Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Was this the real insurrection, or is it ALL a cover?

Why was he sworn in early?
Why did Trump not attend?
Why did Trump leave with the football?
Why did Biden get the wrong salute while Trump got 21 guns?
Why were NG brought in?
Why the fences and barbed wire?
Why was Lady Gaga dressed as a Hunger Games character?
Why so many EOs reversing EVERYTHING the first few weeks?
Why open the border?
Why does Joe look different?
Why did Trump say it wasn't him? That he is shot?
Why was Trump endicted 91 times?
Why was Mar A Lago raided?
Why did Trump say they were the ones who were really under investigation?
Why did Trump say we are kind of in his second term now?
Why was Trump introduced as 45, 46 and 47th President?
Why did Russia go into Ukraine?
Why fall up stairs and off of bikes?
Why are foreign leaders fist bumping Biden?
Why does the DECLASS of corruption seem to be coming out so strategically?

This list of questions could go on for weeks..

With all due respect. I believe it takes an unsurpassable amount of cognitive dissonance to write these questions off as normal.

Especially after Trump explained the PAUSE.

Q told us: Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.

So what the hell is happening?

Is this all just a coincidence? You tell me.

Just been sent this not necessarily endorsing…THERE IS NO SARSCOV2 VIRUS

And hence, there is no Covid19 Pandemic

It is all a huge fraud

All thanks to a wonderful German Engineer, Marvin Haberland, and a great American researcher Christine Massey and an incredible German biologist, Dr Stefan Lanka and many others

Christine has proved through hundreds of FOI requests and responses, that the SARSCOV2 virus has never been isolated anywhere in the World

See and and the hundreds of FOI’s on Christine’s website

When Greg Hunt, the then Australian Federal Health Minister was questioned in the Australian Parliament by Solihin Millin he responded with a pathetic letter (see stating he was unable to prove the explicit existence of the SARSCOV2 virus other than through citing the results of a single pseudo-scientific experiment carried out by the Doherty Institute associated with the University of Melbourne in Australia

For the results of a scientific experiment to be validated a second precisely similar experiment must be carried out without introducing the supposed causative agent, in the case of the Doherty Institute, a human sample supposed to be infected with the SARSCOV2 virus

Marvin Haberland was astute enough to question this Doherty Institute pseudo-experiment, and the Doherty Institute under FOI (Freedom of Information) confirmed that the Doherty Institute never carried out a control experiment, thereby scientifically invalidating there findings

Further, a great German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka showed through running the missing Doherty Institute control experiment that the results using a placebo (inert substance) resulted in exactly the same experimental outcome. (see

Marvin Haberland was fined by the German Covid19 authorities and refused to pay the fine, so he was taken to court

Here is his complaint (translated into English)

Marvin Haberlandhas won his case in Germany heard on the 26th April 2023

This is now hard scientific and legal evidence for MAHA to raise in our up and coming Australian Federal Court Class Action that the SARSCOV2 virus does not exist

Hence Covid19 does not exist since it is meant to be caused by the non-existent SARSCOV2 virus

And hence Covid19 is a total fraudIn addition there is a great deal of proof that the PCR test and associated false positives that was used to create the false Covid19 cases, is completely false and cannot be used to test for a disease

A Portuguese court confirmed this – see

As did a request for retraction of the original Drostin paper recommending the PCR test to test for SARSCOV2 and hence Covid19 (see and

Further huge amounts of evidence are available to MAHA confirming that the Covid19 Plandemic has been falsely constructed to enable the distribution of otherwise illegal, dual purpose gain of function poisonous bio-warfare mRNA based nanotechnology gene altering injections and other lethal and harmful nano substances by the United States of America Department of Defence

What has been called the SARSCOV2 virus is a chimeric (made by humans) in silico (only exists in computers, created by human imagination) biological poison developed for bio-warfare. (see

We’ve won

In addition we have hard evidence that the Australian TGA has hidden death statistics in order to support the false Australian Government Covid19 injection narrative. (see and

With these simple facts which will be presented via the MAHA Class Action to the Australian Federal Court we have proved the falsity of the entire Covid19 Plandemic

You are about to be compensated for this hugely destructive shocking lethal and injurious fraud that the Australian Governments have inflicted on us all

