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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Was in the original thread from day one trophy 🏆
Jan 8, 2021
6400. I’m in Vegas for our anniversary. I’ll warm the place up for our LAC 2025 party.
Our anniversary was supposed to be a secret! We weren’t going to tell the world until you got the mole on on your neck removed because you are embarrassed of it. You’ve ruined everything. I’m so mad!


May 20, 2024
But I’ve read where people say he stole that from the family that owned MLO and just put the Trump name on it. May be true.
😂Omg, this is one of those times Don's epicness cracks me up.

It all started during 1924-27, when Marjorie Merriweather Post had Mar-a-Lago built for approx $7mil(usd)
Wikipedia sez: "At the time it was the most expensive non-royal residence built in history."

In 1935 she ditched former hubby, a guy named Hutton, then soon after shacked up with an American diplomat named Joseph Edward Davies-(they divorced in 1955)

He had been granted the original coat of arms in 1939 by the College of Arms.
(*College of Arms has jurisdiction over England, Wales, Northern Ireland and some Commonwealth realms....😎but not America.)
I haven't found any deets about how Davies CoA came to decorate Mar-a-Lago, although its probably safe to assume him and wifey slapped it up at some stage between '35 & '55.

After the divorce in '55, Joseph Edward Davies doesn't seem to have been too concerned about removing his CoA adorning Mar-a-Logo...and three years later, by '58, he kicked the bucket.

By this point, or perhaps right from the first moment they were added to the property, I imagine his physical CoAs adorning Mar-a-Lago would have technically already become part of Post's property aye(?)...and they'd have essentially been nothing more than fancy decorations anyway.

15 years later, in 1973, Marjorie Merryweather Post died.

Wiki sez she willed the Mar-a-Lago estate to the US Govt as a Winter White House for presidents and dignitaries.

The internet claims neither Nixon nor Carter were keen on using it and aparently by 1981 the Federal Government decided it was, lmfao, too costly to maintain with whatever maintenance funding was being provided by the Post Foundation...so it was returned to the Post Foundation.

The Post Foundation was run by Post's daughters, who I'm guessing were ya typically spoilt useless heiresses, coz they didn't even bother maintaining Mar-a-Lago, not even in preparation for selling it...(😂)...so eventually they approved its demolition-(*which seems odd since they got it back in 1981, while it had already been classified as a National Historic Landmark since the year prior, 1980, but I guess NHL status means diddly (?))

😄 Anyways, sometime during the early '80s, DJT offered the Post Foundation spawns a cool $15mil, but they were too fuckin' greedy or someshit and they rejected his offer....so....he did what any motivated and proactive businessman would....😄he bought the land between Mar-a-Lago and the beach... thereafter announcing intentions to build a property that would block Mar-a-Lago's view of the ocean.

🤣And by 1985 the Post's must've realized they'd been bested, so they sold Mar-a-Lago, including Joseph Edward Davies physical CoA decorations adorning the property to DJT for around 7-10mil.

😏 Therefore as far as I can tell, DJT became the legal owner of Mar-a-Lago and Davies disregarded decorations.

Obviously, at least from what I see, Trump hasn't and isn't attempting to claim Davies heraldry, he's just making the most of a bit of fancy looking junk included with the property he legitimately purchased almost 4 decades ago.

In conclusion, imo the people screeching the "stolen" CoA accusations at DJT, are just completely full of shit retards shamelessly trying to fabricate something out of literally fuckin' nothing aye.

I mean, frankly at a bare minimum it just proves how desperate these hardcore TDS dipshits really are and at worst it proves the, lol, "articles" authored by so-called "journalists"...are infact blatant mainstream disinformation hit pieces, aka: deliberate propaganda.
Its ironic that The New York Times & Washington Post have been [re]doing this bullshit story since 2016-17...since ain't these the organizations part of the same hypocritical mass media apparatus that is still trying to position it's-collective-self as the sole authority on mis/dis/mal-info and intends to control what we can say...🤣ffs!

Additional note: 😄Well it turns out DJT was officially granted a legitimate coat of arms in 2011 by the Court of the Lord Lyon-(in Scotland, I think)

Moving on now,
Look up the stone of destiny being in Scotland and Jacob’s ladder. It’s such a neat rabbit hole. Especially when you get into the covenant with God being passed to Ephraim and Manasseh. It gets wild, truly entertaining when you have the time.

