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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020
^^weather is getting good, rioting to start warming up



Jan 8, 2021
No such thing as outside the margin of cheating. But don’t worry, there will be absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud. It will be focused right where they need it.

Their minions are already blackening in circles on ballots.


Dec 1, 2020

^^Mother of the year Jill, read daughters diary and son's laptop



Jan 9, 2021
^^weather is getting good, rioting to start warming up
Spring training is over. Regular season is on it's way. Buckle up.



Jan 8, 2021

🚨 NEW: Megyn Kelly suggests a reckoning is coming for Biden, Obama, and Clinton after Trump verdict.

“You just wait, and it won’t be Hunter Biden the next time. It’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are on the various crimes they surely committed. We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies, or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time.”

Kelly says, “The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

She compares the Democrats to a wolf that just “tasted blood” and suggests the only way to stop a wolf from “coming back for more” is “if he loses a limb of his own.”

“Who’s getting indicted next?” she asked. “Joe Biden? Maybe Jill Biden? How low can we go? You may not want to see it. That ship has already left port. That horse has left the barn. That’s where we’re going. So before you celebrate too much over at MSNBC and CNN, who are positively gleeful, gleeful over this absurd conviction, you wait and ask yourself, ask yourself what kind of Pandora’s box has been opened here?”

The gutless cunts on the right won't do a damn thing.


Dec 1, 2020


Made the run from Texarkana to Atlanta
Jan 8, 2021
Isn't the applicable word martial?
Not trying to be a smart-ass, Viking... :unsure:

Martial law

Imposition of direct military control of a government
Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers. Martial law can continue for a specified amount of time, or indefinitely, and standard civil liberties may be suspended for as long as martial law continues. Most often, martial law is declared in times of war and/or emergencies such as civil unrest and natural disasters. Alternatively, martial law may be declared in instances of military coup d'états. Wikipedia
I don’t recognize any legitimate right to declare martial law.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Speaker Mike Johnson Asks the Supreme Court to Step In After Trump 'Guilty' Verdict

"I do believe the Supreme Court should step in, obviously. This is totally unprecedented and it’s dangerous to our system. We have all discussed this before and you all talk about it all the time."

"This is diminishing the American people’s faith in our system of justice itself. And to maintain a republic, you have to have that. People have to believe that justice is fair, that there is equal justice under law. They don’t see that right now. And I think that the justices on the court, I know many of them personally, I think they are deeply concerned about that, as we are."

"So, I think they will set this straight, but it’s going to take a while.. You are right. The process takes a while to play out. The Democrats know that, of course, and they are dragging it out. That was the whole objective."

"They want to try to bankrupt Donald Trump. They want to diminish his credibility and go after his character. They wanted to keep him off the campaign trail, which they were successful in doing for many weeks, and now they want to call him the convicted felon."

"This will be overturned, guys. There is no question about it. It’s just going to take some time to do it."


May 20, 2024
Any one notice that the more they go after Trump the more THEY are exposed???

Not just these 'trials', but all through the years since 2016?

the list goes on and on...

It's almost as if he was a wartime president or something...

If the media actually paid attention instead of deriding him for EVERYTHING he said... they might have a clue....

What if there was a Continuity of Operations in place and ongoing??

What if there was a separation between 'Federal' law and 'Military' law??

What if the Military (separate from Federal) was in fact monitoring the elections (since 2018)?

What if it was called Devolution?
(*this isn't solely directed towards you Goldhedge)

I dunno if I'm misinterpreting things, but whenever I attempt to meet y'all halfway regarding DJT, it seems like y'all have taken an unwaveringly defensive stance regardless of anything I say or do.

The reality is that I was a staunch supporter of DJT since he first ran against the killary demon and my support only diminished after DJT took a leading role in unleashing the covaids clotshot on the world with that 'Operation Warpspeed'.

Doesn't matter who, I am just highly suspicious of anyone who willingly plays along with the big pharma allopathy racket.

However considering the high level politicking games DJT has to participate in, therefore I am still open to giving him the benefit of the doubt because it's more than certain he'll be having to employ complex long-term strategies against the established globalist cult juggernaut.