The there is no virus stance is silly.
I am currently reading a book titled "The Handbook of 5GW" (5th Generational Warfare). I have yet to read General Michael Flynn's book on the same topic but it is next on my list. Anyways, part of the book talks about NBIC technologies being used in 5GW (Nano, Bio, Informational, and Cognitive). I think I speak for most on this board when I say that all of these are currently being used against us, with nano and bio coming in the form of COVID and the vaccines for it. Now, I am a big fan of the series of Jason Bourne movies, and something the book talked about was discussed in The Bourne Legacy from 2012. In a scene Rachel Weisz who plays the doctor/researcher is talking to Renner (Bourne) and she talks about how their research enabled them to increase the cellular mitochondria by 1% in each cell, dramatically increasing the Treadstone/Blackbriar personnel's energy and physical abilities. Well folks, that ain't science fiction or movie stuff. That shit is for real. The 5GW book was published in 2010, 2 years before the movie. The book talks about how DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) was working on this 13 years ago. I've always kinda scoffed at the notion that Chyna has been trying to engineer a race of "super soldiers" that are genetically enhanced as I thought that tech was not possible. It appears I am wrong. I would imagine that such abilities to alter the human genome to the degree of increasing cellular mitochondria falls under nano and bio. I would also imagine that somewhere in a lab either in the US or Chyna, they have had success in doing this. Scary shit my friends. Perhaps stocking up on guns and ammo (not that I'm doing that, I had a tragic boating accident) won't matter too much for the future.
I am currently reading a book titled "The Handbook of 5GW" (5th Generational Warfare). I have yet to read General Michael Flynn's book on the same topic but it is next on my list. Anyways, part of the book talks about NBIC technologies being used in 5GW (Nano, Bio, Informational, and Cognitive). I think I speak for most on this board when I say that all of these are currently being used against us, with nano and bio coming in the form of COVID and the vaccines for it. Now, I am a big fan of the series of Jason Bourne movies, and something the book talked about was discussed in The Bourne Legacy from 2012. In a scene Rachel Weisz who plays the doctor/researcher is talking to Renner (Bourne) and she talks about how their research enabled them to increase the cellular mitochondria by 1% in each cell, dramatically increasing the Treadstone/Blackbriar personnel's energy and physical abilities. Well folks, that ain't science fiction or movie stuff. That shit is for real. The 5GW book was published in 2010, 2 years before the movie. The book talks about how DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) was working on this 13 years ago. I've always kinda scoffed at the notion that Chyna has been trying to engineer a race of "super soldiers" that are genetically enhanced as I thought that tech was not possible. It appears I am wrong. I would imagine that such abilities to alter the human genome to the degree of increasing cellular mitochondria falls under nano and bio. I would also imagine that somewhere in a lab either in the US or Chyna, they have had success in doing this. Scary shit my friends. Perhaps stocking up on guns and ammo (not that I'm doing that, I had a tragic boating accident) won't matter too much for the future.
Holy lack of spacing batman
I’m here to ask for prayers for my sister. I’ve posted about her before. She suffered two brain bleeds last summer due to a ruptured cavernoma in her brainstem (we believe as a result of the vaccine). She was not affected mentally, just physically. She has been confined to a wheelchair, has double vision, limited use of her hands, and limited communication. She has had at least a dozen surgeries since last summer, including a surgery on her foot 6 weeks ago and is currently limited to her bed as she recovers (she cannot put any weight on it) and this has taken a toll on her physically and mentally (and she will be on bed rest for at least 3 more weeks). My mom broke down crying yesterday saying she thinks my sister does not have much longer to live based on her low energy, limited eating, and breathing. I’m praying it is just a bug (her kids have been sick). She said several months ago that she just wanted to die but as recently as last week she has been wanting more therapies and she firmly said she does not want to die.
My sister is a mom to four daughters (ages 15, 12, the second youngest turned 10 yesterday, and the youngest will be 7 in January). All she wants in life is to be a good mom and wife. Can you please pray for miraculous healing? She just turned 41 at the end of November. I can’t image life without my sister. She is the heart of our family. Thank you for reading and thank you for praying.
Prayers sent for your sister, Brother.
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