Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Bob pink eye Costas?

“It can be loaned on extraordinarily good terms, like no interest and an unlimited life, but a loan nevertheless. “The deal should be contingent that the U.S. is helping you, as a nation, but if the country we are helping ever turns against us, or strikes it rich sometime in the future, the loan will be paid off and the money returned to the United States. “We should never give money anymore without the hope of a payback, or without "strings" attached. The United States of America should be "stupid" no longer!”

No shit.

Murdered then raped.... notice the chain of events there.... This dude needs to be dismembered and shot back across the border from a catapult.

American girls aren't as 'aware' of danger as Mexican/South American girls.

They don't allow them to wander around freely as they do in America and for good reason.

She probably though "Hey, this guy is 'interested' in me." when she should have been getting away from him. Her 'mistake' was in trusting the guy.
American girls aren't as 'aware' of danger as Mexican/South American girls.

They don't allow them to wander around freely as they do in America and for good reason.

She probably though "Hey, this guy is 'interested' in me." when she should have been getting away from him. Her 'mistake' was in trusting the guy.
Bullshit my girl knows. Actually asked her yesterday why are women so gullible. Her reply was cause we like to find the best in people. All I could say was, "you know that's not right, right"
Bullshit my girl knows. Actually asked her yesterday why are women so gullible. Her reply was cause we like to find the best in people. All I could say was, "you know that's not right, right"
But I thought your girl knows?? :unsure:

Seriously, girls/women in the US are TOO TRUSTING especially when it comes to illegals.

That 20 yo gal didn't expect the illegal to kill her just as she wouldn't expect an American male to kill her.

My guess is he wanted to have sex, she didn't (typical behavior - maybe after a few dates?) and resisted his advances and he took advantage of her dead or alive! They have a different 'value system' from Americans.

Females in the south nations are escorted by a male, or female in the family, because they KNOW what lurks. They trust like they do in high schools. Sure they might 'fool around' with their boyfriend, but the education system doesn't teach them it's going to be a life, or death situation. They teach them sex ed and rubbers on bananas.

Reminds me of the cultural enrichment in France. French women no longer walk about fashionably dressed because they'll be raped, because those immigrants have a different value system!

Do a street view into one of the S. American towns and you'll see bars on the windows and doors and gated yards with walls. That tells you something.
But I thought your girl knows?? :unsure:

Seriously, girls/women in the US are TOO TRUSTING especially when it comes to illegals.

That 20 yo gal didn't expect the illegal to kill her just as she wouldn't expect an American male to kill her.

My guess is he wanted to have sex, she didn't (typical behavior - maybe after a few dates?) and resisted his advances and he took advantage of her dead or alive! They have a different 'value system' from Americans.

Females in the south nations are escorted by a male, or female in the family, because they KNOW what lurks. They trust like they do in high schools. Sure they might 'fool around' with their boyfriend, but the education system doesn't teach them it's going to be a life, or death situation. They teach them sex ed and rubbers on bananas.

Reminds me of the cultural enrichment in France. French women no longer walk about fashionably dressed because they'll be raped, because those immigrants have a different value system!

Do a street view into one of the S. American towns and you'll see bars on the windows and doors and gated yards with walls. That tells you something.
I’ve had the discussion with my girls about staying away from groups of people, especially certain people. Don’t care if it sounds racist, people in groups often act uncontrollably. Walk on the other side of the road. Stay away. Don’t talk to them. Fuck their feelings.

Please Do Yourself A Favor & Watch This. This Is Extremely Serious. Just Imagine How Far This Technology Has Come

Reporting Like This Disappeared From The Media, Everyone Needs To Wake Up

“At the U.S. Army Chemical Corp. Proving Ground, tests were conducted using an F-100 aircraft equipped with an experimental spray device developed by one of the large aviation companies. One purpose of these tests was to establish the feasibility of producing BW aerosols in the most effective particle size range as a low level line source from high speed aircraft.

Wind tunnel tests had shown that effective aerosols could be produced by discharging the BW agent into a high velocity airstream. To confirm the wind tunnel test data, an aerial mission was conducted using a VW incapacitating agent. Flying at subsonic speed, the f 100 disseminated the liquid agent along a 15 mile line upwind of the test grid. Data from these tests were used to determine the effective coverage that could be expected with an operational type spray system employing the basic principles of the experimental device. This study showed that 1 fighter aircraft flying on the deck and dispensing 2 wing tanks of a liquid BW agent would cause infection in more than 50% of the populace in an area 125 miles long by 30 miles deep.

3 large aircraft could release sufficient agent to infect over 50% of the people in an area equivalent to a belt 140 miles wide extending from New York to Chicago, comparable to the total area of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana.”

Again, just imagine how far this technology has progressed.
American girls aren't as 'aware' of danger as Mexican/South American girls.

They don't allow them to wander around freely as they do in America and for good reason.

She probably though "Hey, this guy is 'interested' in me." when she should have been getting away from him. Her 'mistake' was in trusting the guy.
Not sure if the same story I saw an interview with the mother (which is fucking sad that there might me be more than one murder then rape) but I believe the daughter had rented a room at a trailer to start out on her own. She was working and going to school and wanted her own place but couldn't afford one by herself. This dude was apparently friends with one of the other roommates and was always there. She kept her door locked and stayed out of the common area when he was there. One night dude just got too blasted on some shit and got ultra violent.

