Right to the front with this one. Skol!
Mini-Soros makes a fantastic point...kinda.If American citizens follow the advice of that little psycopath they are the dug in enemy. Hard lines marxist who are enemies of the republic. Skol!
Yessir, I really hadn't ever seen it before today, nor the other one you've just mentioned either.Really, you never saw that? It was all over the place. Very iconic. Similar to the one in which he stayed up nearly 24 hours waiting for hostages to come home from North Korea
Little bitches like that guy make me hope and pray that we have televised tribunals and executions.
June 1st.
Here is a great source of information 5 days a week
Here is a great source of information 5 days a week
An ice pick would change their minds.
Yes sirThat's when I knew. He is the goat.
I read your post. Not sure what you are saying in all that. Here's what I gleaned from what you said:
That's wonderful an all, except nukes have comically limited usefulness beyond MAD don't they.America has nukes. Like any cornered animal they will lash out.
Why? Probably coz Chabadists are orchestrating the whole thing mate.That's the reason for Ukraine. Not part of NATO, yet we're in deep?? Why?
Biggest money laundering operation the Deep State has going and if that falls so do they.
Yeah pretty standard shit really aye.Same with the MIC. $60B didn't go to Ukraine. It did a left turn at the coast and went to Raytheon, MartinMarietta et al. to produce weaponry. Ukraine is getting the leftover crap we didn't want.
Damn right it ain't.BRICS+ is 80 something nations deciding to trade amongst themselves using each others currencies and not the Almighty Dollar. This is not in America's best interests.
I get your point of view. It's one of conquest. Manifest destiny. We have to strike first before they do. We have the right to colonize the 3rd world nations and steal their resources and if they don't like it we'll bring them some democracy because we're certain they really need it.
Well we easily could.Thing is that seems to be the fly in the ointment with regards to nations such as Africa - just kicked the military out (France's too!). I could be wrong, but it's archaic thinking. Why can't the world agree to trade amongst nations?
"Imperialist USA" ain't the real problem, its a fiction.If you get the chance, listen to Putin's speeches. In a nutshell... he wants to trade with nations which is what BRICS is all about. Why not trade instead of Balkanizing countries for their resources as we overthrow their elected presidents?? That is the US's MO btw. Russia and China are trading partners today along with BRICS nations precisely because they're tired of Imperialist USA.
I ain't buying this narrative mate.Russia is drawing the line in the sand. The US isn't prepared for a real war. Yeah, I know we talk a good game and lesser nations bow down to our military might, but Russia is a different story.
Ya surely realize conscripts were shot no matter what direction they went.Did you know Russia lost 28 Million people in WWII? That's how Russian's fight. Today 30K per month are volunteering to fight in Ukraine. THIRTY THOUSAND!
Yeah, old news though aye.Americans are too busy with their DEI woke degrees, Hollywood trends, and stuff that doesn't matter on the world stage. Go ahead and draft the young and send them to war. See what happens.
That's exactly what gatekeeping parrots do.George Carlin told us all about it:
Once you look behind the political curtain you SEE what's really going on in the world. The world is LEAVING the US hegemony whether we like it or not!
Freemasons say a lot of shibbolethic shit bruv.George Washington's final address: "Avoid foreign entanglements"
Now I actually agree with you here for the most part.Americans aren't at fault in all this. We've been educated poorly. Dumbed down. It's the International Bankers running the show that could care less about the EU, or America. Europe is ruined. Too many foreigners not assimilating into the culture, or what used to be European culture. This is not by accident. That's part of the plan. Destroy cultural values of nations and move society into the Great Reset and the Green New Deal where you will own nothing and be happy.
Sure is ain't it.The dollar is coming to it's nadir. They need to have WWIII to hide the eventual restructuring of society AND the financial system. They want digital ID's and digital money. It's easier to control the population that way.
Enslavement is enslavement though ain't it.It's called Feudalism. Only now it will be computerized Feudalism replete with facial recognition and QR codes.
Are you unfamiliar with me?I'll bet you can't find 1 in 10 people who understand what I just posted....
I read your post. Not sure what you are saying in all that. Here's what I gleaned from what you said:
America has nukes. Like any cornered animal they will lash out.
That's the reason for Ukraine. Not part of NATO, yet we're in deep?? Why?
Biggest money laundering operation the Deep State has going and if that falls so do they.
Same with the MIC. $60B didn't go to Ukraine. It did a left turn at the coast and went to Raytheon, MartinMarietta et al. to produce weaponry. Ukraine is getting the leftover crap we didn't want.
BRICS+ is 80 something nations deciding to trade amongst themselves using each others currencies and not the Almighty Dollar. This is not in America's best interests.
I get your point of view. It's one of conquest. Manifest destiny. We have to strike first before they do. We have the right to colonize the 3rd world nations and steal their resources and if they don't like it we'll bring them some democracy because we're certain they really need it.
Thing is that seems to be the fly in the ointment with regards to nations such as Africa - just kicked the military out (France's too!). I could be wrong, but it's archaic thinking. Why can't the world agree to trade amongst nations?
If you get the chance, listen to Putin's speeches. In a nutshell... he wants to trade with nations which is what BRICS is all about. Why not trade instead of Balkanizing countries for their resources as we overthrow their elected presidents?? That is the US's MO btw. Russia and China are trading partners today along with BRICS nations precisely because they're tired of Imperialist USA.
