Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I’ll never play this game
I sat my two grown sons down years ago and told them if the Government can make you call a man a woman, they can make you do any dam thing they want.

I have had the same conversation with each of my six grandkids. I know they think, oh no, Grandy is giving us another one of his talks.
I tell them we will NOT comply and never comply, then ask them if they understand.
Fuck all of that Woke shit...
If a person refuses to accept their gender but demands we accept what they project it to be...Naw, that ain't gonna happen.
What we see going on in the world today is perhaps one of the biggest lies perpetuated in the history of the world.

If the media can convince people that there's no such thing as TRUTH, then that also means there's no such thing as SIN.

If there's no sin, then people don't need to repent, or turn to Jesus.

IMO, this is what it's all about.

Trump’s claim of executive privilege. Biden AG Merrick Garland personally approved the raid. These Crossfire Hurricane records are devastating to Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, and so many others. They made up the Russian collusion hoax in 2016. Because Russia almost certainly hacked Hillary’s home server.Evidencing her Clinton Foundation foreign corruption as Obama’s Secretary of State. If Russia leaked the hacked material before the election, Hillary wanted to blame a Trump dirty campaign trick—falsely accusing him of colluding with Russia. Conspiracy theory? 51 former intel agents, working with the CIA, ran the same play with Hunter’s laptop of Biden’s foreign corruption in 2020. This is a criminal conspiracy. Trump could have publicly disclosed these declassified Crossfire Hurricane records in his civil lawsuit versus Hillary over the Russian-collusion hoaxMagistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, a Democrat operative who bashed Trump on Facebook, was forced to recuse from that case. Six weeks later, Reinhart’s clear bias against Trump (somehow) didn’t matter anymore. Reinhart approved Biden’s (through Garland and Jay Bratt, now Jack Smith’s counselor) unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid on Trump.For presidential records Trump was allowed to have in the Office of the Former President, per the Presidential Records Act. In other words, Obama and Biden have politicized and weaponized law enforcement and intel agencies to interfere in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections against Trump. Because Obama and Biden know Trump has the goods on their ongoing Russian-collusion criminal conspiracy. The Trump 47 DOJ must deliver severe consequences.
100%. I’m really glad I was old enough to catch that era of basketball. The number of amazing players I’ve been able to watch in sports is crazy when I think about it.
One of my best friends and neighbor adopted ML Carr when he was a young boy when he lived in NC.

I have played golf with ML and talked to him on occasion at our clubhouse about his playing and coaching days in the NBA.

When I asked him who the best player he had ever played with or against he quickly told me that, by far, it was Larry Bird.

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One of my best friends and neighbor adopted ML Carr when he was a young boy when he lived in NC.

I have played golf with ML and talked to him on occasion at our clubhouse about his playing and coaching days in the NBA.

When I asked him who the best player he had ever played with or against he quickly told me that, by far, it was Larry Bird.
All of those guys from MJ to Magic will all tell you Bird is in the discussion for being a GOAT.

Memphis is a Shithole, but we knew that already.

One teen involved in the shootout, who was also killed, was arrested by the police back in March. He was found in a stolen vehicle with "an illegal modified semi-automatic weapon with a Glock switch attached" making it fully automatic. He was also charged for stealing two other vehicles. He was released at the time without bond.Joseph McKinney should be alive.

Look the FED/Government is Fucked - they put themselves in a pickle.

Printed so much money have to keep rates high to slow inflation.

Here is the problem...

When everyone was stoked about there 2.5% mortgage I kept saying you can not sustain an economy with rates this low.

Why because the Government was financing it's debt 2/5/10 year treasuries at +/- 1-1.5%

Now when that 2 Year/5Year/10 Year Debt comes due they are having to refinance it at a 400-500% increase or rates in the 4-5's currently.

That means the same payments increase by 4X-5X

Would be like me telling you that your mortgage payment is not 4-5 times your current payment - most in America would be fucked.

So the above happens when you need higher rates to tame inflation.


You can lower rates to refinance the Federal Debt but risk Hyper-Inflation.

Pick your poison...

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