Gavin is 'positioning' for the nod.Cameltoe will move up. Who replaces her as VP? Big Mike or Hildebitch? Once in office they'll get rid of Cameltoe. Either Big Mike or Hildebitch will move up. If Big Mike, they'll lift his dress and expose him for the world to see and then jettison him for Hilde whom they really want.
Re: removing Trump from CO ballot.
"The state clearly did not think through the implications of its actions, but U.S. Supreme Court justices have."
Of course they didn't. This was 100% political in nature and likely at the behest of the WH, DNC, billionaire donors and others. Lesser, it was about interfering with Trump's campaign and forcing him to spend millions and time defending himself.
The attorney representing CO was not ready for prime time.
i remember the pro-labor faction of the Dem party. Wondering where they have disappeared to ...
One Mississippi two MississippiI’m sure Putin was counting to 17 as he sat just so he’s put it down to send a signal.
NYC cop assailant becomes a crying little piss baby when arrested