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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021

This happens all over and much of the time. She is not the first to campaign about law and order but lied throughout then started paying back her benefactors once she got her hands on the money. We see that continuously in Congress...US and 50 states. In Dallas, decades ago, when single member districts replaced at-large elections. Many of the newly elected minority politicians came out and said it was time they started reaping the "benefits" like all the N Dallas whites had done. Several of those same minority pols have also found their way into jail for graft and corruption. Several of the worst offenders have also escaped punishment.


Jan 8, 2021
EU farmers' protests force EU Parliament to back down, temporarily, on their destructive Green New Deal. Much like DEI in the US, EU greenies will simply take their economic strangling edicts behind closed doors. These are the same pols who fly around the globe in private jets, travel in limo convoys, and wine and dine in 5-star restaurants---all at taxpayer expense. Do as we say---not as we do.


The farmers said they will not retreat. Nor will they run out of shit to spray on the imposers. That's one of the reasons they want to reduce cattle farts and herd size.


Dec 1, 2020
Watching Pedo Joe face an honest media today was immensely

He deserved every bit of it

I hope it continues till he screams the N word

I know this is the Democrats dumping him

Don’t care. I laughed
This kind of laugh?


I will now throw up as she may become the President


Jan 8, 2021


Dec 1, 2020


Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
Last night I watched one of my favorite old movies, The Cain Mutiny. I can’t help but wonder if this is an example of a normal interaction with Biden inside the WH.

Great movie.

But Biden isn’t in control of anything. Never has been. People should refuse to go along with tossing Biden overboard as there is no new information being provided. Everybody knew he lost his marbles before the election and nothing has changed.

Don’t forget, Biden decided to run because orange man bad. Orange man is still bad, so Biden should stay in the race.


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021


Jan 9, 2021


Your Favorite Loan Officer
Dec 9, 2020
After Losing Multiple 4 & 5 Star Players in the Portal Bama Loses OC After 1st Month

He Has Been the "Brains" Behind Kalen DeBoer's Offensive Success as His OC at Every Stop Deboer Has Made

Let's See How He Does Without Him

Bolted Out of Tuscaloosa After Just One Month

He's Taking Your New OL Coach With Him Too

Bammer's Please Share Your Favorite Ryan Grubb Moment at Alabama

You're University Fucked Up Not Getting Kiffin or Mike Norvell

Going to Be a Clown Show for a While in Tuscaloosa


Jan 8, 2021

It's OK to have fraud in US elections but woe be to fraud in foreign elections. Idiot Senator.

I guess I moved out of Downtown H-Town at about the right time.

Corner Streets of My Old Loft

View attachment 212460

Downtown Traffic Jam for Next Several Years

View attachment 212461

Ghetto Nightclub Opened Across the Street - No One Can Sleep
View attachment 212462

View attachment 212463

View attachment 212464

View attachment 212468

If You Live in a Big City - Get Out While You Can
I-10 was under construction when I lived in Houston 40 years ago. We joked it was a lifetime jobs program. Now it's become a multi-generation jobs program.


Dec 1, 2020

OK I'll take a stab at it BEGINNING to tell you just how bad this is...Prosecutors at ANY LEVEL, county, state or federal, are very well aware it is a major breach of a defendant's rights to be sharing their prosecution evidence directly with the press.Until a defendant is declared GUILTY, GUILTY GUILTY by a jury? The PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE takes precedence. This is why prosecutors by law and by rule use the SECRET GRAND JURY SYSTEM to investigate potential defendants for accused crimes. Did you know MANY people who are investigated for serious crimes by a secret grand jury are never charged because either the accusation is found to be false or there simply isn't enough concrete evidence for the grand jury to return an indictment or for the prosecutor to pursue the case in court? ITS TRUE.So protecting the names of the people investigated who are never charged with anything is of paramount importance. And I'm pretty fucking sure from what I'm seeing right now, this vapid bitch was sharing all her info and evidence with this reporter [and maybe other members of the media] long before this stuff got to the trial phase. She was sharing secret grand jury material with reporters. Absolutely fucking stunning if she did this, and based on everything ELSE she's been caught doing, I would not rule it. I would say there is a very STRONG possibility she shared grand jury materials and deliberations on people NEVER INDICTED with the press. And even if suspects did have an indictment returned against them by the grand jury, Willis has violated the right of confidentiality by sharing evidence against them with reporters before the unsealing of their indictment, and then during the discovery phase, which is where the defendant's cases are at currently. There is a REASON stuff is done confidentially and under seal during the grand jury, indictment, arraignment and discovery phases of a prosecution before a trial actually starts in the courtroom. ONLY ONCE THE TRIAL STARTS is anybody not directly involved in the case supposed to be seeing what the state's case is against the accused.So when a prosecutor is able to convince a grand jury there is enough evidence to sustain an indictment of a prospective defendant, after that indictment is unsealed in court and the defendant has legal counsel present and enters a plea, MOST IF NOT ALL of the state's case against the accused is kept strictly under wraps until the trial begins. This is to PROTECT THE RIGHTS of the accused. Only **AFTER** the state's full case against the accused has been aired in court before a jury or judge, does anybody outside the court, the defendant's team or the prosecution team get to see what all the evidence is. So what happened here was direct violation of the rights of every single defendant going to trial in these cases in Fulton County GA. A prosecutor before discovery is even finished in all these cases, sharing the evidence with the press in secret is not only grounds for dismissing all of the cases, Willis is going to be EXTREMELY LUCKY if she does not get disbarred and sent to prison for a brief term, likely a few months. Everybody who expected the next 10 months in GA to be filled with scenes of Trump and his codefendants hysterically trying to fend off the heroic and noble public servant Fani Willis is she closes in on them and begins sending them to prison?CONGRATULATIONS! You're about to spend the next 10 months watching a VERY VERY DIFFERENT MOVIE from the one you expected.


