Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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AlvearThe Khazarians were an ancient people who practiced Babylonian satanic black magick and child sacrifice in exchange for wealth and power.

Today they are a Zionist Babylonian Talmudic Hybrid religion who hijacked Judiasm as a cover.

The Rothschilds can be traced to the Khazars who were originally the Bauers.


AlvearThe Khazarians were an ancient people who practiced Babylonian satanic black magick and child sacrifice in exchange for wealth and power.

Today they are a Zionist Babylonian Talmudic Hybrid religion who hijacked Judiasm as a cover.

The Rothschilds can be traced to the Khazars who were originally the Bauers.

Watched a couple podcast on this.


This wall in Bay area Cali predates white men going to Cali. Even the native Americans living there said it was there before they were. There is weird shit on Catalina Island too. Giants with redhair... and the Khazars supposedly were redheaded and had giants too. It's wild to think.

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Who wore it better?
Shit came out of both.
Danny always had his leather briefcase with him. Had his personal notes and working papers. It was never found.

Based on blood spatter, the plastic bag, Danny's fear of sharp objects and blood, plus his sister committed suicide, He did not commit suicide. Autopsy was never completed and he was embalmed immediately. The Coroner is corrupt or lazy at best. The Police Captain was promoted to Chief. HQ FBI didn't get involved till way late and when they did the review they only went off of the paper work and couldn't turn over the suicided determination.

The lie is the Zapruder film editing by Nichols.
Mucha donki!!
Thats Bonairian for thank you, thank you very much! Haha Skol!
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I heard Jack Posobeic and Richard Baris talking today about how bullies used to be taken care of when somebody had a belly full of it and the bully got punched in the nose and took an ass kicking. That’s how I remember it when I was a kid growing up. It took care of itself and we policed it... Then they went on to talk about the “Anti-bullying” campaign and how it has produced a whole new kind of privileged, protected, and untouchable bully that is virtually impossible to get rid of…made a lot of sense to me. A lot of millennial white women fit that category…and they are unbearable when they don’t get their way. #JennaGriswold

The endless legal offensive against Musk paints a dark picture of America. In just the last few years San Francisco jury tried to fine Tesla $137 million because a black elevator operator at a factory supposedly heard Latino contractors make fun of him Delaware judge threw out Elon Musk's shareholder-approved pay package, saying he should have been working for free the whole time.-The Biden Administration sued SpaceX for not hiring enough refugees to work on its advanced, sensitive rocket The Biden Administration separately sued Musk for the same "discrimination" case in California that just received class action status.-The California Civil Rights Department is ALSO targeting Tesla in an investigation for supposed "discrimination."-Yet another lawsuit claims that SpaceX doesn't promote enough women or minorities within the company. Tesla and SpaceX are two of the most successful, innovative companies on planet Earth, and their explosive growth despite massive competition proves it. In response, America's establishment is trying to crush them, using civil rights laws as a weapon. People came after us hard for criticizing the Civil Rights Act and its effect on modern-day America. But every day, the Biden Administration and blue states are proving us correct. Civil rights laws have become a political weapon to impose mediocrity, crush innovation, attack the successful, and silence political dissent.
You branded him an insurrectionist only because of your bastardized definition of an insurrectionist. The SCOTUS defined it according to the Constitution which trumps you now and in the future.
Idiot. She conveys her sadness by concluding “ultimately it will be up to American voters to save our democracy in November”.

Which is as it should be. However, it is not as she desires.

Over the counter Supplements and Energy Drink warning! B12

CyanocoBALomine is literally poison (cyanide), it’s also made from literally raw human sewage.

It’s used in many energy drinks and in B12 supplements.

Just imagine what’s in the rest of the energy drinks and supplements.

Just remember, if it’s organic don’t panic.

So what is that guy selling??? I should be dead, then. I drink tons of that stuff every day in all sorts of means. Water additive, sport drink additive, energy shots, protein shakes, etc. I mean a LOT of it. Not a single ill effect . . . and it makes viagra look like a placebo. Great stuff.

Trumps Presidential Immunity Case will be heard by SCOTUS in April

Trump has been saying over and over again that the president should have “Absolute Immunity.”

And I think he’s saying that for a reason…

The entire point of this Immunity Case is to see if a sitting president is criminally immune from arrest, or prosecution for their crimes.

Has Trump committed any crimes?

How are all of his current indictments going? Not so well as they’re falling apart one by one.

I think this immunity case is not about HIM. It’s about Bush, Obama, and Clinton…

I can’t help but think what Trump and SCOTUS are doing is closing up the “Absolute Immunity” loop-holes not 100% clear in the Constitution to go after Obama, Clinton, and Bush.

So when SCOTUS rules sitting president’s DO NOT have “Absolute Immunity”, just some immunity, don’t be surprised when the MSM celebrates this and tries to frame it as Trump’s in trouble.

As Trump says…
• “they’ve opened Pandora’s box”.…
• “I caught the swamp. We have it all.”…
• “They’ve Broken the Veil. Now I’m allowed to do what has to be done”…
• “We found out things they don’t want us to know…”…
• Obama and others could be prosecuted…

Kinda feels like he is taking all of these slings and arrows for our country to set the precedent for the biggest boomerang in history.

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