The royal family crest has the lion and unicorn. This goes back to Judah and they claim to be descendants of David in their heraldry. No doubt to gain legitimacy to the illiterate masses.

That said, it’s extremely interesting rabbit hole to go down. Many Scandinavian countries coat of arms have an eagle (I think) and/or a snake. The Tribe of Dan has that symbology and they will be left out according to revelation. What’s even more interesting is the use of Dan for countries (Danmark in Danish), Danube River.

If you want to get super into the weeds the country of Georgia apparently teaches in school that the lost tribes (Scythian empire) came up through the Caucasus mountains. And they were made up of Israel (the southern kingdom that turned their back on God and we’re conquered)

Anyway, it’s pretty crazy to look at and of course if you look it up and think it has validity your are a white supremecist. Which makes me wonder. DM if you want some of the rabbit hole places to visit.

We have some real pussyhats that get upset anytime religion is discussed here.
☝️😎 All of this....is genuinely fascinating af mate.

And yeah man I'm definitely looking into this stuff asap.

Fortunately I do hope some swinish fucklets attempt falsely accusing me of the whiticus supremeables too...😂coz I'll just get a few irl racist nigger associates to jump online, then we'll tag team the accusers with our combined blacky & whitey supremacisms.


Mar 24, 2023
I read your post. Not sure what you are saying in all that. Here's what I gleaned from what you said:
We all know America has enjoyed international preeminence since the 40s.
C'ept unfortunately America now, is just barely clutching on to the last few remaining threads of that preeminence.

America is still a major world power of course.

Though relatively, America isn't anywhere near as powerful as it once was.
America has nukes. Like any cornered animal they will lash out.

That's the reason for Ukraine. Not part of NATO, yet we're in deep?? Why?

Biggest money laundering operation the Deep State has going and if that falls so do they.

Same with the MIC. $60B didn't go to Ukraine. It did a left turn at the coast and went to Raytheon, MartinMarietta et al. to produce weaponry. Ukraine is getting the leftover crap we didn't want.

BRICS+ is 80 something nations deciding to trade amongst themselves using each others currencies and not the Almighty Dollar. This is not in America's best interests.

If America ceases being the top dog, then either the stealth communist China or the stealthier communist Russia will individually or as a team, assume top dog pozzy...and as is pretty fuckin' obvious with them both, neither are keen on allowing other nations to prosper independently.
I get your point of view. It's one of conquest. Manifest destiny. We have to strike first before they do. We have the right to colonize the 3rd world nations and steal their resources and if they don't like it we'll bring them some democracy because we're certain they really need it.

Thing is that seems to be the fly in the ointment with regards to nations such as Africa - just kicked the military out (France's too!). I could be wrong, but it's archaic thinking. Why can't the world agree to trade amongst nations?

If you get the chance, listen to Putin's speeches. In a nutshell... he wants to trade with nations which is what BRICS is all about. Why not trade instead of Balkanizing countries for their resources as we overthrow their elected presidents?? That is the US's MO btw. Russia and China are trading partners today along with BRICS nations precisely because they're tired of Imperialist USA.

Russia is drawing the line in the sand. The US isn't prepared for a real war. Yeah, I know we talk a good game and lesser nations bow down to our military might, but Russia is a different story.

Did you know Russia lost 28 Million people in WWII? That's how Russian's fight. Today 30K per month are volunteering to fight in Ukraine. THIRTY THOUSAND!

Americans are too busy with their DEI woke degrees, Hollywood trends, and stuff that doesn't matter on the world stage. Go ahead and draft the young and send them to war. See what happens.

George Carlin told us all about it:

Once you look behind the political curtain you SEE what's really going on in the world. The world is LEAVING the US hegemony whether we like it or not!

George Washington's final address: "Avoid foreign entanglements"

Americans aren't at fault in all this. We've been educated poorly. Dumbed down. It's the International Bankers running the show that could care less about the EU, or America. Europe is ruined. Too many foreigners not assimilating into the culture, or what used to be European culture. This is not by accident. That's part of the plan. Destroy cultural values of nations and move society into the Great Reset and the Green New Deal where you will own nothing and be happy.

The dollar is coming to it's nadir. They need to have WWIII to hide the eventual restructuring of society AND the financial system. They want digital ID's and digital money. It's easier to control the population that way.

It's called Feudalism. Only now it will be computerized Feudalism replete with facial recognition and QR codes.

I'll bet you can't find 1 in 10 people who understand what I just posted....


Jan 8, 2021
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