Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

And I Hereby Declare Colombia is the property of:

Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens​

See how easy it is now days to conquer a country.


Your Presidente and Favorite Loan Officer

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it blocks your appetite so you dont eat. If you dont eat your body has to burn something for energy. Its priorities are carbs, protien, then fat. Unless you are regularly using your muscle, and in the abcense of carbs, your body will burn muscle before tapping your fat stores. You will become skinny fat and when you stop and your appetite returns you will gain fat at an even faster pace becauae you have less muscle to burn the calories you are now eating. This drug will be in the same catagory as Phen Phen in the near future.

When I looked into this I came to the conclusion that tirzepatide is the better answer. It creates a liver and pancreas response using amino acids/peptides that triggers feeling satiated.

It’s been great for type 2 diabetics and metabolic issues in the studies. Weight loss is an off label use (EXPENSIVE!). Studies show that it decreases cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, enhances insulin sensitivity, among other things.
it blocks your appetite so you dont eat. If you dont eat your body has to burn something for energy. Its priorities are carbs, protien, then fat. Unless you are regularly using your muscle, and in the abcense of carbs, your body will burn muscle before tapping your fat stores. You will become skinny fat and when you stop and your appetite returns you will gain fat at an even faster pace becauae you have less muscle to burn the calories you are now eating. This drug will be in the same catagory as Phen Phen in the near future.
What is this nonsense? Are you from the USDA trying to peddle that horrible food pyramid?

Stop with the propaganda.
So giving $60B more to Ukraine will neutralize this? Laundering more of our $$ on yachts and mansions by Ukrainian gov't thieves on Earth will stop nukes in space. Scare tactics. Lots of repubes will use this to vote for the money. Does Speaker Johnson have the balls? All he has to do is rat hole the Senate bill.
If the Russian space nuke threat is real, sending more $$$ to Ukraine would only piss off Russia more. Completely illogical and the threat is a textbook Red Herring.


Joe Rogan Asks why the Hell our Government is Allowing the Border to be so Open

He gets a terrifying answer in return…

• There are two kinds of migrations happening right now…
1. One is a migration
2. The other one is a Chinese invasion… operating under the umbrella of the migration

• This Ploy to create voters is definitely plausible, but there is a darker scenario taking place in congress— they are trying to allow citizenship through military service

— The vaccine mandates drew out the skeptics and those who would not follow immoral orders

— This could allow illegals who have no affinity or allegiance for other Americans who would 100% follow immoral orders to impose tyranny

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