Murdered then raped.... notice the chain of events there.... This dude needs to be dismembered and shot back across the border from a catapult.

Ohio Sheriff Richard K. Jones Warning The Amercian People

After Meeting With Director Of The FBI Christopher Wray, Sheriff Says The Illegal Immigrants Entering America Will Do Us Harm “It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when”

“China has safe houses in every state in the United States”

“They’re bringing something here to cause us harm. You have to believe that. China has safe houses in every state in the United States. My name is Rick Jones. I'm the Butler County Sheriff, Butler County, Ohio. I just came back from the National Sheriff's Training in D.C. three days ago, two days ago. We were briefed by the FBI director Ray, the director of the FBI, and several federal agencies. There's 3,300 sheriffs in the United States.

The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs of the 3,300. We have a hierarchy. We have a president. We have a vice president. The President of the United States refuses to meet with the sheriffs.

He also refuses to meet with the police chiefs of the United States. They have a hierarchy also. He refuses to meet with them to talk about border issues or talk about crime that's going on because of the border issue. We were also told by Mr. Ray, the FBI director, that there are more red flags going off now than before 9-11. Okay?

When I say red flags, meaning people that are here in this country that are wanting to do harm to us. We were also explained we're bombing two countries right now. Two countries. These people do not like us before this started. There's thousands of people here from other countries, 160 different countries. They're here not to be our friends.

Some of them are coming because they're wanting to come here to the best country in the world, the way we see it. Some are coming here to do harm to us. And we were told by the FBI director, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. We were also told five sheriffs went to Israel five weeks after the attack. The only thing that saved the Israelis, their government was the local police. They were outgunned, outmanned. They came over. The Palestinians did. They came over. They killed, raped. The sheriffs were there. They talked to the police. The local police are what saved that country. You can't just call, even in Israel, you can't just call the military up, and they're going to be there, okay? They went house to house, raping, killing. The Israeli police.

When our guys got there, the sheriffs said, they just don't hate us. They hate you guys equally. And the same people that train them are the same people that train people to hate us.

The FBI director said when 9-11 hit, there's more red flags now than then. So, and he said, these are people that want to kill us and do harm to us. Now, so you're wondering, I want everybody to know what I know.

I can't tell you everything, but I want the public to know that we are in a terrible way right now. The United States, and I'm going to get to the local.

The United States, we're on the defense. You can't be just defense and not have an offense. We have no offense. We're just defense. We're absorbing these attacks. We're in other countries. We're supplying them with weapons. We're supplying them with our treasure, our money. And we're not doing much back home. So.

With that in mind, we were also told that they're going, this is from the federal government, three days ago. They're going to attack our elections”

I can’t transcribe this all due to X’s text limits but I highly recommend listening to this whole thing.
But I thought your girl knows?? :unsure:

Seriously, girls/women in the US are TOO TRUSTING especially when it comes to illegals.

That 20 yo gal didn't expect the illegal to kill her just as she wouldn't expect an American male to kill her.

My guess is he wanted to have sex, she didn't (typical behavior - maybe after a few dates?) and resisted his advances and he took advantage of her dead or alive! They have a different 'value system' from Americans.

Females in the south nations are escorted by a male, or female in the family, because they KNOW what lurks. They trust like they do in high schools. Sure they might 'fool around' with their boyfriend, but the education system doesn't teach them it's going to be a life, or death situation. They teach them sex ed and rubbers on bananas.

Reminds me of the cultural enrichment in France. French women no longer walk about fashionably dressed because they'll be raped, because those immigrants have a different value system!

Do a street view into one of the S. American towns and you'll see bars on the windows and doors and gated yards with walls. That tells you something.
She does. She's got a mouth on her but she knows.
Give this a gander - fastest economic education you'll ever get!

GDP measures SPENDING, not wealth!

💣 Debtocalypse: Defusing Debt Time Bomb! 💸

0:00 Introduction
1:00 US Debt - Ticking Time Bomb
1:44 We Don’t Often Agree
2:23 Even Jerome Powell Agrees
2:48 Rough Year so Far in Global Markets
3:34 Goldman: Rate Cut Forecast
4:15 CPI vs PCE
4:38 True Inflation #Truflation
4:56 GDP Blistering Growth - But there’s a Catch!
5:45 GDP Range Projection
6:32 $3 in Debt to Create $1 in Output
7:49 Even Worse - 10 Cents Return Per Dollar of Debt
9:04 Interest Projection
9:50 US Interest Compared to Other Expenses
11:00 Earth - a World of Debt
12:01 44% of Office CRE is Under Water
13:31 Who Owns What Assets?
14:54 Delinquencies Skyrocketing, Liquidity Needed
16:00 US Household Debt - Fighting Inflation w DEBT
17:13 Distribution of Consumer Debt
18:13 Distribution of Assets
19:22 Canada’s Debt Problem
19:50 EU’s Debt Problem
20:29 Weakest Hiring on Record - Jan 2024
21:13 US Bank Exposures to CRE Crisis - new ATH
21:33 With BTFP Ending, These Banks Could Go Under
22:18 ISM Pops Due to Red Sea Calamity
23:05 In Good Macro News
23:11 We Have Insurance - Bitcoin Liferaft
23:32 In Good Post Covidian News
24:01 Rates Falling! Perhaps $$$ Flows into Stocks?
24:27 Explaining the $6T into Stocks


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