Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Watching the Octopus Murders right now. Halfway through the second episode. Holy shit. It’s when watching shit like this that I do not like my country som much. My 27 year old son has been watching with me and asking a lot of questions. As much as I try to explain things, I don’t think he really understands any of it.
Hijacked my oldest daughters Netflicks account to watch this as i am not a paying sub. Anyway, the LAC knows this, but the key cabalist in all that was the same guy who was in Dallas at the plaza and the vp for RR. GHWB! I laughed when they questioned the dudes sanity and left it open ended. They tell you the truth while covering it in a vale of psychotic paranoia. Dude knew too much, fafo! Skol!
A man was telling his buddy over coffee, "You won't believe what happened last night. My daughter walked into the living room and said, "Dad, do not pay off my college tuition loan, cancel my allowance, throw away all my clothes and take my iPhone and laptop. In addition, please take all of my jewelry to the Salvation Army. Then, sell my car, take my front door key away from me and lock me out of your house. Then, disown me and never talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and leave my share to anyone you choose.

"Holy Smokes", replied the friend, "She actually said that?

The father replied, "Well, she didn't actually put it quite like that. I'm paraphrasing a little. "What she actually said was, Dad, meet my new boyfriend, Mohammed. We're going to work together on Biden's 2024 re-election campaign.
The Fani shenanigans is similar to the states trying to use the 14th amendment to keep DJY off the ballots. Her bogus prosecution of all the defendants should be dealt with similarly.
Fani and her boy toy Wade could very well expose Fulton Co GA as one of the most corrupt counties in America. Investigations into her have legs because Georgia's Judiciary system is currently the laughingstock of the world.
On the Texas ballot are several propositions and Constitutional amendments. One was to prevent dems from voting in GOP primaries and vice versa. How can they know if Texas doesn't require party registration? Unless that's coming. You cannot vote in one primary and crossover in any runoffs. That's because you have to declare which primary you are voting in. So they know for the runoffs.

The only way they can know is by requiring party registration which is something I personally am very much against. So I voted no to that one.
All this Fani Willis nonsense happened because of Affirmative Action.

When you push unqualified people into positions based upon racial equity you don't get the best of the best.

You get what you get and you don't throw a fit... unless you have the Constitution where one can legally slap the ever-loving shit out of them!
That’s a great site! Thanks for that! Did some perusing over the Q drops again. Buckle up! The next few years are going to be Biblical!
I had to take some time away to get my head right. Then a couple weeks ago I busted my ass and got hurt pretty badly again. Anyway I'll be back itt as much as I can for the foreseeable future.
All this Fani Willis nonsense happened because of Affirmative Action.

When you push unqualified people into positions based upon racial equity you don't get the best of the best.

You get what you get and you don't throw a fit... unless you have the Constitution where one can legally slap the ever-loving shit out of them!
As posted yesterday.
Watch the Octopus Murders on Netflix — it is LAC approved.
There is so much more......there will be a follow on, but it wont solve the casolero murder, it will however implicate the Reagan Administration. Won't be out for a while.

I will just put it out dad sat for 16 hours of interview and they used less than 4 minutes.



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