Gold is as stupid as, and as big of a waste of time, and as big of a pacifier as Facebook.
Why was “money” created?
Gold is as stupid as, and as big of a waste of time, and as big of a pacifier as Facebook.
Our anniversary was supposed to be a secret! We weren’t going to tell the world until you got the mole on on your neck removed because you are embarrassed of it. You’ve ruined everything. I’m so mad!6400. I’m in Vegas for our anniversary. I’ll warm the place up for our LAC 2025 party.
To buy me things.Why was “money” created?
How did gold enter the conversation from that post?Gold is as stupid as, and as big of a waste of time, and as big of a pacifier as Facebook.
How did gold enter the conversation from that post?
And will vote democrat 90+% of the time...such n independent lol
He won’t ever vote against democrat bills. He will just vote present for the ones he dislikes. Manchin is slimy at best and knows he needs the conservatives in WV to remain in the grift, I mean senate.And will vote democrat 90+% of the time...such n independent lol
Yes…happy birthday patriotHappy birthday brother
Fence riding cocksuckerHe won’t ever vote against democrat bills. He will just vote present for the ones he dislikes. Manchin is slimy at best and knows he needs the conservatives in WV to remain in the grift, I mean senate.
But I’ve read where people say he stole that from the family that owned MLO and just put the Trump name on it. May be true.
Look up the stone of destiny being in Scotland and Jacob’s ladder. It’s such a neat rabbit hole. Especially when you get into the covenant with God being passed to Ephraim and Manasseh. It gets wild, truly entertaining when you have the time.
The royal family crest has the lion and unicorn. This goes back to Judah and they claim to be descendants of David in their heraldry. No doubt to gain legitimacy to the illiterate masses.
That said, it’s extremely interesting rabbit hole to go down. Many Scandinavian countries coat of arms have an eagle (I think) and/or a snake. The Tribe of Dan has that symbology and they will be left out according to revelation. What’s even more interesting is the use of Dan for countries (Danmark in Danish), Danube River.
If you want to get super into the weeds the country of Georgia apparently teaches in school that the lost tribes (Scythian empire) came up through the Caucasus mountains. And they were made up of Israel (the southern kingdom that turned their back on God and we’re conquered)
Anyway, it’s pretty crazy to look at and of course if you look it up and think it has validity your are a white supremecist. Which makes me wonder. DM if you want some of the rabbit hole places to visit.
We have some real pussyhats that get upset anytime religion is discussed here.
Little bitches like that guy make me hope and pray that we have televised tribunals and executions.If American citizens follow the advice of that little psycopath they are the dug in enemy. Hard lines marxist who are enemies of the republic. Skol!
You and Mrs. Dong share a birthday.
Really, you never saw that? It was all over the place. Very iconic. Similar to the one in which he stayed up nearly 24 hours waiting for hostages to come home from North KoreaWoah! I've never seen this before now.
Its not a fake aye?
Coz, if its genuine, then gott dang that is a remarkably powerful image.
America has nukes. Like any cornered animal they will lash out.We all know America has enjoyed international preeminence since the 40s.
C'ept unfortunately America now, is just barely clutching on to the last few remaining threads of that preeminence.
America is still a major world power of course.
Though relatively, America isn't anywhere near as powerful as it once was.
I get your point of view. It's one of conquest. Manifest destiny. We have to strike first before they do. We have the right to colonize the 3rd world nations and steal their resources and if they don't like it we'll bring them some democracy because we're certain they really need it.If America ceases being the top dog, then either the stealth communist China or the stealthier communist Russia will individually or as a team, assume top dog pozzy...and as is pretty fuckin' obvious with them both, neither are keen on allowing other nations to prosper independently.
Woah! I've never seen this before now.
Its not a fake aye?
Coz, if its genuine, then gott dang that is a remarkably powerful image.
*Billy MacronView attachment 217139
View attachment 217140
Classless is everywhere among "elites"
France's First Lady shares a joke at wreath laying ceremony
France's First Lady Brigitte Macron shared a joke with her German counterpart as the pair accompanied their husbands to a wreath laying ceremony at Berlin's Holocaust