TLDR version: The 'Torah' may not mention "christians" but to unlock the true occultic meanings, the 'Babylonian Talmud" is required....and you'll find within the 'Talmudic' depravity that "christians" are directly & indirectly alluded to quite often and in ways which should absolutely infuriate any "christian".
"Many passages in the Talmudic books treat of the birth, life, death, and teachings of Jesus Christ. He is not always referred to by the same name, however, but is diversely called “That Man,” “A Certain One,” “The Carpenter’s Son,” “The One Who Was Hanged,” etc."
"The real name of Christ in Hebrew is Jeschua Hanotsri - Jesus the Nazarene. He is called Notsri from the city of Nazareth in which he was brought up. Thus in the Talmud Christians also are called Notsrim- Nazarenes. Since the word Jeschua means “Savior,” the name Jesus rarely occurs in the Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach SCHemo Vezikro - “May his name and memory be blotted out.”
Grace Notes - Valley Vegas Church
We are definitely on the same page with that evil ass script.