Alas, the fact that my previous responses to Goldhedge's above quoted post, & also to one of hmt5000's recent posts, have both basically been communally ignored, suggests most of y'all ain't willing to afford me the benefit of the doubt. Frankly, I'm unsure whether my interpretation here is correct or not, yet if so, then I'm still unable to guess as to what could possibly justify such.

Of course I haven't been afraid to speak my mind here and whenever my opinions have proven triggering for some members, I won't deny that I have enjoyed proactively fucking with those trigged out members who chose to become actively hostile.

Whether or not I agree with those members overall, the fact is I simply enjoy being a flaming cunt towards anyone and any group who deliberately try to be cunty towards me...no exceptions, and even though I don't mind persisting reciprocally in the face of persistent cuntiness, I just don't hold anything against anyone personally during nor afterwards.

Although it seems only a few of the more reasonable members here ever eventually afford me a fraction of the same fundamental reasonability.

If it ain't apparent, part of why I have become increasingly unsure of DJT...directly results from so many of my prior queries being met with unusually hostile or just outright hysterical reactions from a handful of members here. Coz shit, what else would ya expect when genuine questions receive feral hostility instead of reasonable answers. It gives an impression of irrational communal ideological possession.

Whereas the exact opposite occurs whenever members respond in at least somewhat of a reasonable manner, as both Goldhedge & hmt5000 have.

Hope y'all realize that just as I most likely variably misinterpret a lot of American linguistic norms that would seem obvious for the average American. The same will be true of y'allz interpretations of a lot of my words too.
Ie: Y'all can probably quite easily ascertain the general intended core of what each other is communicating as well as perceiving any subtle American nuances.
While there's only so much I could ever learn to recognize of American communicative norms from text based discourse alone and any more complex American nuances & linguistic comprehension would require me directly experiencing American comms first hand—by living in America.
It'll be similar for y'allz comprehension of some of the shit I say via text.

Point is, I'm not an enemy of America.
Fuck I'm probably the farthest thing from an enemy.

We all know America has enjoyed international preeminence since the 40s.
C'ept unfortunately America now, is just barely clutching on to the last few remaining threads of that preeminence.

America is still a major world power of course.

Though relatively, America isn't anywhere near as powerful as it once was.

It's much more apparent when taking into account the comparatively miniscule and dwindling populations of America, and all the American allied "western" (European originating) nations combined, which can be generously estimated at between ~900million to 1.2billion in total ~vs~ just the combined Asiatic nations alone, estimated at ~4.5billion.

The only thing still sorta safeguarding "western" nations from being totally drowned out by the Asian hoardes, is the fact "western" nations are still able to exert some waning degree of organized influence—although imo it is primarily only thanks to American superiority, coz the UK is just utterly fucked these days and the European Union was always a hopeless shitshow.

But that US led worldwide safeguard will abruptly dissolve if America loses it's long held #1 position on the world stage.

If America ceases being the top dog, then either the stealth communist China or the stealthier communist Russia will individually or as a team, assume top dog pozzy...and as is pretty fuckin' obvious with them both, neither are keen on allowing other nations to prosper independently.

Bet my left nut if America loses the position as the #1 world power, it'll only be a matter of years before China inevitably exerts it's power over, and thereafter begins aggressively infesting all the smaller Asian nations one by one, eventually dominating Australia, NZ and South Africa too. (Imho we're absolutely fucked without America.)

We all know America is responsible for some pretty gargantuan fuck ups over the decades, but still, that shit doesn't negate all the extraordinary American successes and the greatly beneficial things America has done for the nations of the world.

I just wish y'all could see that regardless of any perceived differences or disagreements, I'm actually one non-American who genuinely staunchly supports OG Constitutional America, especially the original fundamental being buried underneath all the modern parasitic USA-Corporation fuckwittery.

I may not have been born in America but as some of ya might recall, my great grandfather was an American marine. Maybe it'll be of minor curiosity that I recently-(unexpectedly)-uncovered several previously unknown-(to me)-branches of my ancestors who were among the very first European settlers of the new world.
Who knows, some of us could potentially be distantly related.

Yo @shiv, here's one ancient coat of arms I found associated with your family name...

And several associated with mine...


Below are merely ancient versions associated with these family names.
(The Trumps & the Kennedys each have a newer version that differs from these.)


Dec 1, 2020
^^certainly showing that Asians are smarter might be a myth, except our


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