Dec 1, 2020
After Losing Multiple 4 & 5 Star Players in the Portal Bama Loses OC After 1st Month

He Has Been the "Brains" Behind Kalen DeBoer's Offensive Success as His OC at Every Stop Deboer Has Made
You're University Fucked Up Not Getting Kiffin or Mike Norvell
Going to Be a Clown Show for a While in Tuscaloosa

Bammer's Please Share Your Favorite Ryan Grubb Moment at Alabama

You're University Fucked Up Not Getting Kiffin or Mike Norvell

Going to Be a Clown Show for a While in Tuscaloosa



Jan 8, 2021

OK I'll take a stab at it BEGINNING to tell you just how bad this is...Prosecutors at ANY LEVEL, county, state or federal, are very well aware it is a major breach of a defendant's rights to be sharing their prosecution evidence directly with the press.Until a defendant is declared GUILTY, GUILTY GUILTY by a jury? The PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE takes precedence. This is why prosecutors by law and by rule use the SECRET GRAND JURY SYSTEM to investigate potential defendants for accused crimes. Did you know MANY people who are investigated for serious crimes by a secret grand jury are never charged because either the accusation is found to be false or there simply isn't enough concrete evidence for the grand jury to return an indictment or for the prosecutor to pursue the case in court? ITS TRUE.So protecting the names of the people investigated who are never charged with anything is of paramount importance. And I'm pretty fucking sure from what I'm seeing right now, this vapid bitch was sharing all her info and evidence with this reporter [and maybe other members of the media] long before this stuff got to the trial phase. She was sharing secret grand jury material with reporters. Absolutely fucking stunning if she did this, and based on everything ELSE she's been caught doing, I would not rule it. I would say there is a very STRONG possibility she shared grand jury materials and deliberations on people NEVER INDICTED with the press. And even if suspects did have an indictment returned against them by the grand jury, Willis has violated the right of confidentiality by sharing evidence against them with reporters before the unsealing of their indictment, and then during the discovery phase, which is where the defendant's cases are at currently. There is a REASON stuff is done confidentially and under seal during the grand jury, indictment, arraignment and discovery phases of a prosecution before a trial actually starts in the courtroom. ONLY ONCE THE TRIAL STARTS is anybody not directly involved in the case supposed to be seeing what the state's case is against the accused.So when a prosecutor is able to convince a grand jury there is enough evidence to sustain an indictment of a prospective defendant, after that indictment is unsealed in court and the defendant has legal counsel present and enters a plea, MOST IF NOT ALL of the state's case against the accused is kept strictly under wraps until the trial begins. This is to PROTECT THE RIGHTS of the accused. Only **AFTER** the state's full case against the accused has been aired in court before a jury or judge, does anybody outside the court, the defendant's team or the prosecution team get to see what all the evidence is. So what happened here was direct violation of the rights of every single defendant going to trial in these cases in Fulton County GA. A prosecutor before discovery is even finished in all these cases, sharing the evidence with the press in secret is not only grounds for dismissing all of the cases, Willis is going to be EXTREMELY LUCKY if she does not get disbarred and sent to prison for a brief term, likely a few months. Everybody who expected the next 10 months in GA to be filled with scenes of Trump and his codefendants hysterically trying to fend off the heroic and noble public servant Fani Willis is she closes in on them and begins sending them to prison?CONGRATULATIONS! You're about to spend the next 10 months watching a VERY VERY DIFFERENT MOVIE from the one you expected.

This entire Get Trump at all levels of local, state and federal levels is being coordinated by the WH, DNC, AG, FBI, etc. None of Trump's rights are being protected. In fact, they are continually being abused. Then there is Stacy the Pig Abrams and her relatives.

There appear to be leakers all over. If the MSM were the only voices in town none of this would be known about. That's the beauty of the "alternative media".


Dec 1, 2020
This entire Get Trump at all levels of local, state and federal levels is being coordinated by the WH, DNC, AG, FBI, etc. None of Trump's rights are being protected. In fact, they are continually being abused. Then there is Stacy the Pig Abrams and her relatives.

There appear to be leakers all over. If the MSM were the only voices in town none of this would be known about. That's the beauty of the "alternative media".
Yep this pic posted by @Goldhedge sums it up well.



Dec 1, 2020


Dec 1, 2020



Dec 1, 2020
^^confirms Tucker was right^^



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