Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The Donut Bacon Cheeseburger is a "Real Thing" at my favorite hamburger restaurant here in Medellin.

I haven't tried it yet - always get a double-burger as their smash-burgers come on a fresh soft-tasty bun. I'll put them up against most any burger place I know in Texas.

no shit Bobby

Meh it’s more than that. Boomers (of all political persuasions) took the spoils of the Greatest Generation and used them all up for themselves, not leaving much behind for Gen-X and beyond. It’s incredible that Boomers still maintain some of the highest levels in companies, working well into their 70s, yet holding immunity to whatever avalanche of change occurred in company pensions for younger workers. Selling houses for 1000% more than what they paid. I know interest rates were higher back then, but the value of the dollar was much greater. They are by far the most selfish generation to have ever existed in America. Prove me wrong.
I've heard this trope before. Bunch of silly-assed whiners with their hand out complaining they didn't get their fair share.

Boomers didn't take the spoils of the Greatest Generation and waste them. They used them to build a better world!

Gen X'rs and Millenials are LIVING it. They have computers, cell phones, internet, information at their fingertips that back in the day required HOURS of research in the library to amass just to write a term paper!

This is their opportunity to take those advanced tools and make something greater than riding in a buggy pulled by a horse!

Your 'problem' is not Boomers, nor the Greatest Generation. You are looking in the wrong direction and blaming the wrong people.

International banking is your enemy and until that gets sorted out we're all in for a penny!

The fiat debt-slave money system is the tool by which they rule and control your life.



Now, go forth and use the tools given to you and make something your offspring can be proud of!

The Donut Bacon Cheeseburger is a "Real Thing" at my favorite hamburger restaurant here in Medellin.

I haven't tried it yet - always get a double-burger as their smash-burgers come on a fresh soft-tasty bun. I'll put them up against most any burger place I know in Texas.

Place in mobile have the sugar rush burger.... I'm not brave enough to get it

I made the “mortgage professional” mad LULZ. Enjoy the ride with the boomer clients you’re sucking off as they cash out during this unprecedented time. I’m happy for you.

I think my point was largely lost on you, probably because I hit a nerve with your livelihood… Fair

I’ll simplify it…

Boomers operated in a reality where a 4 person household (Dad, Mom, and 2 kids) could live in a middle class neighborhood with one parent working. Gen-X and beyond cannot achieve that same scenario, unless well - that family is content living in a double-wide until the kids leave the nest. That one working parent could retire at age 55-60 with some crazy ass pension until they fucking die. Gen-X and beyond isn’t afforded that opportunity in the overwhelming majority of careers. That one working parent could afford to send those 2 kids to college - perhaps with some hardship / perhaps not - but they could actually do it and not have to lose their ass… Gen X and beyond has to essentially refinance their house to pull that off (again kudos for your line of work!). I could go on and on, but hopefully this helps..,
The point is not lost on me and no nerve was hit. The reality is I have worked many different jobs in my life and raised for kids with my wife never working for most of those years. I have bought houses and cars and somehow did that in spite of the evil boomers. My point is your anger is misplaced, not that it's not valid. Housing is out of control, but I think hedge funds buying a lions share of single family homes probably does more damage than some random 75yr old. Hell, my 22yr old nephew just bought a 400k house with no issue on payment. Union iron worker. What boomer is keeping him from that job? I can't speak for any other mortgage guy, but I do mostly clients under 40. All lines of work. I agree almost 100% with your conclusions about where we are now, just not why we are there.

Use of blood in the cement, mortar and concrete industry for obtaining a lightened material​


The present invention relates to the use of blood in the construction and building industry, whereby blood and extracts of blood containing haemoglobin are used as air entraining colloids. The recommended process for preparing a lightened material consists in associating a construction element chosen from the cements, mortars and concretes, with at least one air entraining colloid chosen from whole blood, globules, red blood corpuscles and haemoglobin. The invention also relates to the lightened material obtained according to this process.


This is pretty common. I have a project at a medium sized water treatment plant where we are roughly doubling the plant capacity, replacing a bunch of equipment including chemical feed systems and replacing the electrical and control systems. It’s a major overhaul and upgrade to a 30 year old facility.

The fluoride system is in this old beat up enclosure and it looks like it doesn’t run at all. The SCADA system says it runs. I’m skeptical. Nobody has even mentioned replacing or upgrading it.


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