Russia is drawing the line in the sand. The US isn't prepared for a real war. Yeah, I know we talk a good game and lesser nations bow down to our military might, but Russia is a different story.
Did you know Russia lost 28 Million people in WWII? That's how Russian's fight. Today 30K per month are volunteering to fight in Ukraine. THIRTY THOUSAND!
Americans are too busy with their DEI woke degrees, Hollywood trends, and stuff that doesn't matter on the world stage. Go ahead and draft the young and send them to war. See what happens.
George Carlin told us all about it:
Once you look behind the political curtain you SEE what's really going on in the world. The world is LEAVING the US hegemony whether we like it or not!
George Washington's final address: "Avoid foreign entanglements"
Americans aren't at fault in all this. We've been educated poorly. Dumbed down. It's the International Bankers running the show that could care less about the EU, or America. Europe is ruined. Too many foreigners not assimilating into the culture, or what used to be European culture. This is not by accident. That's part of the plan. Destroy cultural values of nations and move society into the Great Reset and the Green New Deal where you will own nothing and be happy.
The dollar is coming to it's nadir. They need to have WWIII to hide the eventual restructuring of society AND the financial system. They want digital ID's and digital money. It's easier to control the population that way.
It's called Feudalism. Only now it will be computerized Feudalism replete with facial recognition and QR codes.
I'll bet you can't find 1 in 10 people who understand what I just posted....
Righto then.
That's wonderful an all, except nukes have comically limited usefulness beyond MAD don't they.
If cunts ever actually resorted to nukes....we can be certain they are lazy cowards who failed the most basic shit long beforehand.
Alas, no cunt would ever dare lauch a single nuke without explicit permission from the hidden puppeteers anyway.
We may see this world as the common grade school view of geographic countries within which are inhabited by nations comprised of persons. But nowadays countries are more akin to paddocks and nations are merely livestock.
Why? Probably coz Chabadists are orchestrating the whole thing mate.
Both Putie & Zelenkie are directed by the same people.
There is no war. Its simply another holodomor ritual.
Did you know vast areas of Ukraine are being snapped up by shameless Khazarians.
The whole thing is a scam primarily to hide the deliberate extermination of the Ukrainians.
American's only part in it is merely as the unwilling financiers.
The biggest difference between US & Soviet strategies...is that the US prioritizes expedience... which can be extremely effective when executed well, but its still based on short term strategies.
Soviets learned to negate US hard & fast strategies which they couldn't match directly, thus they simply prioritized long-term strategies.
We are witnessing the Soviet long-term tactics right now in Ukraine.
Modern Russia is merely Soviet Russia in disguise.
The wonderful Russian facade they're deliberately presenting to American's in particular, is easy to see past once ya actually really look.
Omfg bro. I ain't trying to be a dick here, however this deep state laundering narrative is just ridiculous.
The biggest money laundering op is the entire debt based currency scam itself.
Yeah pretty standard shit really aye.
Damn right it ain't.
This is another example of long-term stealth communist strategizing.
Yeah nah, that's far from my pov mate.
Tbh I'm not even sure how you arrived at such a conclusion.
Well we easily could.
Except the real puppeteers just ain't ever gonna relinquish their control.
In their eyes we're merely objects which exist solely for their personal exploitation.
"Imperialist USA" ain't the real problem, its a fiction.
Russia & China are concealing their true nature.
*Long-term strategies.
I ain't buying this narrative mate.
War became a profiteering racket. There have been no real wars for a long time.
Ya surely realize conscripts were shot no matter what direction they went.
Russian conscripts had the options of guaranteed death, guaranteed death, or possible chances of not death but requires charging at German positions en masse as part of the Soviet style "meat wave".
Yeah, old news though aye.
The America-centric infection is a shitload worse and also compounds all the other distractionsl ploys significantly.
That's exactly what gatekeeping parrots do.
Whereas Plato, Socrates and countless other men informed us long ago and also provided actionable suggestions too.
Modern gatekeepers point out obvious shit, bask in the undeserved praise.... before bouncing to the next performance.
Panen et circenses.
That ain't actually what is really going on under all the distractions we are being allowed to see.
America is only a piece of the full picture.
America is awesome and all that, however it just ain't the central character in this shitstorm that encompasses the entire world.
Freemasons say a lot of shibbolethic shit bruv.
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Now I actually agree with you here for the most part.
Except the initial excuse.
Everyone has been misled before we ever had any chance of knowing better.
Does this ignorance free us from personal responsibilities and accountabilities...
... absolutely not.
It is the duty of every man/woman to expedite re-assumption of all one's own outstanding debts of honor at the earliest possible convenience as soon as becoming aware of these.
Anything less is dishonor.
Sure is ain't it.
Its already undergoing beta trials in China.
Enslavement is enslavement though ain't it.
Are you unfamiliar with me?
Would you like a list of names?
Off the top of my head rn, I can roughly estimate a few dozen individuals who would quite easily comprehend all of this and then some.
Not all are members of tfsf though, yet just the tfsf members would probably number at least 20 individuals....maybe more.
Please excuse my brevity, its late here-(03:15hrs) and I'm tired.
Yeah nah...Ffs aye bruh?