I reckon anyone who seriously looks into the Talmuds, will reach a similar conclusion too.

Its astonishing that any modern "christians" would ever tolerate the modern jewish cult at all, considering the extreme anti-"christian"/anti-life perverted ideologies exposed in the 'Babylonian Talmud' alone.
Though admittedly they are exceptionally capable at twisting & inverting almost anything into convincing falsehoods that serve the Talmudic deception.

Initially, about 100 years back, they tried to keep the 'Babylonian Talmud' from being published en mass, particularly in English. Ultimately this failed so instead jews now resort to various alternative measures for concealing/denying the Truth, such as direct & indirect censorship tactics, eg: "muh antisemitisms", "whitus supremacisms", as well as befuddlement tactics, eg: telling straight up porkies & generally "muddying the waters".
(*It is not ok for jews to lie to other jews, whereas it is ok for jews to lie to gentiles—so long as the gentiles remain ignorant of the lie.)

😂Talmudists are the greatest deceivers of all time, second only to their Father.

Some “Christians” imo border on Jew worship. I can’t stand it. It’s one reason I don’t listen to Glenn Beck much anymore. He used to be in that boat. Not sure about now. I’m selective with his stuff.
Oh, and that includes molesting our children or any that are not Jewish. Hint hint world pedophile ring.
Definitely a major factor for sure.

At a point I used to think this cult was the "head of the snake" and the principle emanation of corruption, yet nowadays I realize its more akin to one of multiple lesser heads of a vast hydra.

Still not 100% certain how everything ties in together, although I have figured out several of the other heads as well as the current prime head... however I wasn't sure until more recently thanks to the help of an Israeli blogger and an American private investigator.

Ya know how nations used to be ruled over by aristocratic/noble/royal families long before eventually shifting to what we currently appear to have now with governance by elected civil servants.

And ya know how a lot of "truthers"/"conspiracy researchers" eventually conclude, at least for a time, that, for example: the Rothschilds are supposedly the most powerful/wealthy family.

At the very top, well above the Rothschilds, exists a publicly obscured hierarchy of aristocratic/noble/royals.

Seems the reason for their shifting to covert rulership from the shadows over recent centuries might've simply been due to our increasingly overwhelming numerical superiority combined with technological advancements all adding up to inevitably foreshadowing our becoming problematic for the parasitic fews ability for maintaining their total dominion.

Since, if we all knew exactly who they are and where they're held up at.... eventually they'd do someshit or other that would sufficiently piss enough of us off...such that...😎 we'd just straight up fuckin' kill them.

BREAKING: A judge has ruled that Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs acted illegally in naming deputy directors to run state agencies after the Senate would not confirm her picks.

"The governor ... took those actions for an improper purpose, culminating in an improper result - one that violates Arizona law,"

"That process requires oversight by the legislative branch," Blaney said. "Here, the governor willfully cIrcumvented that statutory process and eliminated the legislative branch from its executive role."

"These agencies wield tremendous power - they issue rules that have the effect of law and decide when and where to enforce those laws."

Dig deeper and I bet you find a large number of questionable appointments.

🚨 Actor Steven Baldwin, Father in Law to Justin Bieber, is Posting some Cryptic Hollywood Messages 👀

• Hollywood has been the great disrupter for many decades, “but now Hollywood itself will be…. Disrupted.”
——Hollywood, behind the scenes, is dropping like fly’s 🪰

• Hollywood knows they’ve been infiltrated by “The Homeland Folks”… They also know they’ve been infiltrated by… the Devil
—— “My question to y’all is, are you ready to be infiltrated by “The Ghost” 👻

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